View Full Version : How to Start a Program on Computer with Covered Monitor

03-04-2010, 10:40 AM
I posted a similar topic on the GA forum and have not received any responses. I thought it was perhaps because those building GA simpits don't use multi monitors and networked computers as much as those building the more complicated simpits. With that in mind I thought I would post my question here where more builders may see it.

Basically I am interested in hearing how others initiate software on a second computer where the monitor is covered by a MDF or plywood cover with cutouts for gauges. I use a second computer/monitor networked to my FS computer for Peix gauges, Squawkbox and ServInfo (for VATSIM ATC) as well as WideFS/Wideclient for networking. I know I can add a Run command in Wideclient.ini so that it will start other programs once wideclient is started. But how can I start Wideclient if I can't access the icon on my desktop because it is covered with a panel.

Thanks, Dave

Matt Olieman
03-04-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi Dave, sorry I missed your other posts, pretty simple, there is available for free a remote program called VNC (there are others too). I use VNC and works fantastic for me. You can find VNC here: www.realvnc.com/

03-04-2010, 12:03 PM
I use a 4 port KVM/DVI switch. Works great.

03-04-2010, 12:49 PM
VNC works perfect and is free.
Also , you can drop the wideclient icon from the desktop (if it's there) into the 'Startup' folder found in 'Programs' in the 'Start' menu. Next time you start the computer, Wideclient starts automatically and of course all other programmes with the run and/or runready command.
Darren Sugden

03-04-2010, 08:42 PM
Well done gents, thanks so much for the responses. I was actually thinking about this on the drive home today from an appointment ; there must be some way to "remotely control" the second computer through the network it is on. Real VNC was the answer. Just finished downloading, installing and setting up. Small glitch at first until I read some of their tech docs and then tweaked the firewall settings. This combined with Suggy's suggestion about using the Start up folder and we were up and running.

Next step now is to work on the panel with cutouts and then the rotary encoders for inputs to the gauges.

I believe the phrase across the pond is "I'm chuffed".

Cheers, Dave :D