View Full Version : How many numbers with one display-ii card?

04-22-2009, 01:26 PM
is it possible to handle more than one number with one display-II card? For example the altitude-displays (FlightAlt and LandAlt) in the overhead-panel: each number contains of 5 digits, so both could be connected to one display-II card (max 16 digits). But can the card/the ioCard-Software handle the 10 connected 7-segment-displays as two different numbers with 5 digits each? How?

Best regards from Germany

04-22-2009, 02:17 PM
Yes, each digit can be setup to display alone or as part of a group to display different functions. On my FCU for example I have 16 digits, 2 groups of five for altitude and vertical speed, and 2 groups of 3 digits each for hdg and IAS.

In the IOcards software (or SIOC script) you just tell the system what variable (FSUIPC offset for example) that the display is assigned to, which is the first digit in the group, and how many digits to use. So if vertical speed starts at digit 1 and is 5 digits long, then next group could start on digit 6. if you need to pad leading or trailing zeros and don't want to fix them with hardwiring, you can assign dummy variables and init them to zero. Once you get into it it's very easy.


04-22-2009, 03:05 PM
BuddyM, you are the hero of my day. :D And you answered to my other problem that I didn't even asked for: the thing with the leading/trailing zeros!

Thanks over the ocean!


04-22-2009, 03:32 PM
No problem Mark, just trying to helpful as so many others have been to me. The OpenCockpits cards are great, I love them. I just added one of the Leo Bodnar cards to sim as well and it is great too!
