View Full Version : Toggle switch/LEDs

12-15-2009, 05:03 PM
I want to use one of these switches: -


.. to control my U/C, through a BU0836x board.

Can anyone tell me how to wire it in so the led glows when the U/C is down (ie switch is on)?

I'm not sure, and don't want to blow the board experimenting!
I will also be using some push button switched with LEDS- type not yet decided- for other functions in the future (APU is one that springs to mind), and would guess these would wire in in a similar fashion. Any recommendation as to what to use for these>


12-15-2009, 06:01 PM
That is a tough one because the switch is rated at 12 volts and it may require 12 volts for the LED to work. BU0386X only supplies 5 volts.
It is actually easier to have the switch and LED separate. Much easier to wire and work with. They are dirt cheap on Ebay - I have bought lots.
Please note that the BU0386X is only an input card and not an output card. If you want lights/LED to come on you have to hard wire them to come on when a switch is in a certain position. Output cards actually control the lights/LED based on conditions within flight sim.

12-15-2009, 07:22 PM
Hi Den,
I do believe I asked the Jedi Master, Ian Sisson, this exact question when I went up to visit him last year. For reasons I did not understand then (and have forgotten now) the answer was a definitive no.

Sorry! I was annoyed too, as I thought they looked great and would have been a nice addition.


12-15-2009, 11:30 PM
The BU0386X is an INput card not an OUTout. It is designed to take switch inputs and send them to MSFS to control MSFS functions.

To light a LED you need an output card like the Opencockpits USB Output cards or the Master cards.

I know other companies like Flightdeck make them but I use OC cards, along with the BU0386X.

I hope this helps

Bjarne Horsbøl
12-16-2009, 03:41 AM
It is right that Bodnars card is an input card.
But it is possible to make a LED light when you switch an input to on.

But ONLY with 5 volt

Check here: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17836


12-16-2009, 03:55 AM
hi den.........
easiest (and cheapest) way for you is use a standard DPDT toggle with the connection to BU0836X on one side and 5v for the LED on the other. use a 330ohm diode in line to stop the LED from burning out.
see: http://www.737ng.co.uk/switching.jpg
switches here for under a quid.......
or check out Sure Electronics on ebay.
you can get your 5v from a computer power supply or any spare USB socket or from the BU0836X itself.
any probs, email me and i'll draw it up for you......
regards from wales and happy christmas..... ian

12-16-2009, 05:41 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys. They have given me enough lines to follow. I'll come back when I've followed them up.

Regards and Merry Christmas from Hull
