View Full Version : OpenCockpits CDU Driver for PMDG 737 - status announcement

01-23-2010, 08:15 AM

today I can publish a status announcement about the OpenCockpits CDU driver for the PMDG 737. Since December the beta tests have still proved some little problems and have led to the fact that the driver originally laid out as a module was converted into a gauge. This has turned out as the "big throw" which has solved all problems which hung together among other things with the aircraft initialization. I still wait for the feedback of two beta testers and then I think, the release version will be available soon.

In view of the fact that PMDG have announced yesterday the NGX not to bring out for the FS2004 I think that the "old" PMDG 737 still leads a long life in Homecockpits and must be given therefore also suitable hardware support.
