View Full Version : Warbird sim-pilot stopping in

11-13-2009, 12:05 AM
Hey everyone!

The name here is Marty, and I've been lurking the board for a while but decided to introduce myself.

I've been flying since Flight Sim 5.1, and been in and out of flight simming since then. I've been flying in IL-2 1946 most recently, and decided to take the plunge.

I have a shell for a pit built off the kwikpit plans (www.kwikpit.com) I know, not as exciting as what most of the other folks have here, but so far, it's working out for my needs. The shell is painted navy blue, and intended to simulate a F6F-5 Hellcat.

I am working on controls using a Leo Bodnar card, and some various used sim controls I've aquired over the years (Saitek throttle quadrant, thrustmaster pedals, and Microsoft FFB joystick, talk about a mix!)

Away from the flying world, I work as an EMT, but I am also going back to school to do HVAC engineering (long nights on an ambulance are no way to support a future family!) One can also find me dabbling in electronics, running calls as a volunteer firefighter, or at an area airshow, with a SLR camera glued to my face.

Maybe someday with space, money, and spousal patience, I can aspire to have a warbird pit worthy of the work most of you do.

11-13-2009, 12:51 AM
Welcome! I'm always happy to see more warbird simpit builders around. Although this place does seem a bit Boeing and Airbus centric, the tech to make this stuff work is all the same. :)