View Full Version : starting on cockpit

05-06-2009, 12:40 AM
i am starting to collected i/o boards switches toggles led laps and panels from goflight so when i will get home from spending time with my kids, grandkids, and 2 months taking care of dad(my turn, dont mind) i will be heading home to my man room(in the process of building) to start on the hull. would like to do a cockpit for saab 340 but having a heck of a time finding panel dimensions. i like the slower stable flight characteristics of the twin engine turboprops. although i did fall in love with the 717. can not find anything on this plane either. anyway hope to chat often and hope to not be a pain in the neck if i start asking to many question. will spend my time in the next few months putting together a overhead panel and doing alot of research on the internet.

walter <>< :-)

05-06-2009, 05:32 AM
A lot of information can be found here, http://www.smartcockpit.com/ this site is a great starting point for ref materials.

05-06-2009, 08:07 AM
Walter, grab this!!!

05-06-2009, 08:25 AM
would have to tear the building down to get it placed inside thanks for the info though really had me looking. might go by and check it out since im going to columbia sc at the end of the month. only 89 miles to mbeach.

thanks for the info

need all the help i can get

walter <>< :-)