View Full Version : DIY Simparts TQ assistance

03-09-2009, 12:08 AM
Hello fellow cockpit builders,

I am hoping someone can assist me with the following. I have purchased a TQ from Jörg at Simparts and have been building it for the past month. I am still waiting on a few things from Jörg including the light plates and replacement for both reverser handles which are bent.

Jörg has been fairly responsive on email regarding my missing parts, but on a few occasions I have asked him for some pictures on how the Trim Indicators and Throttle Servos connect and sit inside the TQ. He said he was email me pictures, but i have not seen anything for a couple of weeks.

I am hoping someone has built the throttles and could take a couple of snaps for me on how they have attached the servos to the throttle and also how they are securing the trim indicators.

Anything would be appreciated...

Thanks for your time


03-10-2009, 01:53 PM
Dear Diego,

as I told you in the last emails I attached a CD with all the pictures to finish the Quadrant.



03-10-2009, 06:16 PM
Hi Jörg,

I've seen your site and the product looks very interesting. Being Dutch, I can understand German 99% but to be sure...

- the TQ is to be assembled by the user
- it is prepared for autothrottle/MCP motion but those parts are optional

Am I right?

Questions: how long do you estimate the assembly? Is it a matter of hours or of days? Do you also supply the stuff to make it interface with FS like I/O cards, driver etcetera?

03-10-2009, 11:29 PM

Ive been assembling the throttle from scratch, Jörg however will give you an option to have his team assemble and paint it.

The DIY throttle comes with all parts to get the throttle and autothrottle working including all the phidget cards, servos, etc if you choose to buy those through Jörg. It has taken me around a 2 month, just on weekends to put it 80% of it together, so it does take a while. I am still waiting on some parts from Jörg, but all in all it has been fairly easy to put together, when you work of the for reference.

BTW.. Jörg sent me some pictures today with relation to my original post.