View Full Version : Order of software instalation

03-02-2010, 08:16 AM
Hi All
I am currently running a Windows 7 x 64bit i7 processor unit with 6 GHz of RAM, this is working FSX - accelerator on it. some of the addons I have are:
- Orbx ftx scenery,
- FSXpassengers,
- software for goflight modules and TH2Go unit,
- and add-on planes such as Wilco 737 and PMDG Jetstream

it is this last add-on that seems to be causing some problems with my system and that is it it wants to shut it down or crash the system. Now this could be a confliction between the system and the software however I want to know if there is a order in which software should be loaded onto my system.

I should also mention that I am using a SSD so defraging really won't work very well.

Can anyone tell me if there is an order in which to re-install software after a complete format of a system.

Thanks in advance


03-02-2010, 05:19 PM
Hi Chris

just my two cents...

This is the order of installing the items on my system:

FSX, defrag
Acceleration, defrag
Vision systems (in your case THTG)
Check if all works fine...
Add on Aircraft, defrag
Check if you are happy with the FPS and then Set everything as you like to improve your FPS as required.
Add on Scenery and additional programms, defrag
This is very depending on your actual setup
Connect all your Outboard equipment with the correct drivers (frequently check for updates)

I check after every install with some test flights to isolate the cause for any irregularities.

I have FSX, Accel and the Add on Aircraft on the main partition of the HD everything else on the second one. C:/ =FSX accel and Add ons in my case E:/ = everything else...

Worked fine for me...

Greetz Simon