View Full Version : WidevieW Experimentation

Michael Carter
04-01-2009, 08:15 AM
Some first shots of the 727 using WidevieW. The forward outside view tilts down slightly which at first I wanted because I sit slightly below the center of the screen at eye level. Now it may be a problem with lining up the monitors. I may have to tilt it back to level.

Second, the right forward view monitor was too tall to fit on the glareshield so it's way out of place. I'm ordering a 19" wide screen monitor on Friday to replace it with.

Is the alignment problem that appears during a turn a function of the different size monitors? The left forward view is a 19" 5:4, and the forward view is a 24" wide screen.

The best alignment I've had so far was out of Augsburg, but it's not the flight in the photos.

It seems more trying that I first thought to get all of these monitors aligned properly, and I won't even talk about the right forward view since it's so far away from the other two.

Anyway, it's a start. I hope the new 19" widescreen makes a difference. I may separate these onto separate computers. The frame rate is very high away from congested areas, but falls into the single digits near a big airport or running into a lot of clouds.





Geremy Britton
04-01-2009, 11:43 AM
Getting better and better by the week! great work. I, thankfully, won't have the problem of lining everything up because i'm using a projector. But feedback from other members gives the general impression getting everything lined up - and stayed aligned is a challenge.

Still looks ace though. The gaps between the screens on the night photo just look like part of the fuselage window frames so i looks like a full surround view.

I don't suppose there is a possibility to align the black frames of the monitor behind the main 727 wooden window frames you have made from the pilots view so it realy does look like a seamless image.

Anyway as you say, some more tweaking and work to do - but these are the pics i've been waiting for since you annouced you were getting wideview.

great work (as always)

Keep us posted. :)

Bob Reed
04-01-2009, 12:17 PM
Getting them lined up is a nightmare! I know I set up a 5 monitor setup. I think it is a combanation of zoom factor and angle. I am trying to remeber how I got them so close on the other setup. If you want to see it is here.

I takes time. And there was a trick that I stumbled on I am trying to remeber what it was. I should have wrote it down..........

The ones in the first batch of pictures that look like they are not lined up right is the angle from which I took the pic. If you are sitting in the seats it does not look like that.

Michael Carter
04-01-2009, 10:06 PM

All of the guages are on two LCD screens. There are bezels with plastic faces on the MIP and only bezels on the engine stack. No glass or plastic.

04-01-2009, 10:07 PM
maybe you read it already (60 degrees, zoom .5)

Hessel Oosten
04-02-2009, 08:20 AM
Lining up WideView is most easy done with all monitors/beamers in SLEW mode.

In that case you can far more convenient rotate/turn/zoom and all together with aerobatics above a great airfield ....
The great field is convenient because there are so muuch (crossing !) runways. Skyscrapers are good to. Meigs and O'Hare....

Remember that the view in SLEW is not exactly the same as in "NON-SLEW", so slightly fine tuning afterwards will be necessary.


Michael Carter
04-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Getting better and better by the week! great work. I, thankfully, won't have the problem of lining everything up because i'm using a projector. But feedback from other members gives the general impression getting everything lined up - and stayed aligned is a challenge.

Still looks ace though. The gaps between the screens on the night photo just look like part of the fuselage window frames so i looks like a full surround view.

I don't suppose there is a possibility to align the black frames of the monitor behind the main 727 wooden window frames you have made from the pilots view so it realy does look like a seamless image.

Anyway as you say, some more tweaking and work to do - but these are the pics i've been waiting for since you annouced you were getting wideview.

great work (as always)

Keep us posted. :)


No chance of pulling the 24" over to the left. It would put the right quarter monitor too far up onto the glareshield. I might experiment some though when the new 19" widescreen monitor arrives next week.

I nearly screwed up my whole video display, both instrument panel and outside views.

The new drivers I downloaded did not work as well as the older drivers so I reloaded them from the CD. I lost my engine stack display and the main instrument panel (if I attempted to place the engine display).

I had everything configured in the ATI CCC program and in the FS .cfg file, but I neglected to tell Windows where these monitors were located in relation to one another. The engine stack monitor was way over on the right of the main monitor and FS was causing it to disappear when undocked and then the hourglass/cursor was flashing rapidly telling me something was wrong.

By this time I was at a near panic thinking all my work up to now was lost.

I've been pulling my hair out since last night. I just fixed it five minutes ago so I'm breathing a little easier now and can get back to fooling with WidevieW.

After I get home from work later tonight that is.

Bob Reed
04-02-2009, 12:36 PM
Work... The thing that gets in the way of simming.... YOu have to love it!:D