View Full Version : Go flight efis

01-21-2010, 08:21 AM
Hello All

First time poster

I have recently purchased a go flight efis and trying to get it to work with the leveld 767 in fsx

My big problem is I can't for the life of me find the key assignments for the efis in the level d menu

I have even printed out the leveld keyboard assignments but no mention of the efis or any of it's funtions

I just need the keyboard assignments so I can program the efis

Could anyone help

Thank you in advance

Ps I have looked all over the net but know joy

01-21-2010, 06:17 PM
Hi there,
This might be a solution: If you have a registered copy of FSUIPC [and you should!] you could mousetrap the relevant functions and then assign them to the EFIS unit in FSUIPC. I use this technique with my Wilco Airbus to capture functions that do not have key assignments. I even made a video on how to do it which is now on the thread, for some reason!


See if it works...

Matt Olieman
01-21-2010, 08:08 PM
Nigel, A fantastic demonstration, I'm impressed and THANK YOU!!!!!

BTW, I promoted your post as Article in the Tutorial Section on the home page. Congratulations, because of that you've been awarded a ribbon which will be displayed on your profile.

Thanks again :)

01-21-2010, 09:08 PM
Thanks very much Matt :o !!

Did not expect that - I did not know we had ribbons and such!


01-21-2010, 09:40 PM
Brilliant Nigel! That is great advice. I have a problem with loading FSUIPC 3.81, it makes my PMDG Open GL instrument displays disappear but I will be moving away from PMDG shortly to SimAvionics and I'm sure the mousetrapping will be extremely useful. Good work mate!

Regards, Gwyn

01-21-2010, 11:39 PM
Thank you Nigel

I will give it ago assuming that leveld 767 fsx has no key assignments already for the efis function

Good demonstration I will be using that in many other cases

02-12-2010, 02:56 PM
I just saw this it is wonderful I have known about the "mouse trapping" but have never tried to use it. Now I can grab some of the fighter switches you can't get in FSX.

02-13-2010, 05:50 AM
nice 1, This way also works for most of the overhead in the pmdg as well ... Lovely............:)

02-16-2010, 05:22 PM
In the FS9 version the list of assignments is accessed on the menu bar by Level-D/Settings/Customcontrols. The controls for the EFIS are shown as HSI Range and Mode, with key configurations SHIFT F11, SHIFT TAB F11 and SHIFT F12, SHIFT TAB F12.

