View Full Version : Engravity Backlighting

01-03-2010, 06:56 AM
Hi guys.

Seeing some of you chaps producing your own panels at an astonishing quality (e.g. Phil and other guys) I got really jealous and refused to try it myself as I know it won't turn out the same way but just me being frustrated about the time invested. But this hobby is about trying new things and finding out how they work..right?? Unfortunately I don't have the necessary tools for trying to make them myself.

Anyway I've nearly finished my OVH and simultaneously I'm working on my MIP. Got to say that I bought the OVH from Engravity and the MIP from FDS. Both are really high quality goods but I have to say that the IBL from FDS really saves us builders a lot of time figuring out on how to backlight other panels..

I've seen various attempts from builders using a few 100 led's to backlight their panels.. for me not the ideal solution to do so. My question: I'm sure a lot of you guys have tried other solutions than led's behind the panels or led-strips.. I'm interested in your ideas and how you did it?.. especially those of you who also purchased the Engravity panels.

I've been breeding about this problem for about a year now and really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance


01-03-2010, 07:07 AM

I've used a combination of cold cathode tubes and LED strips - (both of which are often used by pc case modders) - they were really easy to install but the downside is that I don't believe they are dimmable so its just on or off - not accurate but they were quick to install!!
I may go back and replace them but with so much else to do is it really a problem???


01-03-2010, 11:13 AM
Hi Mike

Thanks for yout quick response. Quite a while ago I was also thinking about cold catode tubes but because of the same reason you mentioned ,that they're not so appropiate for backlighting (dimming issue), I forgot ot again. but qwell yes your right.. at least an idea on how to backlight the panels..

Thanks again