View Full Version : Planning to build an Airbus A320

03-09-2009, 02:33 PM
In the (hopefully near) future, I intend to start building an Airbus A320. As I'm sure is the case with many builders, I do not have a big pot of cash to make a real start in terms of hardware. What I would like to do is start off by purchasing the essential hardware items required to get flying, slowly adding more parts over time. In this case I should expect this would involve purchasing the FCU, EFIS and the FMC (or MCDU in Airbus speak??). I'm aware that the only hardware MCDU available is produced by FDS and in terms of software compatibility, you're talking PM or AST. I would like to be able to fly using a Virtual cockpit until I am in a position to purchase the DUAL Seat or Single seat training device. In a perfect world, I would use the Virtual Cockpit supplied with the model that the A320 developed by FeelThere uses. I am however aware that this is not a practical solution, given that the PM or AST Aircraft systrems would conflict with the systems developed by Feelthere. Is there an Airbus Virtual Cockpit out there that would enable me to get flying, whilst using PM/AST software with FDS hardware?
If I was building a Boeing, the option of achieving the equivalent would be to use my CPFlight 737NG MCP, buy an Engravity CDU and use with PMDG 737NG. Many thanks for reading, cheers.

03-09-2009, 05:44 PM
In this case I should expect this would involve purchasing the FCU, EFIS and the FMC (or MCDU in Airbus speak??). I'm aware that the only hardware MCDU available is produced by FDS and in terms of software compatibility, you're talking PM or AST.

To me, that sounds reasonable -- it is the path that I have chosen as well. The thing is that I definitely know the limits of my "tinkering" skills, and I would want those essentials to look just right.

Is there an Airbus Virtual Cockpit out there that would enable me to get flying, whilst using PM/AST software with FDS hardware?

Not that I am aware of. I am not too much a fan of the Virtual Cockpit -- though I can see the use for one while you are assembling the hardware needed. I have not thought in terms of that, I was more thinking in terms of writing my own software to interface with hardware such that slowly over time could purchase, say, a panel and hardware and wire it up and connect it to my software for incremental realism. Does this make sense?

03-10-2009, 01:42 PM
Many thanks for your reply. It does make sense although that approach is a bit deeper than I want to go in terms of developing my own software etc. How about using a 2D cockpit - just anything so I can fly while building!!!

03-10-2009, 11:54 PM
Many thanks for your reply. It does make sense although that approach is a bit deeper than I want to go in terms of developing my own software etc.

I know it is probably more ambitious than most here, but I write software for a living and it is my big passion after aviation:D

How about using a 2D cockpit - just anything so I can fly while building!!!

This is generally the approach that I tried to outline: The software that I intend to write is the software that will interface with my hardware and make the corresponding changes happen in FS(X). Obviously, there are limits to what I can do, but as far as I can tell, it is a good way to get started. I imagine that I at some point will get to the point where I will want something more complete (time reasons predominantly as I have a beautiful boy of 2 years that tends to steal my time), and I will most likely consider AST/PM at that point. But, while I am on the starting levels, I figure I can get a lot of runs for my (little) money and time. I am hoping to write the interfacing in such a way that I can reuse most of it with whatever software package I choose once I get that far.

Hope this helps,