View Full Version : FS9 interesting problem

10-09-2009, 06:43 PM
Hi All,
I have a problem with my sim. Everything starts up fine. taxi out, takeoff is fine. however about 5 minutes into the climb and flight sim program shuts itself off. all other project magenta software, TSR and interface card software still runs. I have checked the task bar and no flight sim, I have checked using task manager as well. It is like something is commanding a shutdown of the flightsim program. Any ideas?????? i am stumped over this one.

10-10-2009, 02:14 AM
So, a couple of ideas to try to diagnose this:

Is it tied to any particular scenery or location?
Have you updated hardware or drivers recently?
Is there any software running outside of FS that has changed and could cause a crash?
If you look in the Event Viewer, does it give any information relating to the crash?

10-10-2009, 07:38 AM
It does it ant any scenery when started. No programs have been added, deleated or altered. It only does it once. if i reload flightsim after the first crash it then works fine. no more problems. Where is this events viewer located??

10-11-2009, 01:35 AM
Hmm, that sounds intriguing... Does this also happen across reboots?

You'll find the event viewer by pressing the Start button and selecting "Run". In the dialog box that appears, type "eventvwr" and hit OK. That should bring up the event viewer. In the there, you'll want to take a look at the application logs and look for anything that says app crash (or something similar) or Microsoft Flight Simulator.


PS. What patch level are you at with FS9?

10-11-2009, 05:28 AM
If i re boot the computer it seems to be ok after the first time it crashes. seems to need to crash once before it works properly. I am running fs9.1 patch Vistaoz scenery pm sounds and TSR software on the computer. It was doing this behavior before i installed the TSR software. Apart from that i can not narrow down the search as all others were installed at the same time when i upgraded the computer. Installed all from fresh on a new hard disk.

P.S i will run the event viewer next time i start up the sim, as it is bound to do the same thing again. When that is i dont know. Perhaps tomorrow night if i am not working.