Matt Olieman
09-25-2009, 07:40 AM
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Dear Aviation - Friends
Our clients and fans are getting bigger and bigger and we are responding to a wish of our "simulator-Family" to inform regularly about Aviation Simulators. With this Newsletter we would like to keep you updated about the latest news in the field of simulators, and to inform you about fairs, exhibitions and special events in our simulator centers. SimAviatik was founded by Michi Weber and Roger Karlen, two Swiss professional pilots. We are constructing and supplying worldwide flight simmulators for private and commercial users. To-day there are only a few companies able to supply full systems like ours. Our systems are used for flight training and the lower versions also in private sector for fun at home.
The spectrum of our products covers, motion systems, cockpits for fighters, airliners and helicopters.
We have opened, on August 15th our simulation center in Dietikon (10min drive from Zurich airport).
In this exposition we always present 3-5 simulators and some motions. This is important for all persons looking for a simulator and not having clear ideas about the size and equipment.
We have two sections. One hand we have the exclusive right to sell some simulators (which we can upgrade or adjust according to our customers wishes).We are buying/selling secondhand simulators. Last but not least we construct motion systems and of course airline simulators; the standard are Airbus 320 and Boeing 737. Each Simulator can be equiped according to the wish of our clients. Visit: MIP 001.jpg 001.jpg 006.jpg 010.jpg Eicas 002.jpg 002.jpg 007.jpg
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Dear Aviation - Friends
Our clients and fans are getting bigger and bigger and we are responding to a wish of our "simulator-Family" to inform regularly about Aviation Simulators. With this Newsletter we would like to keep you updated about the latest news in the field of simulators, and to inform you about fairs, exhibitions and special events in our simulator centers. SimAviatik was founded by Michi Weber and Roger Karlen, two Swiss professional pilots. We are constructing and supplying worldwide flight simmulators for private and commercial users. To-day there are only a few companies able to supply full systems like ours. Our systems are used for flight training and the lower versions also in private sector for fun at home.
The spectrum of our products covers, motion systems, cockpits for fighters, airliners and helicopters.
We have opened, on August 15th our simulation center in Dietikon (10min drive from Zurich airport).
In this exposition we always present 3-5 simulators and some motions. This is important for all persons looking for a simulator and not having clear ideas about the size and equipment.
We have two sections. One hand we have the exclusive right to sell some simulators (which we can upgrade or adjust according to our customers wishes).We are buying/selling secondhand simulators. Last but not least we construct motion systems and of course airline simulators; the standard are Airbus 320 and Boeing 737. Each Simulator can be equiped according to the wish of our clients. Visit: MIP 001.jpg 001.jpg 006.jpg 010.jpg Eicas 002.jpg 002.jpg 007.jpg