View Full Version : Poldragonet Reviews?

Geremy Britton
07-08-2009, 12:21 PM
I do apoligse for this, this is the third company i have requested reviews on (This is the last, promise ;)) however they have some great stuff and want to buy from them! I'd place an order with them right now if i could get hold of them!


It's weird though because on the homepage it says last updated 7th July (Yesterday) so it is obvious the company is up and running still.

However i still havn't got a reply from an email i sent them nearly a week ago. I sent one to the email on the site and also using the online contact form. No response from either.

Has anyone dealt with them recently and can give me a review, any information about them at this stage would be helpful. I want to buy but i can't get hold of them!

If you use the link provided i want to buy from the 'shop' section.

Kind Regards

Bob Reed
07-08-2009, 12:28 PM
7th April?? Um... It is July.......:D

I do apoligse for this, this is the third company i have requested reviews on (This is the last, promise ;)) however they have some great stuff and want to buy from them! I'd place an order with them right now if i could get hold of them!


It's weird though because on the homepage it says last updated 7th April (Yesterday) so it is obvious the company is up and running still.

However i still havn't got a reply from an email i sent them nearly a week ago. I sent one to the email on the site and also using the online contact form. No response from either.

Has anyone dealt with them recently and can give me a review, any information about them at this stage would be helpful. I want to buy but i can't get hold of them!

If you use the link provided i want to buy from the 'shop' section.

Kind Regards

Geremy Britton
07-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Sorry, July :p

I had to convert the polish date at the top of the homepage to see what month and it is indeed July which is in fact yesteday. Sorry. Goodness knows why i put April :eek:

Is has been said simbuilding removes your sanity;)

Cheers Bob ... I've ammended the original post.

Bob Reed
07-08-2009, 12:44 PM
LOL....... Is ok......

Geremy Britton
07-08-2009, 12:51 PM
Update; I've been on their site and registered which will now allow me to pay for the items i have chosen. However after not replying to my emails i am slightly dubious about parting with my cash.

Can anyone please verify their legitimacy, has anyone dealt with them? Ever? Someone must have, i've heard the company mentioned in the forum before.

Thanks :-)

Trevor Hale
07-08-2009, 01:16 PM
What are you looking to buy? If your looking for their TQ, I would totally suggest you buy through FSC who has amazing customer service.

07-08-2009, 02:07 PM
Hi Geremy,

Yes they are legit but can be hard to get hold of, just ask Ian S... but also I think their email filter catches more than it should.

Poldragonet is the same as Symulatory...
Plenty of folks on here have some of their parts especially the TQ as they make the TQ for FSC (as mentioned by Trev)

Marek, member name Alfsky on here, works closely with them.
There are many views of them on here both good and bad...

Geremy Britton
07-08-2009, 05:44 PM
ah, cheers mike! THat's good stuff. I want to buy the full overhead and as that will be the most expensive purchase i have and will ever make for the sim i do want to make sure it is all in hand.

I have a TQ already not from FSC, the MIP is in the cutting stage now and that just leaves the overhead. So i will be putting in an order with them in the next few days.

I may PM Alfsky and ask him a couple of questions, oh and i'll speak to Ian too.
Thanks for your input guys, realy helped. :)

07-08-2009, 06:15 PM

Perhaps you should also read this thread. Symulatory and Poldragonet are one and the same!




Geremy Britton
07-08-2009, 06:23 PM
Oh, i remember this thread. Yep. Thanks David

07-09-2009, 04:28 PM
If you are over Leeds way you can bob in and look at it in the flesh if you wish before you order. May not be the best OH available but then its probably not the most expensive either... Of all the Symulatory stuff I have the OH works the best.

Geremy Britton
07-09-2009, 06:10 PM
Leave it with me Mike, I'll get back to you on a PM tomorrow. Thanks for the brill offer. I'll see what i can do transport wise. :)

Geremy Britton
07-10-2009, 04:35 PM
Sent you a PM Mike :D Just realised i'm over in leeds in a few weeks at Sherburn LOL.


02-04-2012, 12:10 PM

I am working in the OVHD and AFT of this company, selfbuilding. I suggest everyone to not buy this. All (plastic) knobs are not pred drilled, but they also seems to be not ready yet. The bottom contains a raw plastic part that has to be removed with a saw. This result in a very terrible looking knob. Why so difficult. Please make a job of your work and only sell when its 100% :evil:

02-05-2012, 02:13 PM

I am working in the OVHD and AFT of this company, selfbuilding. I suggest everyone to not buy this. All (plastic) knobs are not pred drilled, but they also seems to be not ready yet. The bottom contains a raw plastic part that has to be removed with a saw. This result in a very terrible looking knob. Why so difficult. Please make a job of your work and only sell when its 100% :evil:

As You said You bought PARTS for SELFBUILDING. If driling a hole is a big problem to You, you sholdn't even think about building a cockpit. There is a lot's of people here happy with Poldragonet kit product line.

02-05-2012, 02:27 PM

My cockpit is almost ready, except the OVHD. You know that also in the MIP and other parts are a lot of knobs. The only thing I needed to drill were the 3mm wrench screws. Its not a problem to drill a whole, but I think I am about 30 minutes per knob drilling and rubbing. You are right, but this is almost like making my own knob out of a piece of plastic. Just spent some little time to bring it on the market more real. And the lack of documentation is also strange.

If I knew this all, I better should have bought the complete package ready to use.

So please do not say I hate making my own Cockpit but I may demand normal products and not products that my kids buy and should glue together.

However keep up the job and I am sure I will get it work, but this is very dissapointed.


02-05-2012, 04:40 PM
Hi Frank,

Tried to answer your PM, but it seems that the mailprogram does not sent out mail. Can you confirm?


02-05-2012, 06:28 PM
Hi to you all,

Whatever I read about Poldragonet that they are not answering and which made me confused, seems to be wrong. The post I have placed here is some minutes ago (11.30 pm) answered by JAcob ;) The fact that he even reacts on a Sundayevening is saying enough!

My questions and his answers were as I said satisfied. I am going to build it this week and drilling and rubbing suddenly become fun :neutral:

Good luck with the panels.


05-15-2012, 03:17 PM

Is the company service-oriented at all today, I have read alot of bad things?
Best Fredrik