View Full Version : Missouri Newbie

07-03-2009, 01:47 AM
Hi all, I really enjoy this site! Some cool things going on here that I'd never seen before!
I have a question....I have an airplane, that won't be chasing clouds for a while.....Can a person integrate all the cockpit controls...control column, rudders, trim, throttles, props, mixture,...etc, and the instruments on the panel, to work with MicroSofts FS? I was wanting to put a couple of screens up on the glareshield, jump in the pilot/co-pilots seat and "fly" just like the real deal........I used to have FS 98, but it's been a while....I liked it because everything was fairly accurate when flying the 172..
Anyway, was just wondering if this was possible, or maybe I was dreaming again...

07-03-2009, 04:14 AM

Absolutely. Go and check our for example our Cessna project. I am more than glad to help you.


Trevor Hale
07-03-2009, 09:02 AM
Hey There and Welcome to MyCockpit. What you are asking is totally doable, but If you ever plan on chasing clouds with it again.... the answer is no. LOL

Basically what you will be doing is Adding Potentiometers (Variable resistors) to your Control Yoke and Rudder Peddles. All those switches will be connected to interface cards (USB) and you can choose to replace your Instruments with Fantastic 100% replica's from Flight Illusion.

Depending on the setup and realism you are looking for.

We always want to see pictures of peoples projects, so feel free to check out out photo gallery and upload some of your own. In addition we have a file library you may be interested in, and we are adding Tutorials daily.

Best regards,


07-04-2009, 01:23 PM
Thanks to the response...I will get some pictures of what I have to work with soon!

Joe Cygan
07-04-2009, 01:53 PM
Hi all, I really enjoy this site! Some cool things going on here that I'd never seen before!
I have a question....I have an airplane, that won't be chasing clouds for a while.....Can a person integrate all the cockpit controls...control column, rudders, trim, throttles, props, mixture,...etc, and the instruments on the panel, to work with MicroSofts FS? I was wanting to put a couple of screens up on the glareshield, jump in the pilot/co-pilots seat and "fly" just like the real deal........I used to have FS 98, but it's been a while....I liked it because everything was fairly accurate when flying the 172..
Anyway, was just wondering if this was possible, or maybe I was dreaming again...
Hi Harpoon,
Not sure I understand what you want to do. From what I gather you want to facilitate flight simulator components on a FAA certified N-numbered aircraft. It this is the case you would not be legal to fly your real airplane per airworthiness regulations. If you chose to do this and still be able to keep the real plane flying you would have to fill out a 337 major repair/major alteration form with you local FISDO along with DAR inspection.

For what you’re doing and still wanting to keep the plane legally flying it might be too expensive(337/DAR) of an endeavor.

If this is not what you’re planning and have something that will never fly again than the skies the limit.

This is not legal advise just an act of kindness to help a fellow flight simulator builder.

Hope this helps.


07-04-2009, 02:47 PM
10-4 Joe,
No, I plan on a static restoration with my bird....I couldn't dream of feeding two thirst P&W R-2800's on my income! METO=600GPH...per engine! Econo cruise=68GPH each...avgas about $4 gallon....Wanna fly? Donations accepted!

I had a friend suggest that I install a couple of bunks inside her, along with the air conditioning/heating, connect the controlls to a computer with the FS hardware, and open up a bed and breakfast, internal fly-in! How funny is that!...I do like the idea of actually sitting in the cockpit and sim-flying her...that's why I am here....

If someone out there with bigger pockets than I have, want a very restorable PV-2....contact me, I will sell her....I'd much rather see her fly. I just couldn't see her cut up for scrap.

07-04-2009, 02:57 PM
First try....hope this works out...cockpit of my simulator

Bob Reed
07-04-2009, 02:58 PM
R2800's??!!!! What in the world do you have?

07-04-2009, 03:02 PM
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon....just a tad bit larger than a B-25

Bob Reed
07-04-2009, 03:04 PM
WOW I know the AC... PICTURES PLEASE???!!!!!!!!! Where is she at?

07-04-2009, 03:14 PM
I am trying to figure out the picture thing, maybe my comp, is as old and slow as I am????

Anyway, "Annie" Is half in Buffalo, Wy, and half in Lone Jack, MO...
Slowly getting her moved to Missouri....Had a wing pulling party last May, and got them trucked home along with the whole empenage, gear doors, cockpit enterior, cowls, eng mounts, flaps, ailerons, etc...

Out of 535 built, Annie was the 200th built, and is 1 of approx 30 left in the world. I feel that my bird may have possibly served in Alaska during WWII and could be a combat vet....time and research will tell...

There are only 2 currently flying in the world...Attu Warrior, in UT., and Hot Stuff in Ind.

Bob Reed
07-04-2009, 03:23 PM
Annie is not that one that crashed a while back is she? Is this going to a museum? Or is this a lawn ornament? :) I would love one of those in my yard! I belong to the 1941 Hag museum here in Upstate New York and we had a PV-2 going to be at our show but I do not see it on the list any more. I will be watching this one with great interest as the museum asked if I could do something with one of there static AC... But it is always a money thing.....

07-04-2009, 08:10 PM

Glad to see another flight simmer from Missouri. :-D I am just down the road in Warrensburg. My project is a B777 but not using the real deal ;)

Your post referenced a B-25, my web site has a section about the Fairfax Ghost the B-25 we used to have in KC. 8)

PM me with your email address if you want to communicate.

07-06-2009, 12:51 AM
W9XE,...Sorry, can't figure out how to PM on this site yet....will get the pictures figured out before long as well...My email to anyone interested....onetimehilton@aol.com....
Fairfax Ghost...aka Rough House 69....First time I saw this a/c was Hemet, Ca...prior to Frank Howerton and the mechanic at Downtown airport buying her ...1977 or 78..I broke the escape hatch door on her in the cockpit by accident..honest....Was there when she got her first and only Japanese kill...jumped the chocks and nailed a Toyota, or Nissan, something like that...
No, this aircraft didn't crash...was part of the Hirth Air Tanker fleet...the last active Harpoons in the forestry industry..Business disolved in April of 1997 When John Hirth and his co-pilot crashed tanker #38 during a fire drop in eastern Pa....The PV-2 that was to show at the airshow in NY was Hot Stuff, out of Mt. Comfort, IN...They must not have been able to comp the fuel to the airshow, as what is happening at most of the shows this year...

07-06-2009, 01:06 AM
at first, I thought you were the same Bob Reed that owns the Harpoon in Mesa , Az. He ran the engines up a month or two ago...hasn't flown it as of yet...That Harpoon is painted up to look like a Hudson with the glass nose...
Camo paint scheme...

I guess you could call Annie a yard ornament....I prefer to call it " putting a horse out to pasture" The guy I beat out of buying her was going to cut her wings off and turn the fuselage into a hotdog stand...

Attached pic is the PV-2 all decked out in wartime configuration at Pima County Air Museum, Tucson, AZ

07-06-2009, 08:25 AM
Hi Friends,
Myself Jake Smith From NY.
I'm Newbie Here.

Bob Reed
07-06-2009, 08:56 AM
Well hello there. And what part of NY? Are you building or looking to build? Tell us a little more about yourself!

Hi Friends,
Myself Jake Smith From NY.
I'm Newbie Here.