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View Full Version : ATC add on (online & offline)

12-17-2009, 08:23 AM

My simuator will be General Aviation aircrafts.

I am looking for the best add on to have realistic ATC control during flight.

Frist online:
should I use VATSIM or any other online traffic control? Is it ok for general aviation flights?

Second offline:
I used to use Radar contact, but that was some years ago. Wath is the best ATC add on to be used off line to replace my old Radar contact.


12-17-2009, 06:12 PM
It seems to be split between VOXATC and RC5. I did a search on here about the same thing and there are plenty of threads about it.

If you are going to fly on line the best thing to do is to download all the various programs and then watch and listen for a while to work out whether its for you. I dont aim to fly on line but I dont mind listening in and watching to see how its done occasionally.

12-17-2009, 10:53 PM
I love Flying and Controlling on VATSIM have been doing it since 1999. I know most of the ARTCCs try to do what they do as close to real world has they can. We are always referring to the ATC B I B L E the 7110. And for real weather you can use Active Sky.

12-18-2009, 04:40 AM

Flying online is probably the most realistic solution : you speak to a real person and he will correct you if you do something wrong.

As I am flying in Europe, I have choosen IVAO which is more active in this region.



12-18-2009, 05:36 AM
i fly online all the time with vatsim it is very realistic
i have been told that ivao has more atc but is not as realistic as vatsim
what i am going to do is try ivao and see if it is true but i am very happy with
vatsim so just try it you can use genaral aviation both IFR and VFR just try