View Full Version : Hello everybody from mexico

03-05-2009, 09:07 PM
Brand new member from mexico

03-06-2009, 12:36 AM
Hola nuevo miembro Vic,
Mucho gusto en conocerte. Bienvenido a este foro y a este hobby. Si necesitas algo no dudes en pedir ayudar. Se que disfrutaras tu tiempo aqui pues somos un grupo de personas maravillosas con mucha informacion acerca de simulador. Buena suerte en tu nuevo proyecto.

tu nuevo amigo en el norte


Translation for those of you who speak no spanish:

Hello new member Vic,
Nice to meet you. welcome to this forum and this hobby. If you need any help dont hesitate to ask us. I know you will enjoy your time here because this group are marvelous people with alot of information about simulators. Good Luck in your new project.
Your new friend in the North

Carlos Corona
03-06-2009, 03:31 PM
Hola y Bienvenido!!!

Que bueno saber que otro mexicano esta construyendo su cabina...ya sabes lo que se te pueda ayudar para eso estamos!!!...Yo estoy en la ciudad de Mexico y otro tocayo en Cozumel..ya somos 3 en este foro...y donde estas tu?? ..platicanos de tu simulador...o si apenas empiezas cual es tu proyecto

Yo estoy haciendo mi tablero de 737-700, no cabe la cabina en mi casa pero con eso me conformo..estoy en las potencias, y algo de electronica para la cabina...

Carlos Corona

03-06-2009, 04:06 PM
Because this is an International Forum out of respect for all other builders who do not understand Spanish , could you please write a direct translation as I did in English. This way any information passed is beneffitted by all, even if its just a simple greeting. I know all other non Spanish speakers would like to enjoy your words as much as the spanish speaking members. Regards


Carlos Corona
03-06-2009, 06:38 PM
Hello and Wellcome!!

Its a good know about another mexican is building his own cockpit...you kwno any help you need you can found it...I am in Mexico City and another member in Cozumel...we are 3 mexican in this forum..and where are you from??..talk us abut your simulator...or if you are beggining whats about your project..

Im building my 737-700 cockpit, but is oversize for my house and only build de MIP,PEDESTAL AND TROTHLE, today im working in throttle and some electronics for the MIP

Carlos Corona

P.D. Thanks and I´m so sorry Tim...:p

03-06-2009, 11:49 PM
Carlos my friend,
as I see Spanish is far more comfortable for you than English, Ill help you out. You feel free to write any of yur posts in spanish and Ill retranslate them for you each time for the English speakers. My wife is from Chapultepec and her family is from Toluca. Me Im from Here :) All the best Carlos and any help i can offer my friend let me know.
