View Full Version : Old time builder,new time member

Glenn Weston
05-23-2009, 09:29 AM
G'day all from Here in Sydney, Australia.

I have been building my sim for about 6 Years from it's first images in my head.

It took about 6 Months of reading, surfing & Planning before I even walked into the shed & picked up some tools to do the first cut.

I am still no where near finished however I have had a long break from building.
I used to post to a builders log forum at a site called "Simulation Hardware" which is now a commercial entity. They are now Pacific Simulators & Flight Experience & have shut down the forum where I used to post.

They were kind enough to give us few builders here in OZ some web space to intereact with aech other & share idea's at the time.
So I have not publicly posted any progress since June 2005.

Recently I have got back into things & have upgraded my projector screen from a bed sheet to a nice fixed screen & looking at expanding to multiple projectors. Hence I came accross this forum in the process & decided to make this my new home for posting progress reports & sharing my experiences & ideas with the community.

The previous forum hosts were good enough to let us save all our progress reports before they shut it all down so I will post all that information although it is pretty old. It still has imformation in it that I think could be valuable to other builders. There is quite a bit in there so I will have to do it over a period of a week or two.

My Simulator is what I have called a "Generic Fighter Pit", something like an F-18 or F-16 Pit but is not inteneded to be an exact replica.
I wanted something that was reasonable in size, relatively portable & easy to move around. i.e. could move it out of the way for other things in the shed, but give me immersion into the FS world.

I am intending to do a rear seat as well but still trying to get the front seat finished at this point.
I have invested in FSBUS & Opencockpits boards for the interfacing but still have not built any panels.

Anyhow thats it for now, I will start my progress reports in the "My Cockpit Update" section & welcome any feedback positive or negative & will look forward to meeting some new poeple on this great site.

Cheers Glenn.

Bob Reed
05-23-2009, 09:54 AM
Hi Glen! Nice to have you here. I think you will find this a fine place to call home. Love the pics. We can never get enough pics. I too have taken a break from building and am just getting back into it, so I know the feeling. Look forward to you sharing more of your stuff......

Matt Olieman
05-23-2009, 10:18 AM
Hi Glen and welcome. Glad to have you here sharing your building experiences.

Like Bob mentioned, we love pics and the history of projects. Old or new, let us in on your experiences.

Thanks for joining us :)

Matt Olieman

Glenn Weston
05-23-2009, 11:13 AM
Thanks Guys for the warm welcome.

I have read many informative posts from you Matt over the years, it's a pleasure to rub shoulders with you here.

I used to post a bit over at the AVSim forums years ago when I first started tests with FSBus, FSBus is what kicked me into the pit building hobby, There was something very cool seeing the the Green LED's light up onmy desk when I put the wheels down on the Cessna in Flightsim, from that moment I was gone, I had to build a real simulator with real switches & lights.
Sadly it seems as though much of that information is now lost as their site has been bought down by hackers.

Well I have now started my thread in the Builders section so here we go !!

Cheers Glenn.

Trevor Hale
05-23-2009, 03:06 PM
Welcome Glenn,

Its great to have your experience here as well.

Thanks for showing up, and feel free to post as much as you like.
