View Full Version : Hello from Queensland

08-30-2009, 03:32 AM
Hi I'm Mike and have just joined MyCockpit. I haven't started to build my sim yet, but it will be 737NG. I have a private pilot licence, but the cost today is to high to fly much, a sim will be the next best thing. I will be able to use my quite extensive model-engineering workshop to manufacture hardware and my job in the electronics industry I hope will help me with the software side of things. Getting started in the right direction is an issue for me, I am using FSX so, add-ons required, interface options and the like are now at the research stage.


08-30-2009, 03:48 AM
Hi Mike and welcome to Mycockpit from the West Coast. Good luck with your research and remember to ask many questions. Sounds like you've got the ideal background for this hobby so may be able to assist others here as well.

I have family just near you in Nambour/Maroochydore who I visit annually. I usually grab a plane and fly out of Caloundra for a quick scenic over the Glasshouse Mountains.


08-30-2009, 05:11 AM
Hi Mike
Welcome. If you think flying costs heaps, wait till you start buying bits and pieces for your sim. I am too scared to add up the money I have spent in the past 2 months since starting mine.
The NG drivers here are very helpful and Ians site is a gold mine of information for building / constructing / ideas which can be utilised for almost any aircraft.

08-30-2009, 07:58 AM
Hi Mike,
Hi from the Northern Territory. I started my 737NG about 4.5 years ago, and it has ben a long road. And still miles to go yet. Like many others it is a case of buying bits and pieces whenever we have (spare) money. Gee did i say spare?????????? Well robbing the credit card, and taking a mortgage out. I am moving to Newcastle at the end of the year for my job, which is where i was b4 coming to NT. I wish you well in your project, and hope you get some real enjoyment from this hoby. Remember to ask lots of questions if you are unsure about something, as there is a wealth of knowledge here.
All the best
Trevor Wimmer