View Full Version : My 737 Build progress

12-07-2009, 08:21 AM
Here is a small set of pics for my build progress. I have been working on various parts at the same time. I am building the MIP myself and have the backer panels and bezels done but need to paint them. I will be using some of my own panels and some Open Cockpits panels. The MIP will be on a platform as you can see and moveable. The flightdeck (columns, yokes, seats, and aft pedestal) are on a seperate platform and the two platforms will attach to each other. This will make it easier to move. I have completed most of the dual yoke setup and should have it working by the end of this week. Here are some pics in no particular order.











And there you have it so far. I just finished carpeting the deck this weekend but no pictures yet and this week I wiill finish up pulley cables in yokes as well as final testing and seat placement. Then on to the pedestal build (which will be fully populated with OC radios and panels). The MCP and EFIS are from CP Flight. It has been a busy fall as during this same time I have logged all the hours and training in real life to complete my instrument rating in a G1000 equipped C172 Skyhawk. Now the weather has turned and with the icing conditions it makes it hard to get hours but plan on finishing up the rating shortly after the holidays (which I will spend studying for the written and oral).


Matt Olieman
12-07-2009, 09:11 AM
Looking good Scott!!!!! WOW, you've come a long way.... real nice :) :) :)

Keep up the good work. :)

Steve A
12-07-2009, 11:21 AM
Ingeneous yoke linkage by the looks of it :D and some nice carpentry.

12-07-2009, 04:14 PM
WOW, .. that looks fantastic, ...

12-07-2009, 04:53 PM
Fantastic work Scott, some cracking wood work going on there. I need to build something similar to put my FE desktop panels on (lower half of the MIP + CDU bay). Did you use plywood for the main structure?

12-07-2009, 04:54 PM
Looks really good Scott. Amazing how quickly you build these things :)

Michael S
12-07-2009, 05:15 PM
Hi, that´s looking very good.

Did you make the white MIP panel yourself as well? And what about the grey painted frame and landing gear lever? What material did you use?

I´m also curious about your yoke as I have nearly completed a single B737 control column. Is that yoke the one that was offered by simkits? I´ve got the one from simkits and it looks very identical.

12-07-2009, 07:40 PM
Thank you all for the compliments.

To answer some of the questions...

1. The mip is made of 3/4" and 1/2" birch plywood and will be painted with Boeing matched RAL 7011 color latex paint from Home Depot. The inside will be painted that yellow/green color similiar to what you would find in a lot of aircraft but mainly to allow me to see wiring better when working on it.

2. The plastic backer is made of 3mm poly cut on my cnc using the drawings found here on mc.org in the download section which I rescaled based on having the entire length of the mip be 1500 cm.

3. The grey colored bezel you see was also made on my cnc. I loosely copied some drawings of the real bezels and had some great help from my friend Vince in Italy in getting the bevel just perfect (especially bottom edge). Vince is a wizard with drawing and cad work. He has done excellent work on the Lear.

4. The columns setup for the yoke was designed by Ron Rollo who can be found along with the parts to make the setup over at Hangar45.net. Ron made this design for the Learjet and he makes the bearing holders on the ends as well as the center arms that the dampers will hook into. Look him up and I am sure he would be more than happy to help anyone out who is interested. I would have liked to put the structure under the floor but there simply would not be enough room with my 2x6 base. Instead, most of the center will be hidden under the TQ (which will be made from the Simparts.de kit). I will cover the remaining pvc with a small carpet covered houseing that shouldnt get in the way and hopefully wont be too noticable (especially in the dark).

The gear lever is from Open Cockpits. The seat is real and was purchased through Nick at the Airline Pilots Historical Society as are the two control yokes. Expect to pay anywhere from $350-$550 per yoke for the real deal with real switches and the clipboards like the ones shown here. A cheaper but very acceptable alternative that many folks seem to have used and be happy with are the yokes available from Roberto at Thottletek. The only reason I didnt go this route was because APHS is a half hour drive away from my house and I am like a kid in candy store when I am there :-). After seeing the real deal I could not resist. Plus there's nothing like the feel of cold magnesium alloy under the finger tips!

Radios are going to be OC and have been acquired as are all of the pedestal panels. MCP and EFIS have been acquired and are the CP FLight EL Series which are absolutely beautiful. I also got an OC CDU for now but I see an FDS or Engravity one likely in the future.

I will post more as I get things done. Thanks again.


12-08-2009, 09:04 AM
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the reply - interesting reading. I think I'll be making my MIP stand from 3/4" ply wood.

One final question - why 'latex' paint? Is this Acrylic paint?


12-08-2009, 09:49 AM
Latex is water based, easy to clean, and covers wood well. I am only using Latex on the wood parts of the MIP. The plastic parts are being painted using my airbrush and automotive paint from PPG that is the same stuff used for interior plastic parts on cars. It is extremely durable and dries fast. Also has built in flattening agents so will not require any clear coating. Not sure where you could get this locally but I have an auto paint store nearby. You also of course need a gun and compressor.

12-08-2009, 05:54 PM
Sounds like a good choice of paint for the wooden parts. Spraying is definitely the way forward.

Good look with the build and thanks for sharing it with us.

04-29-2015, 11:21 AM
Here is a small set of pics for my build progress. I have been working on various parts at the same time. I am building the MIP myself and have the backer panels and bezels done but need to paint them. I will be using some of my own panels and some Open Cockpits panels. The MIP will be on a platform as you can see and moveable. The flightdeck (columns, yokes, seats, and aft pedestal) are on a seperate platform and the two platforms will attach to each other. This will make it easier to move. I have completed most of the dual yoke setup and should have it working by the end of this week. Here are some pics in no particular order.











And there you have it so far. I just finished carpeting the deck this weekend but no pictures yet and this week I wiill finish up pulley cables in yokes as well as final testing and seat placement. Then on to the pedestal build (which will be fully populated with OC radios and panels). The MCP and EFIS are from CP Flight. It has been a busy fall as during this same time I have logged all the hours and training in real life to complete my instrument rating in a G1000 equipped C172 Skyhawk. Now the weather has turned and with the icing conditions it makes it hard to get hours but plan on finishing up the rating shortly after the holidays (which I will spend studying for the written and oral).

Hi Scott
You've done a fantastic job with your sim
I would like to do the same dual yoke set up as you have done
Would it be possible to sent some info
many thanks

Geremy Britton
05-04-2015, 04:50 PM
Very good work!