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09-28-2009, 02:03 PM

I need your opinion on a radio stack!

A Cessna 172 is mainly an IFR equipment type aircraft, but if you was to start with VFR equipment and then in time upgrade to IFR equipment; what would you have in your starting VFR radio stack?



1 x Audio Selector.
1 x Nav/Com
1 x Transponder


1 X Audio Selector.
2 X Nav/Com
1 x XPDR
1 X Autopilot / Nav Module

What do you think?



09-29-2009, 04:40 AM
I recon your VFR and IFR choices are fine.

Perhaps you dont need the first Nav radio in the VFR if you are completely VFR.

Really I recon you need to distinguish the type of flying you are likely to do, because you can fly with an Instrument Rating (IR), IFR in VMC or IMC.

So if you are doing dead reconing in good weather then you dont need the Nav radios. If you want to be doing instrument approaches or VOR-VOR navigation or fly in bad weather then you do need them.

I would add an ADF to the mix too.


09-29-2009, 11:34 AM
Sounds like a good pair of lists:cool:

09-30-2009, 01:09 PM
Alex, looks good. FWIW attached is a view of my uncle's 172. Top to bottom, audio, comm1, nav1, comm2, nav2, ADF, transponder. He has no DME or Autopilot, and mostly flies VFR. (But he is instructor for VFR and IFR). The 2nd attachment is me, following a 50 mile flight a couple weeks ago. I am smiling because I got to fly (hold the course & alt) while he was exploring a new GPS. :grin:

Also I recently bought Saitek radio, & tested it with my FS9. It looks and acts authentic, but is a little large. (11 1/8" x 3 5/16" -- Sorry I haven't gone metric). So it is a little large compared to GF modules, but I like the way it works.
