View Full Version : Go-FLight MCP Pro and PM

Joe Lavery
03-29-2009, 12:41 PM
Hi all,

I have a problem with my Go-Flight MCP Pro,
When I first set it up with Project Magenta it seemed to work fine, I only did a couple of tests but all the 7 segment displays lit up and the rotaries worked. But for some reason I cannot get it to work again.
I've tried unistalling and reinstalling the driver software, with no change. Strangely it works fine in FS mode but if I change it to Project Magenta all I get is a row of dashes. I've also tried in compatible add-on mode but that just gives the same dashes.
Although it works in FS mode it's no good, because in FS mode it doesn't address the PM software at all. Yet another puzzle is that FSUIPC recognises the buttons and rotaries in either mode.
I'm a bit at the end of my tether now ,having spent most of today mucking about with settings that don't make any difference. I can't see what I've missed.
Incidentally WideFS is connnected on all machines, although I've also tried it with just the main FS machine and the PC running the PM MCP software.

Anyone with any thoughts on this, or anyone with a similar setup, I would be grateful to hear from.


Joe Lavery
PC Pilot 737 Project

03-29-2009, 01:31 PM
you may need to edit the mcp.ini file in project magenta mcp software to replect the com port number of your MCP device.

I know you have to do this with the cpflight one

Hope this helps mate


Joe Lavery
03-29-2009, 02:04 PM
Thanks David,

But the Go-Flight unit is USB only I don't believe it uses a com port, although I'm not sure about that. However the documentation doesn't mention it.

But thanks anyway.



03-29-2009, 11:08 PM
I have a Go-Flight MCP Pro with PM too. I had the same problem initially too. I will have to look at my setup and post the particulars, but I know I had to reprogram the MCP in FSUIPC and need to run GFDisplay (found at Peter Dowson's site). I still have a problem once and while where the MCP Pro freezes and I need to disconnect the usb connection in order for the unit to re-set. I found changing the CycleMilliseconds in mcp.ini to a higher level helped (Current setting: CycleMilliseconds=100).

I have MCP Pro setup in the GoFlight config as "Project Magenta". It does NOT look like I programmed my MCP Pro in FSUIPC afterall - that was my EFIS module. I always run GFDisplay before running FSX. Also, you will get all dashes displaying until the flight session actually starts (once the aircraft is loaded).

Joe Lavery
03-30-2009, 11:52 AM
Thanks for taking the time to answer Grant,
I'll try the CFDisplay but I understood from the documentation that it only supports the earlier standard MCP, not the Pro but I'll give it a shot anyway, nothing ventured as they say. :D

What puzzles me is that it works fine with the standard FS setting but somehow doesn't recognise PM.

Any way thanks again


Bob Reed
03-30-2009, 12:34 PM
PM's MCP has nothing to do with the FS MCP. They are not one in the same. That is why you are having issues.

03-30-2009, 01:04 PM

Are you flying aircraft with the autopilot gauge removed from the panel config file? Otherwise, MCP and the FSX autopilot with fight each other (as mentioned by Bob Reed).

Joe Lavery
03-30-2009, 02:12 PM
Of course you're both correct, I Understand that. I'm using an aircraft with a modifed panel cfg, one of those provided on the PM site. I only mentioned the FS comment to say that there's nothing inherantly wrong with the GF MPC Pro, becasue it works when I switch to a standard FS aircraft. It that case I do not run the PM MCP.
Sorry, I didn't make that very clear ;-) but thanks both for the replies.



03-30-2009, 03:59 PM
It has been almost 2 years since I bought the MCP Pro, but I do remember having the same problem and my unit works great now - I just forget what it took to get it working. And my unit did work fine in FS mode but not PM mode too, just like yours is doing.

I recently tried out Windows 7 beta and I just installed GoFlight's drivers and GFDisplay and I have no problems.

In terms of the freezing problem I have had in the past, in addition to changing the cycle value in mcp.ini, I find if I select HDG/Altitudes/Speeds slowly I never have any problems. If I spin the selector knobs quickly, I sometimes get freezing.

Joe Lavery
03-30-2009, 04:09 PM
I've just shot a mail over to Go-FLight support in case thye have any clues.
Incidentally I tried this evening using GFDisplay... :( no joy.

However Grant if you remember how you got your unit working I'd appreciate a followup.

all the best,



Hi Guys,

I've just cracked it, I checked my old system, the one I originally tested the PM software and the MCP Pro on and it had the old 1.71 GoFLight driver on it. So I downloaded that one from GoFlight installed it and the MCP Pro sprang into life.... Yahhoooo.

After spending a day and a half mucking about, I simply didn't suspect the GoFLight drivers.
So whatever you do don't update your drivers YET!!

Thanks to all you great people for all the advice..



03-30-2009, 10:01 PM
Glad you got it working. Enjoy!