View Full Version : Pm fmc

john van berkel
11-20-2009, 02:17 AM
hello all
I am ready now to get into the manual of the FMC from project Magenta :)
but the Manual from PM is not that intresting not all the possibility's are discribed in there :roll: where can I find a good manual for it?
I would like to set things right now like altitude and speed in the flightplan,
ref point and things like that :lol:
tx in advance
regards John

11-20-2009, 03:27 AM

A great (and free) resource for learning the 737NG's FMC (as well as other systems and procedures) is the manual for the PMDG 73NG package, available here:


Download the manual for 737 The Next Generation, and you should be good to go.

Keep in mind, though, that a few small items/logics in the PM FMC may not function exactly as described in the PMDG manual. 99% should, though.

Hope this helps!

john van berkel
11-20-2009, 06:29 AM
manual for 737 The Next Generation
hi ChrisKLAS

I was forgotten to tell that I am looking for the 777 manual :shock:

regards john

11-20-2009, 09:32 AM
Bill Bulfers books, allways a good read:



Describes software features of the Honeywell FMC found on the 757 / 767 / 747 / 777.



11-20-2009, 01:02 PM
You can download the FMC guide that I uploaded here http://www.mycockpit.org/fileshare/showentry.php?e=189&catid=member&entryuserid=2999

Also, I uploaded a 777-200 manual here too (which has a big section on the FMC. Starts on page 1538 ) http://www.mycockpit.org/fileshare/showentry.php?e=180&catid=member&entryuserid=2999

David Withers
11-21-2009, 02:13 AM
yep the big boeing guide that stef posted up is prob best.