View Full Version : HispaPanels assembly help!

02-17-2010, 10:18 AM
Hello All,
I purchased enough panels to cover the Captain's side and middle section of the MIP (737) from Hispapanels.

The order came quickly and I also opted for all of the components. So I get a box in the mail with great looking panel parts and a bunch of panel backing type stuff, many with multiple layers of plastic etc (+ one bag of electronic components).

Does anyone have a tutorial with how to put this stuff together? I'm not too worried about the electronics part yet, I just have no clue about how to assemble these things. For example, the 6 pack annunciators, there are little square clear plastic pieces and little square annunciator fronts.. I assume I put the electronics on the clear plastic parts and glue the annunciator fronts on the switches.. but I'm not sure.

Another example, I have lots of other MIP parts that have weird shaped clear plastic backings that aren't really the same shape as one of the front panels.. so I have no idea what they belong to.

Yikes, what have I got myself into here!

I have so many questions... like the landing gear panel looks like it would need to be backlit almost right to the edge, so how do you attach it securely to the panel (I made my mip panels in 3 sections out of MDF). I'm assuming I would have to cut a hole in the mdf where I want the backlighting to show through (or will the light spread somewhat?

Anyone used hispapanels for their MIP? (HELP!!)


Matt Olieman
02-17-2010, 10:33 AM
What's a Hispapanels?

Where are they located?

Never heard of them.

02-17-2010, 10:45 AM

Steve A
02-17-2010, 11:01 AM
I got the fire panel from Hispapanels and it was pretty much the same story for me. I used the clear perspex to mount the rotary's and fed the wiring for the leds and switches thru what appeared to be square cut outs. I haven't a clue if i assembled it all right but it works and backlights well. Just wait till you get the fire handles. They come in about 30 bits of clear perspex :eek:

02-17-2010, 12:29 PM
Hi Steve- was looking at the fire panel from hispapanels- do the handles come in red perspex?

Steve A
02-17-2010, 12:42 PM
Hi steve, I ordered the fire panel and electronics together, what came was the panel itself a clear perspex backing panel, all the annunciators, leds,3 rotary switches, normal switches and the fire handles. From what i could work out the handles were made up of 5 seperate peices of clear perspex about 2 cm wide by 5 cm long, with the peice that goes on top engraved. I dont know if i assembled them correctly as i say but i basically glued them together in the order i thought correct as they are pre-drilled for the shaft of the rotary and the leds. As for them being red the answer is no, clear perspex all the way thruogh. There is space between a couple of the sections to insert thin card etc ( like a name badge ) So i inserted red card.

i'll try and take a picture shortly.

02-17-2010, 12:56 PM
Cheers Steve- I'll get my order in !- would love to see a pic still though

Steve A
02-17-2010, 01:01 PM
Not very clear , but you'll get the idea


02-17-2010, 01:15 PM
Brilliant Steve, Thanks for that- i've ordered the kit so looking forward to assembling it. I was thinking of painting the lower part of the handles in black and the top edges in red so i'll post some pics if it all works!

02-17-2010, 03:13 PM
My Hispapanels FMC arrived last week , ... it's going to be a mission to assemble .... but I am looking forward to it :)

02-17-2010, 04:49 PM
That is great news Cape! I'd love to see photos during the process. I ordered so many panel parts, I'm not sure what goes with what! (example: some of the square clear plastic have 5 holes, some have 3.. not sure why)

Steve A
02-20-2010, 09:35 AM
I Thought i should show you how the panel looks with a few led's attached behind http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb82/Quadropheniac_album/Picture009.jpg

02-20-2010, 09:44 AM
That looks great!! I have been working on my overhead all morning. Good to see that some people are hard at work on their projects :)

03-07-2010, 08:57 AM
Hi Fellas, Got my fire panel from manalo and I thought I would post some pics- As the handles come in several pieces of clear perspex I wanted to find a way of making them red like the real ones and found that car lens repair tape works well- Steve A, I have a bit left so if you want me to mail you some drop me a PM..

Steve A
03-07-2010, 09:13 AM
Ah fantastic thinking out of the box Steve. Dont worry about the tape i shall pick some up tomorrow, great idea!!!