View Full Version : Open Cockpit Panels

09-13-2009, 08:42 AM
Hi Guys,

Can I get any feedback on the Open Cockpit Panels. I was thinking of buying the 737ng overhead with the switches and LED kits and wire then using the Flight Deck Solution cards I have.

Has anybody got any pictures of this panel finished or can comment on the quality of these panels?
It is either this panel, FDS or Engravity. The choice is hard.

All help appreciated.


Steve A
09-13-2009, 12:46 PM
JackPilot gave me a great tip and that was to buy 3 radio panels from 3 companys... That way you can compare quality and at the same time start your radio stack.

I have no experience of panels from any company other than open cockpits so i cant comment on the quality of them.
I have numerous mip panels from o/c and personally for the price i think they are fantastic. Well packaged. Clearly marked (engraved ?) Speedy delivery, And backlightable. The little annunciators that come with some panels are good quality too. Its all down to personal preference.
Incidently im about to order the lights panel for the overhead from them so i'll let you know how that is.

09-14-2009, 02:08 AM
Thanks for the Reply Steve,

As you can imagine everything is built on a budget and Open Cockpits look like a good option. My only other choice is http://www.symul.tatuin.com.pl/ . I am a little hesitant about them however I have friends living in Poland that could take a drive over and have a look at there product.

I still think it is better to buy from a online shop however?
Has anybody recieved some of there panels?

09-14-2009, 07:14 AM
Hi Wes,

I don't have OC's overhead panel but I do have thier radio pedastal panels. You can check these out when you come over.
