View Full Version : Thoughts to solve

08-18-2009, 06:10 PM
I am wondering how one would solve the inherent problem that our pits most always will be dark: We are building an enclosure and if we are lucky (or, advanced) we will use a projection system not directly attached to the enclosure. I am wondering if there is a way to "simulate" sunlight entering the cockpit *and* at the same time enabling you to see the outside world simulated.

Matt Olieman
08-18-2009, 06:27 PM
A similar topic was discussed. We discussed using hi luminance projectors, the problem that was discovered was the screens become "white washed" in other words, the contrast ratio becomes reduced.

With new technology in the field of projectors coming out, who knows, perhaps we'll be able to overcome that problem.

I'm quite impressed with the new LED flat screen tv's. I think I saw 40,000 to 1 contrast ratio. It's my understanding they're quite bright.

Who knows. Good topic Boaz :) :) :)

Matt Olieman

08-18-2009, 06:47 PM
Ever seen those ambilight TV's made by philips? basically they have a strip of RGB leds running around the perimeter of the LCD display, ive always wondered if you could remove those strips and place them somwhere in the cockpit where they can shine on the cockpit interior but cant be seen directly by the pilots flying (unless you turn round ;))

So, imagine taking the strip of LED's that run along the left side of the TV set, mount them in the window post directly behind the pilots (captains side) head looking forward, and obviously the right side LED strip on the right window post (forget the top and bottom ones for now)

now imagine flying srraight and level with the sun setting to your left, the led strip on the left will glow an orange/yellow colour but on the right will probably be off, you turn the aircraft 180 degrees the led strip on the right will now be glowing orange and the one on the left will be off.

You can go into allsorts of detail here about angle's and stuff and getting the LED strips to cast shadows on the window areas to avoid light washout and reflections but its just an idea ive been toying with for a while now.

What do you think? or do you think i have lost the plot?;)

Jordan Farmer
08-18-2009, 06:57 PM
That actually sounds like a very good idea phil, but it would probably be very exspensive to do that, and if your tv were to ever break, you would lose any warranty after moving the strips :S but good theory otherwise, i think it could look very realsitic ;)

08-18-2009, 07:25 PM
Nah not really, i bought one on ebay for 90 pounds after a nintendo wii controller went through the display, granted the screen dont work anymore but the lighting does, you just have to go down to the local tv shop and figure out how to switch the input to HDMI/VGA with your eyes closed lol

08-19-2009, 02:39 AM
interesting idea.

There are designs on the net to make your own home brewn ambilight system. So you dont even have to tgake your philips tv apart. Its worth trying.

They are commonly used in the pc mod scene. Also called moodlight or momolight.

Here is a youtube video of a home brewn project:


not a bad idea at all.


08-19-2009, 03:14 PM
wow that stuff in that video is great, how do you do that tho? Comes built-in with the TV?

08-20-2009, 06:37 AM
The philips ambi light tv's have it build in.

But there are also designs and kits to be found on the net to make them yourself. can be used with tv, computer, video projector, etc.

just google for "moodlight" , " momolight", or homebrew or DIY ambilight.



08-20-2009, 06:40 AM
this video shows really well how it refers to the video to spread the light.


You can very well see the difference between the left and right side.

perfect for the rising sun scenario phil mentioned.

Check around the 30th second.



Prof Bill
08-20-2009, 07:15 AM
The philips ambi light tv's have it build in.

But there are also designs and kits to be found on the net to make them yourself. can be used with tv, computer, video projector, etc.

just google for "moodlight" , " momolight", or homebrew or DIY ambilight.



I have seen the equivalent of the Philips system used in a "prototype gaming enviornment" and on investigation discovered the following design was used.


The LEDs used in the setup I saw were quite powerful and delivered quite an impressive mood change. I hope this may help!


08-20-2009, 08:01 AM
this video shows really well how it refers to the video to spread the light.




That is REALLY cool! But why must there always be more ways to spend hard earned cash in this hobby?? :D What next? Artificial hail, tesla coils for lightning effects, shower heads, wind tunnel, bird strikes etc etc...:D

Seriously though, these lighting effects would really add a big touch of realism as long as they can be done without washing out the projected image. That would probably not be a factor with LCD screens, but with projectors this might work very well as well as long as the artificial lighting was subdued enough or if it was placed inside the cockpit & behind the pilot.

Very interesting topic worth further exploration.


08-20-2009, 08:25 AM
I have always been interested in this technology....
Check out http://www.ambx.com/ambx-kits-available-now. It includes the ambi-lights, sounds and even fans for wind. There is a really cool interactive demo of the product on the right column of the page.

Starter kit price isn't too bad either....http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4207096&CatId=1503

Update: Impulse buy!!! I just ordered the starter kit from TigerDirect for $57.90 (includes shipping). I'll have some explaining to do to my wife later....Better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission.

Jordan Farmer
08-20-2009, 08:53 AM
Well, what a find, im definately getting that, so cheap! £65 for the uk, not much to lose really, this is going to be a buy from me :)

08-20-2009, 09:13 AM
Here is a review of the kit...

08-25-2009, 10:14 PM
Just received my amBx Starter Kit and got it set up to test tonight. I was afraid that using 3 monitors with the Th2Go and another monitor on different video card would have been an issue. The amBx seems to work off the primary monitor (TH2Go in my case) which worked nicely for the outside visuals. It added a nice glow around the monitors and filled my peripheral vision with blue and white as I climbed into the clouds. I am still experimenting with how to set it up properly on FSX but initial impressions are positive.