View Full Version : My sim at hospital.

Geremy Britton
08-11-2009, 09:52 AM
My Sim Implementation and Overhaul:

A fellow friend Alex, was wondering about my sim. I havn't posted pictures since i first started a few years ago. During this time i have been collecting parts and collecting parts more and more so much so i have accumulated many all stored in my 'simroom' This is where the build will take place.

I have actually been very busy with the sim lately and things are starting to take shape for the future.

I have marked out my MIP onto 9mm MDF and the frame to 18mm. This is ready to be cut out in the next 1-2 weeks and assembled by my friend who is a joiner. This will be them be sanded, primed and given a high quality boeing grey finish. When finished it should look like the real thing.

Furthermore if you remember i was enquiring about overhead panels. Well i hnow have one sorted from a good friend of mine who is an engraver. My overhead will be ready in a couple of months or so and then just the frame is needed to be built for it. Then adding the switches, buttons and annunciators in the right place.

Also as i will soon have an overhead i have taken the step to enquiring about Project Magenta. I will be using this for my sim.

Furthermore i have decided in my boeing 737ng sim, goflight panels with their irregular widths are no longer cutting it anymore and i want standard width panels making an exact replica of the 737NG panel. That will be happening anytime when i've got some more money from spending on the above :o Probably in around 3 months time. I will buying all the pedestal panels most probably from opencockpits however i have had another offer of some plug and pluy units from a member here so i'm looking into that.

As my sim is a room i can add a shell. So i'll be building that out of mdf but that will be after all of the above in around 8 months ?? Maybe a little more. When the overhead is complete and ready to be fixed.

So there we are guys. I promise you will be seeing some pictures soon. Just give me a few more months. I also have a wideview projector for the visual system, a GF MCP and the seats all done and the pedestal is built already just waiting for the pedestal redesign as i mentioned above.

Everything is pretty much there or in the works at the moment it's just a case of getting everything built on the mdf side. I'm not the best joiner so i'm getting a friend to help and that's when he's not busy elsewhere with his joinery work.

Even though i 'have everything i need pretty much for an excellent sim both in hardware and software (Posky 737-800, vox atc, fly tampa sceneries, ultimate night environ, water fx, ... the list goes on....) i still end up buying things that 'look good' and are 'cheap' but that's just me and my enthusiasm for the hobby.

Anyway rest assured pictures will follow i just don't want to insult you all at the moment by posting a picture of a room with a pile of stuff in boxes.

Any questions on that please feel free otherwise keep a look out for my updates for the future. I'm also busy at the moment with other commitments which will be made known soon.

So that's where i'm at. Please feel free to add your own personal summer updates of your own sim projects.


No Longer Active
08-11-2009, 10:05 AM
Well wrote update Gez.....clap clap clap! :)

I think it will be an excellent idea for our members to post 'right here' their updates, as you said 'your sim in the summer' update!

Your sim is on its way and that the main thing! Best of all, your building it from scratch, the way I do it!

Im sure you will have a Super Sim soon in your sim room, I might have to partition my daughters room off to make way for a sim room...is that cruel? lol

Anyway pal, good luck, I will embed a photo as soon as I can take one!

Cheers Gez.....


Steve A
08-11-2009, 11:35 AM
Great update Geremy... So if the goflight panels no longer cut it with your sim, will they be up for grabs? :wink:

Geremy Britton
08-11-2009, 11:54 AM
Indeed. All will become apparent on Friday. Keep a look out here!

08-11-2009, 11:55 AM
That's no sitrep... that's a wishlist...

Geremy Britton
08-11-2009, 11:58 AM
LOL i don't need to wish. I'm telling what's happening. I don't care for your tone and presentation through your last few posts sir. Can it improve?

No Longer Active
08-11-2009, 01:05 PM
I can certainly tell you Coligny that Gez DEFINITELY doesn't have a wish list, quite the opposite!

Coligny from 'In Me House', who the heck are you anyway? You're sounding like a kid !

Alex 'In Me Plane' Lol

08-11-2009, 04:01 PM
post some pics when done bud :)