View Full Version : FDS 737NG Interior Liners (Pic)

11-25-2009, 01:55 AM
Hi all,

So completely by surprise, my phone rang yesterday morning while I was at work, with a delivery from FDS! I knew it must be the long awaited 737NG interior liners!

After a full evening of installing them into the FDS shell (much simpler than one might think, certainly easier than I expected), the result was stunning! This is one fine set of hardware, and finishes up the "look" of the cockpit immensely.

A couple of pieces were missing out of the box (center window post), but in line with the great service I've always experienced from FDS, a box containing replacements for the missing items is already enroute to me.

Here's an image of the cockpit with the liners installed:


I've already mounted an $11 set of computer speakers from WalMart behind the speaker grills (plenty of room there), and set up a third instance of PMSounds to run all of the aural callouts through them. The effect is outstanding. Now just need a couple of map lights, the center window post once it arrives, polycarbonate windows (also coming from FDS), and of course, a tiller, to complete the "shelled" part of the flight deck!

Kudos to FDS for yet another ingenious solution to solving the cockpit building puzzle!

11-25-2009, 04:41 AM
Damn Nice Chris!

Talk about the finishing touch...:-)


11-25-2009, 05:40 AM
Looks good, But very square looking. No curves like the real thing. Are the window clip boards really that size and shape?

11-25-2009, 06:01 AM
Very Nice !

Great looking visuals too


11-25-2009, 09:11 AM
I have seen these liners on the FDS web page. I like their shell/liner setup.

After looking at their website, I have a number of questions.

1. How much does the full set of liners actually cost?

2. Is it possible to buy individual pieces (like eyebrow windows)?

(this information is obviously too special to display on their web page)

3. Am I worthy of knowing this information or owning any FDS kit.


11-25-2009, 09:34 AM
Looks really, really good. Congratulations,


11-25-2009, 12:49 PM
Thanks for sharing. Your cockpit looks awesome.

11-25-2009, 01:02 PM
that looks amazing! very well done!
can you tell me about your projector setup, is it a curved screen? thanks!

11-25-2009, 04:30 PM
Hey Chris,

What's the black rectangular box on the FO's NAV display?

11-25-2009, 05:40 PM
Hey Chris,

What's the black rectangular box on the FO's NAV display?

looks like the VSD (Vertical Situation Display)


The VSD, now certified on NG's, gives a graphical picture of the aircraft's vertical flight path. The aim to is reduce the number of CFIT accidents; profile related incidents, particularly on non-precision approaches and earlier recognition of unstabilised approaches.

The VSD works with the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) to display a vertical profile of the aircrafts predicted flight path (shown between the blue dashes) on the lower section of the ND. It is selected on with the DATA button on the EFIS control panel.

VSD can be retrofitted into any NG but it requires software changes to the displays and FMC and also some additional hardware displays.


Its Part of PM also, but i dont know as to how realistic it is modeled in PM.


Matt Olieman
11-25-2009, 06:30 PM
WOW Chris, looks fantastic. FDS did a fantastic job!!!! Congratulations.

Joe Cygan
11-25-2009, 06:46 PM
Very nice panels, they Look very professional.


11-26-2009, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone. Yes, the square box on the F/O's ND is the VSD. It's not fully implemented in PM yet (projected a/c path isn't there), but works well enough to at least give you a little extra warning that you're about to fly into a mountain.

Today's project involved taking a couple of plastic clipboards from Office Depot and bashing them with a hammer until the "clip" part of the board was free, then mounting the newly liberated "clips" to the interior liners to create the map clipboards present in the real NG.

Next to come: Map/Chart light boards/interface, Nihad's great new V2 o2 panels, and cup holders (gotta have some place to keep the beer bottles secured during flight!! ;) ).


01-24-2010, 08:36 PM
I think the FDS shell and liner setup is great, though I would like to know the price of their liner kit. I think they should post their prices on the website, but I'm sure they would tell me if I called. Someone mentioned that the liners were square looking. It would be impossible to have curved wall liners because the shell itself has flat walls. I think they made it like this to make it less costly and easier to ship. I think their shell is very well done and decentlly priced compared to other shells I have seen. If the liners are priced decently then it would be a nice package for sure. I think the compromises they made for cost and ease of asembly were good ones. I appreciate this especially after working awhile on my own curved version of a shell.

Congratulations to you on a nice simulator setup.