View Full Version : My Bendix King Radio Stack

No Longer Active
10-08-2009, 11:12 AM

Here is an update of my Bendix King radio stack.

The whole radio stack is Bendix King apart from the autopilot which is generic, I have only completed the avionics switch panel, the 2 nav's and 2 comm's.

The radio stack will display info by using 7 segment displays and OC boards in time.

Because I cant afford much and to save money I am using single encoders instead of dual encoders, you can do this by using a toggle switch to switch between the frequencies using the same single encoder knob.

The decal is a screen dump of a software radio stack that was printed on to vinyl and applied to acrylic.

I will interface the autopilot, dme and adf at a later date!

Cant wait to put this in my MIP now!


Steve A
10-08-2009, 11:20 AM
Very nice Alex!!

10-08-2009, 11:47 AM
Nice one!
Have you thought of using the guts of one of those new saitek radios to interface to FS? (theyre about half the price of goflight as you get 2 radios in one box))

No Longer Active
10-08-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi Steve.

I did consider this route but if I opened one up and it was all one pcb then I myself would be gutted, as I need to freely position the 7 segment displays, only option that I can think of is OC for now or goflight pcb's if they are still around when I get round to installing the displays!

Joe Cygan
10-08-2009, 12:07 PM
Wow Alex, those radios look fantastic!

10-08-2009, 12:13 PM
Awesome ..

10-08-2009, 12:49 PM
Good point Alex- was thinking of getting a saitek myself and using some of it to attach to 737 style radio panels (would need to use my own 7 seg displays that are smaller than the saitek ones) i think i might give it a try sometime soon so i'll let you know what i find inside!

10-08-2009, 12:50 PM
Looking good!

No Longer Active
10-08-2009, 01:24 PM
Here is the radio stack in my half finished MIP.....


No Longer Active
10-08-2009, 01:27 PM
BTW: The radio stack is to scale and with exact measurements!

10-08-2009, 01:43 PM
Shweet.. Looking very cool. The pit I'm building does have more then just the transponder from BK so I'm on the hunt for some red acrylic. I went to the Ebay link you had but as far as I can tell there shipping only in EU or UK so I'm trying to find a source locally. The printing I know I can get done here. I might be able to adapt a digital picture frame for use as the LCD in the Garmin units. With the new computer I'm hoping to have 3 VC's in there to handle all the displays. 2 for the primary 1 for the LCD's in the radio stack and a second computer for the gauges in the MIP.

2nd computer will do more then just display but that'll be it's primary job.

Your MIP looks terrific..

Bjarne Horsbøl
10-09-2009, 05:02 AM
Hello Alex !
First of all ! Thank you for inspiration !

If you have not read my intro. here it is:


I follow your project in every detail and it looks really good.

Now.. some questions.

Yesterday I ordered LBODNAR´s BU0836X and 10 Rotary encoders ( 2 with switch)
It´s my goal to to place a LCD monitor behind a panel and place Rotary encoders close to the gauges where needed. I am sure it can be done ..pretty or not pretty.
I can see on your pictures that you have knobs on your panel..are they dummys.. or are they "active" ?

1. If active ! I only see 4 knobs.. what about OBS1 OBS2 and ADF ?

2. Engine gauges ? Are you going to use simkit / FI or a second LCD monitor ?

3. I do not see any holes for Yoke. Are you placing a yoke just below the LCD monitor or do you have some other solution ?

4. Are you going to use Phidgets LED64 (Phidgets Interface & Alan Dyers' FS2Phidget) ?

This was just the start of 1000 questions but I hope many other GA builders will benefit from it.

BTW. GREAT radiostack !! Will build it later ! .. and could you please post pictures from behind of panel with LCD monitor installed ?

Best regards

Bjarne Horsbøl,
Copenhagen , Denmark

No Longer Active
10-09-2009, 05:41 AM
Hi Bjarne....

Thankyou for the kind words.......

My cockpit is a cockpit of many mysteries.....a bit like me lol......

So let's answer some questions for you.....

I can see on your pictures that you have knobs on your panel..are they dummys.. or are they "active" ?

Answer: They are 'active' but currently not interfaced yet, they are in position ready for wiring, the encoder base is only around 4-5mm in depth and my monitor sits on top of the encoder and I don't like the look of the monitor being flush to the panel anyway....why....it gives a sence of 3D'ness as if a gauge is really in there!

If active ! I only see 4 knobs.. what about OBS1 OBS2 and ADF ?

Answer: I ran out of encoders, I only bought 8 to start off with, I needed atleast 4 for the radio stack, so had 4 left, so I used them as OBS encoders, will add another couple more of the OBS encoders later when I put in my next order for electronics.

Engine gauges ? Are you going to use simkit / FI or a second LCD monitor ?

Answer: Chances are simkits engine gauges, but I am building some dummies at the moment to fill the space, my friend Ian sent me some engine faceplates, so I am using them to help build some dummy gauges.

I do not see any holes for Yoke. Are you placing a yoke just below the LCD monitor or do you have some other solution ?

Answer: I am using a Yoke, and I am putting the yoke exactly where it should be on the MIP in a real Cessna by using a 'wide' but 'low height' monitor. I will only be displaying the 8 pack and then using 2 simkits gauges to for the 2 gauges at the bottom. (See picture)


Are you going to use Phidgets LED64 (Phidgets Interface & Alan Dyers' FS2Phidget) ?

I haven't got a clue yet, I am tempted towards the simkits I/O cards, as they do a bundle of tricks. Using LEO BODNAR cards too!

and could you please post pictures from behind of panel with LCD monitor installed

When I get round to that I will indeed do it for you!

Any more questions, just fire away!!!!

Good luck with the build!


Bjarne Horsbøl
10-09-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi again !

Thank you for answers.

"I am putting the yoke exactly where it should be on the MIP in a real Cessna by using a 'wide' but 'low height' monitor. "

What size monitor will you use ? It does not look like 4:3 or widescreen dimensions to me ?

"I am tempted towards the simkits I/O cards, as they do a bundle of tricks."

When I asked you :
"Are you going to use Phidgets LED64 (Phidgets Interface & Alan Dyers' FS2Phidget)"

I was thinking ! How will you interface the Warning panel and the OMI lights ( in your fantastic looking audiopanel)

Correct me if I am wrong !!

I see that you can buy a simkits USB warning panel but..

what about OMI interface ?

The I/O card you are thinking ..is that the "TRC programmable Multi Controller" ?

"The Multi Controller software (included with the controller board) uses the I/O system from the FSUIPC software (written by Pete Dowson) to connect to Microsoft Flight Simulator. This PC compatible software is capable of recognizing up to 32 Multi Controllers connected to the PC via a single USB cable, thereby creating the most advanced control system for flight simulation ever (multiple USB devices can be connected by daisy chaining USB hubs). "

Is that not a little bit overkill for LED on warning panel and OMI ?

TRC programmable Multi Controller cost euro 120,00

You allready have Leo Bodnar for digital in/out

Phidget LED 64 cost euro 90,00

I am not criticising but trying to "ping pong" for a good solution !



No Longer Active
10-09-2009, 12:31 PM
Wow, you are full of questions!


Monitor Size: The monitor I am going to use is the one that I am currently using for my home pc which is an 18" wide screen lcd, I have already tested it, and it works nicely (and fits nicely).



Not using a warning panel in my MIP, and for the OMI lights, using 3 LEDs connected to simkits multi controller.

REASON OF USING SIMKITS MULTI CONTROLLER: Its is capable of driving LED's firstly, and secondly it can drive a servo with no programming required, which will be good for converting my dummy gauges to 'working' gauges when the time comes, thirdly it has plenty of inputs for swtiches and buttons etc.

REASON FOR USING LEO BOARDS: Its for the radio stack, TQ, and Flaps.

would like to use the TRC for all other assignments of switches/toggles.


Hope that helps mate.

All the best....


Bjarne Horsbøl
10-09-2009, 01:48 PM

Yes it helps !!

But.. please excuse me.. I do not understand how you kan squeeze an 18" wide screen lcd and still have free space for the two low right 80 mm simkits gauges ?


No Longer Active
10-09-2009, 03:41 PM
Trust me......they fit!

My MIP is cleverly designed in regards to the positioning of the gauges!

I cannot stress this enough.......2 x 79mm gauges DOES fit as i have tested it with blanks when positioning the gauges!

10-09-2009, 05:18 PM
The confusion about fit, at least for me, is: How does your yoke not interfere with the LCD? It would have to be low on the panel not to hit, right?

No Longer Active
10-09-2009, 05:23 PM
I guess the only way for me to describe it would be for everyone to just watch the progress and watch it all come together!

Pictures are better than words!

