View Full Version : RMP Numpad

11-16-2009, 06:47 PM
Hello guys.

In my simulator I would like to use a USB numpad in addition to a gauge to manage the radios, such as in the E170 serries.

I plan on having both the ECAIS and ECAM displayed side by side on a monitor with the radios displayed right next to them and a USB numpad just below that.

First, is this possible without some sort of expensive software or self-programming? I don't want to have to click somewhere and enter something, I want it to be that I press a button to select Com1 and then the numbers (and period) that I press enter directly into Com1 standby.

What also would work would be not having a Com1 standby, but having the numbers entered into some "imaginary place" and then having those numbers moved over into Com1 active right away.

Second, assuming it is possible, are there any freeware or cheap payware gauges that display this info? (if not, would it be easily writeable/I would be able to find somebody who could easily write it?). I'm imagining a black screen with simple lettering over it displaying (active and standby) Com1, Com2, Nav1, Nav2, ADF, and Transponder (no standby for transponder).

Even if it's not possible to enter directly with a NumPad, if there was a gauge out there that had radio control VIA buttons, I could easily use FSUIPC to assign each Numpad button to a button on the gauge.

If none of the above would work out, I'd have to find something else (and no doubt more expensive), but I thought I would try this out because my ECAM/ECAIS monitor still has room on it and a nice Numpad is $20 at my local BestBuy. A radio panel with a knob would cost quite a bit more, not to mention any hardware WITH buttons on it.

11-17-2009, 12:02 AM
Check this site out www.learjet45chimera.co.uk.
Take a look at his RMU software.

11-17-2009, 05:35 PM
Thanks so much!

That'll work perfect for the display, and also includes hotkeys to select the radios and swap frequencies.

What still remains is how to get the numpad number keys to input numbers directly into the standby frequency.

Any ideas?

11-18-2009, 07:16 PM
I would be interested in this also. Especially if it could work with SIOC. Modern fighters use an Up Front Control Panel (UFCP) of some sort to do just what you are talking about.

They call the screen or display a Scratch Pad. You punch in the numbers and if they are correct, you hit enter. Presto!