View Full Version : qestion for fs9 useres???

03-26-2009, 04:26 PM
hi everyone i just got fs9 i have been using fsx for a long time i got fs9
because i am making a 747-200 sim and i am geting a new pc for the sim
at the time i am trying to find the right add on and trying to learn how to work fs panel studio i see that there are more things to add on fs9 than fsx
in my situation the 747-200 i was running fxs with f-lite 747-200 add on witch
is for both fs9 and fsx when i ran fs9 the add on was not in the aircraft
list dose this mean i have to install the add on again??? and if so do i have to
remove it fist????it might be my imajanation but i think that fsx has better grafics than fs9 or mybe i have to ajust somthing becase it dosent seem
so good??i have no enviroment add on for fsx so mybe i am not doing somthing right????or maby ineed to ajust somthing?? if any one can help
thanks spiro:D

03-26-2009, 04:39 PM
I would think that you need to install the addon for FS9. If by chance during the initial install it created an FS9 aircraft sub folder in you FSX aircraft folder it may contain instructions to drag-n-drop it into FS9. But not likely as you didn't have FS9 installed when you installed the 747 into FSX did you? Yes FSX has better graphics but it is the newer sim, and with some work FS9 can look very good too.