View Full Version : New member

05-21-2009, 08:38 PM
Just regestered and thought I would say hello. I live in Ocala Florida and belong to the OFSC. Short for Ocala Flight Sim Club. I have been in flight siming from stick aircraft to FSX. I still perfere FS9 for flight Siming. Will be intouch.

Bob Reed
05-21-2009, 08:47 PM
Nice to have you here. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Matt Olieman
05-21-2009, 09:20 PM
Welcome aboard fellow OFSC-er :) :) :)

You live across the street from me :) (well almost, kinda)

Matt O.

05-22-2009, 09:42 AM
Hi! I'm Bill, new member of OFSC. Only done simulator flying. Started on the Commodore Microsoft Simulator. Learned a lot about flying. Am having fun.
See you all at next meeting

Matt Olieman
05-22-2009, 09:45 AM
Welcome aboard... as the OFSC group becomes bigger at MyCockpit.org.

Commodore 64, that's where I started. Still have that computer too. :)

Matt Olieman

05-22-2009, 11:35 AM
Just regestered and thought I would say hello. I live in Ocala Florida and belong to the OFSC. Short for Ocala Flight Sim Club. I have been in flight siming from stick aircraft to FSX. I still perfere FS9 for flight Siming. Will be intouch.

Hi JNEAL, nice to meet you. As Matt has already welcomed you, I was thinking to myself, "hey, Matt O. lives there in Ocala too!"

I'd love to hear more about the flight sim club that you guys have going on there. Ive always considered the idea of doing somthing similar here in our area.

Matt Olieman
05-22-2009, 11:43 AM
Hey Eric, so is "Williet" to posts above yours :)

BTW, I've been looking for that $100 hamburger at the KOCF airport, haven't found it yet... any hints??

Matt Olieman

05-22-2009, 05:34 PM
Welcome Ocala folks


Geremy Britton
05-22-2009, 06:09 PM
Hi, Welcome aboard. Great to have you with us. Hope you find the site useful and please add any information or ideas you want to share within the community.

Have a good time here at MyCockpit.