View Full Version : advert - Oz Flight Sim Expo and pitbuildermag.com

10-08-2009, 07:51 AM
Hi, hope the mods don't mind me doing this, but it's directly related to flight simming and cockpit building.

The VAAF (http://www.vaaf.net) and 62nd Fighting Falcons (http://www.62ndfightingfalcons.asn.au/) are demonstrating Falcon 4: Allied Force and DCS:Black Shark for 2 days this weekend (10-11 October) at the Oz Flight Sim Expo (http://ozflightsimexpo.ning.com/) in Brisbane Australia. We'll have a bunch of Akers-Barnes cockpits set up including my own (http://pitblog.radsy.com) and will be running four formal demos each, plus constant ad-hoc demos over the weekend. If you're in or close to Brisbane, come and say hi. There will be lots of flight sim vendors and gear for sale, so it's definitely worth the $10 admission. It only happens every 2 years!

Also, my own pet project pitbuildermag.com (http://pitbuildermag.com) is launching this weekend at the Expo. It's a weekly/fortnightly free online magazine dedicated to flight/racing/mech cockpit building. From 0100Z on Saturday, the first three interviews will be live on the site. Hope you enjoy them.

Cheers, Rup

10-10-2009, 06:58 AM
Photos from today here: http://pitbuildermag.com/?p=232

Hope to see some more folks there tomorrow!

10-26-2009, 07:49 AM
The full review of the Oz Flight Sim Expo 2009 is now up at PitBuilderMag. Please let me know what you think!


Also I'm looking to collect footage from the event for a feature video. If you have any, I'd love to include it and can take any format including DV tape. Please get in touch. All contributions fully credited of course!
