View Full Version : Flightroute waypoints from CDU not showing properly in ND, unusable

06-13-2009, 07:42 PM

I have a major problem in my PM setup.

First, config (this is a first time config)
- FS on main server (FSX), default 737-800
- PFD, EICAS, CDU, MCP on one other computer (two screen)
- Hardware is engravity CDU and FDS MCP on the computer #2
- All latest build

All seems to work Ok except the following bug. I mean all folders shared, instruments react OK and pmcheck says everything is ok.

So, one and only bug, the magenta line of the flightroute is not showing properly on the ND. I say properly, because it does show and behave weirdly.

- I try to set up a route on the CDU. CDU is Ok with several waypoints, but ND reflect only a direct magenta line from airport DEP to airport ARR. And that is after EXEC and all.

- If i load a flight plan FROM FSX, it will show the waypoints, but if i try to review the route in PLAN mode for sample via the CDU , it won't pass throught the waypoint, it will stay on the DEP airport... And back it generally loose all waypoint (not on CDU, on ND) to show only one direct line from DEP to ARR.

- Sometimes when i press EXEC it seems to show OK, but same problem, it will goes to direct line after i change mode or use CDU or wathever.

- So of course, no LNAV nor VNAV possible, no TOC and TOD calculating, etc.

Did one of you encountered this situation ?
Any idea ?

- Is it possible that CDU send weird info to ND if PERF INIT and all stuff is not properly filled ? (cause i'm not expert in that part)

Any help appreciated.

06-14-2009, 12:49 AM
Anytime the flight plan and waypoints don't display properly for me on the ND, I simply press EXEC and they display correctly.

I sometimes get conflicts with some waypoints because the PFD/CDU nav database doesn't include some waypoints that I am trying to use - especially on GPS approaches.

06-14-2009, 01:48 AM
The same problem and many others, if you will do the mistake and change something at CDU (ie the departing rwy).

The autopilot will follow the CDU route but ND will draw a route from rwy direct to the first common waypoint with previous flightplan/SID

The issue with EXEC button does not work always....

(7years PM user.....)

06-14-2009, 12:55 PM
Are you able to review the flightplan waypoint by waypoint in PLAN mode in ND ?

Does PM is aware of this issue of disappearing flightroute in ND ? This is unflyable, what's the use of PM if it does not do this job ?

Is it possible to download previous build because using my sim 2 years ago (it's been time) i did not ran into this kind of bug.

Or it is definitly a problem concerning my setup, but how to get over it ?


06-14-2009, 04:04 PM
Does PM is aware of this issue of disappearing flightroute in ND ?

Sorry, but after 7years using Pm i use to have such problems, or others similar. Many times, old problems from the past coming again in new builds.

Sometimes, these problems and the fear of the unexpected issue during the flight keep the crew in readiness and the flights are not boring :lol:

I don't have the time and the courage to send emails to PM support, i don't know if they will reply or can do something about it...... so i accept it and continue my life....... like most of the people here.

I prefer to enjoy my few flights per month, even with these problems, there is not enought free time for spend it......

Have a nice new week !!

06-25-2009, 03:50 PM
To complete my initial question.
I did manage to get rid of the problem simply by changing the CDU settings to : PREFLIGHT OFF.

Not sure i was filling PERF INIT and preflight wrong before but anyway now it does work.

If anyone has same problem, just try.


06-26-2009, 01:15 AM
Thank you for sharing your solution with us, enjoy your flights!!
