View Full Version : Opencockpit's 737 ATC Transponder Module - In need of desperate help!

Boeing 747 Flyer
01-09-2010, 08:06 AM
Hello everyone,

My Opencockpit's ATC 737 Transponder Module (pre built P&P) arrived yesterday, but I cannot get it to work.

Basically, whilst the Module works fine in terms of switching on, the display changing when I turn the transponder Knobs etc, I cannot get it to interface with Microsoft FSX in any way.

The Module works when I open up the program called "IOCModules", when this is open I can change the Transponder Values, adjust Transponder Mode etc. In fact, if I keep this program open whilst FSX is running, the Values on the 737 Transponder Module change... But They do not in FSX.

I have absolutely no idea how the SIOC works, even after reading the tutorials from Nico Kaan's Website and Opencockpit's Own Website. I know I must get a SIOC Code and run this through the SIOC Interface program, but I cannot find a Code that does this. (I know Nico has one, but that's for the level-D 767, and I just want to get it working (even Partially) with aircraft such as FSX Default, PMDG, Wilco 737, 757 Captain etc).

So please, enlighten me. I just need a way to interface the Module with FSX.Please note I am an absolute beginner in terms of SIOC/IOC/Opencockpit Software, so I need you guys to explain it to me as simple as possible. The OC's team told me that it would work with 757 Captain & PMDG, even if it only changes the Transponder Code.

I would really appreciated help on how to get this wonderful looking piece of kit up and running. Everything works, it's jsut the actual Interface between FSX and the Hardware that needs fine-tuning.

Thanks very much for reading and best regards,

Jack (Boeing 747 Flyer)

01-09-2010, 04:03 PM
I do not have such a module but after studying the documentation:
In my opinion you do not need a SIOC script. It should work out of the box ... Did you also download the OPENCOCKPITS ATC B‐737 MODULE
INSTALLATION AND USER’S MANUAL (tab download with the product in the Opencockpits Sales site)?
If so, did you configure the IOCModules.ini file? (Important: active_atc=Yes).

I guess it uses FSUIPC for communication with FSX. If so, do you have FSUIPC4 installed? Does the IOCModules window indicates a working link to FSUIPC or WideFS?

Nico Kaan

Boeing 747 Flyer
01-09-2010, 04:31 PM
Heya Nico,

I definitely have FSUIPC4, and it works. I have downloaded the 737 ATC Users Manual with the correct files (first thing i did), and I have installed the "IOCModules" program. Below is a direct copy of my "IOCModules.ini" file, which seems to be correct?:

[ Configuration file for IOCModules ]

[ Arranque minimizado en la barra ]
[ Start minimized in tray ]

[ X-plane mode Yes or No]

[ FACTOR Trim]

[ FLAPS Maximum degree // Máximos grados]

[ Retractable GEAR // Tren retractil]

[ IP del HOST del servidor ]
[ IOCP server host name ]

[ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP ]
[ IOCP port ]

[ Tiempo de respuesta máximo de los paquetes IOCP ]
[ IOCP Timeout ]

[Brillo por defecto 1-121]
[Bright 1-121]

[ Valores iniciales ]
[ Initial values ]


[ Activacion de Radios ]
[ Radio Activation ]


[ Orden para COM , NAV y ADF]
[ COM , NAV % ADF modules order ]
[ Change to NO for device number minor assigned to COM2 , NAV2 or ADF2, if YES, minor device number is COM1 , NAV1 or ADF1]

[Emulación de test]

[ End of File ]

01-09-2010, 04:46 PM
Hi Jack,

So the IOCModules window indicates a working link with FSUIPC?

Try what happens if you say Emulate_test=No

Also check if you have the latest version of IOCModules.


01-09-2010, 04:55 PM
Hi Jack,
In the OC forum I found a link to the latest (beta) version of IOCModules.
Worth a try:



03-09-2010, 08:21 PM
I have the ATC module and did nothing but plug it in USB and install the IO 1.5 software.

You run the software, a little window comes up. It shows the unit there in the top right.

I've never opened a script to edit.

On a side note, my order I placed over a week ago is still "processing" and all inquiries to them about the status of the order have not been returned. Seems odd that OpenCockpits would not email me back, even to say something is out of stock or whatever the issue is.


Boeing 747 Flyer
03-10-2010, 02:12 PM
Hey Matt,

I have the Module working now.

What product is being delayed in the ordering process?

05-20-2010, 07:59 PM
Hi Flyer 747,
How did you get the ATC module to work. I have just bought one and I can change the transponder freq ok but I can not get the XPNDR/TA ONLY/TA/RA switch to work. I am using FS9 and flying the PSS 777. It will not change these on the PSS 777 radio panel like the transponder does, I still have to use the mouse on the radio PSS radio panel to get these to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards

Boeing 747 Flyer
05-21-2010, 05:29 AM
Hi there Dave,

With the PSS777 and most other add-ons you can only change the Transponder Code. The only exception is if you are using the LDS767 - In that case you can use Nico Kaan's SIOC files for complete compatibility of every knob and switch.

So yes, unless using the LDS767 you can only change the Transponder Code itself. The PSS777 would be possible if the correct offsets were provided for SIOC to work with, but unfortunately they are not (like most add-ons), so you can only get limited compatibility.

05-21-2010, 04:33 PM
Hi Boeing 747 Flyer,
Thanks you very much for explaining this for me. I am friends with Ian Cameron who has built a 767 cockpit so I will get hold of him and see if something can be done with some code scripts.
Kind Regards

Boeing 747 Flyer
05-22-2010, 03:01 AM
AS far as I know no code can be created with the PSS777 as it doesn't provide the correct offsets.