View Full Version : mark123

01-06-2010, 12:50 PM
Hello, I don't know if I'm in the right site now after all the information I've gone through. Anyway here goes, I have microsoft flight simulator Xdeluxe installed on my computer and am trying to install My Traffic 2010, It appears to install well enough but when I try to get ino it, it has a box which says in it 'Please open an existing data base'. I have no idea what this means, and when I click on any of the tabs, it comes up 'no items match your search'
Please can you help me to be able to get into this because I really want to enjoy all the aircraft within. A word of warning though, I understand computer terms and terminology like I understand quantum physics, safe to say absolutely nothing, so if you can help please could you express it in a way as though you're talking to a five year old. Thank you very much in advance.

01-06-2010, 08:35 PM
I don't own MyTraffic 2010 but usually programs like that require to scan/index your aircraft and scenery databases in order to work properly. Maybe you haven't done that yet?

PDT 200
01-06-2010, 08:46 PM
Here is a link to the Aerosoft forums site for MyTraffic 2010: