View Full Version : Airbus A320 Engine Master Switch Dimensions

03-02-2009, 05:57 PM
Can some one who has A320 Engine Master Switch help me a little?

I need Engine Master Switch dimentions. Height, width and different diameter of different section of the neck.

On the pictures I attach you can find height and diameter.
You can just write eks:
2 - 22mm
A - 15mm and so on..

Please include more dimensions if I forgot one.

I will be very greatfull for help :)

03-03-2009, 05:46 PM
No one? I know you guys have it. Please help :roll:

03-03-2009, 05:50 PM
Dont have a clue about the sizes but simparts do them


03-04-2009, 05:53 AM
Thanx, but it is still 30Euro witch is ALOT of money for a little switch.

Michael Carter
03-04-2009, 09:58 AM
Sometimes the price of realism is high.

03-04-2009, 10:04 AM
If you need more than one, then order one and leave it to somebody to make a copy of it. :)

03-04-2009, 10:13 AM
If everyone did that then the kind folks that invest their life savings creating businesses to supply us our badly needed parts would be out of business. Try to keep in mind pricing out just the switch cobver itself for the real A320 is over $1000 in my opinion $30 euros is not a bad deal. Its like this if you want to save money fly RC planes if you want to enjoy the true world of commercial aviation besides getting a CPL/APL then build a deck but expect the cost of realism not to come cheap. I can say this because almost a decade of building and spending close to $100,000 on creating a deck. And then selling parts off to star a businesss, and buying parts its an addiction but its a very elite club that is free to join but costs alot to be a true member :)


03-04-2009, 07:48 PM
Sometimes when I justify spending money on small part details like this I think to myself ... Well my hobby could be motor racing, and all of a sudden that part becomes cheap :-)

03-05-2009, 10:58 AM
Stic to topic!!

I am sorry that I am not ELITE and I am not so rich as you guys.
I am sorry becouse I find it more pleasure creating parts by my self other then buying finish ones.

I thought I can get help here, can I?

So you guys mean that if I am am not ELITE then I am not welcome here?

And again, STICK TO TOPIC!!!

03-05-2009, 12:52 PM
Hi there,

dont get so exited. People are here to help when they can.
advising you to buy the switch is also a way to help out, you know.
it is your choice how you will obtain somthing. I am also no a rich person
and cant afford too much for a hobby. So I have also build the airbus switches
myself but I accept them as they are made. They are probably not even 90%
of the real switch but they do for me.
You can see then at my photos in the gallery.
Attached to this post is the picture I have printed out in big and I started to
guess measurements from the pics in www.simpit.de
I'll see if I can find back the printed picture with the measurements, if I did not throw
it yet. Attached is the large pic of the switch.
Hope this helps.

Greetz Peter

PS: making s switch like this is not easy and copying it from an original also
costs in moulding material and Pu material. So to make an original copy :-)
is not that cheap. Also, companies making this still need to pay taxes on the
income they get. Thats why 30 $ for such a switch is reasonable.
Just my 2 cents

04-23-2009, 02:42 AM
I'm going to have to agree here. I find the world of sim building to be an intel war where people who have information hoarde it with intentions of profit, which is not how this hobby started.
And remember, regardless of their taxes, that's a large markup and shipping cost for a part's of which the material value is worth 5$ tops, It would be costly to go through the trouble of moulding it, but i don't think he intends to do that. This is as simple and cheap as turing some steel on a lathe.
PM me if you still need those dimensions. Incidentally, I was going to swing by the cockpit sometime soon anyway to measure the engine start panel to make one for my sim.

04-23-2009, 11:18 AM
I would agree that there are people who have information we ask for, and they wont give it up no matter how much we ask. But that is a choice they make, and are entitled to do so. I had they same issue with the throttle dimensions. But if someone has gone to the trouble (A LOT of trouble) of designing a throttle unit and builds it to sell I see no problem with that. I wish they would just hand over all of the info so I can copy it, but it's a their choice if they don't, and you have respect all ofthe research and hard work someone puts into that. My throttle will never be that good, but using photos I have found here and elsewhere I will come up with something usable and witing my limited budget.

Since even these commercial units are copied from the real ones, IMHO there would be no sin in copying a unit purchased from a sim parts vendor, after all, they copied it from the real thing, it's not an original design they own. If you look around on youtube and instrucables you will find plenty of articles on how to make your own parts. I have made some great parts with cast aluminum as well as using JB Weld as a material for casting. The JB Weld parts come out great.

M.Carter also has a good point about authenticty. If you are replicating a part for authenicity then the price is the price. If you can't figure out how to make it you must buy it. I am not so much focused on 100% authenticity as I am functionality. A plain toggle switch will suffice if I can't buy/find/build a replica.

Being elite in and of itself does not qualify a group or individual as having any positive or desireable qualities. History is full of elite groups and individuals that have brought destruction to humans. Dictators and serial killers could be considered elite groups.

If you wanted to assume that being considered elite (even if only by it's members) was an indication of having positive or desirebale qualities, then it would still in my opinion be incorrect to associate the elite status with the amount of money an object or activity costs to be considered a member of that group. People that own one or more paintings by one of the classic masters might be considered an elite group, unless compared to the truly elite group of folks that actually painted them. Under that scenario and comparison the owners of such artworks would be considered pedestrian at best. Much the same could be argued for us builders of cockpits, playing with our 'make-believe' airplanes that we copy from real ones.

IMHO what might make this group of builders on this forum elite are the capabilities and creativity that they bring to the table, along with the willingness to share. When I look at the stuff some of these folks actually build, (not buy), I feel humble and intimidated. I try and build my own parts when I can, and by comparison my own meager skills are pale and child-like. These individuals are in my eyes part of an elite group indeed.

You can buld a sim without taking a second mortgage on your home, or if you don't have a 7-figure salary, but might take longer than someone who can just run out and buy all the kits to assemble, and you might have to make some things yourself. Like warvet said, he's been building 10 years and still spent $100k.

Matt Olieman
04-23-2009, 11:35 AM
I had some made at a local machine from drawings I made. I had to have 12 made to keep the price at $50 each. That's without the switch.

Believe me, Tim didn't buy his parts overnight, nor did I. So you don't have to be rich to buy expensive parts, you just have to be patient and buy a piece at a time.

I've been at it for over a decade and still buying parts. Yeah, sure, people looked at my cockpit and the first question that comes out of their mouth is, "How much?" I won't tell them, because they think they have to come up with the bucks at one time to build a pit.

Take baby steps, one step at a time. Save up the $60 and buy two switches. Once you get them in the mail, that's the greatest feeling, you're one step closer to a completed pit.

Matt Olieman

04-23-2009, 11:42 AM
Hi Buddym,

I couldnt have said it better.....:-)

The thing is that if you want everything to be as close as the real thing ... a lot of money should be spent.
What I try to do is to make it all functional. When that step is done, I fly and use my cockpit
and if some money is available or a nice opportunity comes a long I replace a self build part with something better looking. That keeps me going... with flying and making the pit look nicer all the time. Like for this year my budget is already spent on a new PC to run FS. So the only improvement on the pit this year will be very minor. last year I spent my budget on two second hand elite FDS MCDUs, the year before that a second hand FDS elite overhead and so on...

Greetz Peter

04-23-2009, 02:15 PM

I just want to say something about the things written here about companys doing business with cockpit parts. I can only write on my point of view. Doing a switch like the A320 Engine starter starts with modelling the switch in 3D. We are doing so because of copyright reasons. Then you need to have one model prototyped for 150-220 Euros depending on the size and number. Then you need to have silicon (1Kg for 50-100 Euro) depending what silicon you use. Then the Resin or liquid metal to do the switch. Then the engraving material for the top plate. You have to sell many switches to get the material and prerunning costs back. And there is still no time calculated to do a switch. The locking switch itself has to be bought. So in the end I think 30 Euros is ok for a little more realism.

regards Jörg

04-23-2009, 02:21 PM


Matt Olieman
04-23-2009, 02:30 PM


Goose, I guess I don't understand what you are thinking or how you are perceiving what is being said. We got a communication gap here.

No one is trying to feed you bunch of bull, they're just sharing experiences with you.

J&W he's coming from a vendors point of view and his cost to manufacture that switch.

I think you're taking this the wrong way.

Perhaps just best not to take this thread any further, because it isn't helping you. Although folks are trying.

Matt Olieman

PS and you switched your comment at least three times

04-23-2009, 02:47 PM
Just shoot me an email and I can send you the pdf with dimensions we are using.

regards Jörg

04-23-2009, 03:29 PM
Matto, yes I switched. Because I didn’t agree with myself the reaction on last 10 posts. Sometimes, I react before I think, therefore so many changes.

And talk about elite clubs and stuff like that, how can answer for it? I will never take talk like that seriously, so better not to speak.

Therefore hehehe and ........ are the only thinks I can write.

Sorry for that Matto. Sorry for posting stupid questions…

JW. Thank you for willing to help, but I already got dimensions.