View Full Version : airbus progress photos and some qestions

03-11-2010, 03:46 PM
hello to all
i have finaly uploaded some photos of me building and would loke some
help on a probleme that i have noticed here are the photos

03-11-2010, 03:49 PM
more photos

03-11-2010, 03:56 PM
well me qestion is i have cut out of paper the captins mip as showen
i am thinking of using wood
my problem is that the monitor will not let me put the light panel to the left of the captins pfd
it is in the way what can i do for this???? should i start the main base from wood and get the monitors closer together leaving a space to the left of the pfd so the light panel will fit or can some one help out with there opinion
is the light panel a dummy or can it be conected to work??
kind regards spiro

No Longer Active
03-11-2010, 04:03 PM
Hi Spiro,

Excellent work my friend, progress is really coming on....

Would it be possible to have the below dimensions for the wing, efis and fcu?


(click on image to make bigger)

Kind Regards....


03-11-2010, 04:17 PM
thanks Alex no probleme
FCU/ 8.8CM(H) 26.3(L)
WING/ bottom 8.1(H) 32.7 (L) 4.7(H)
i think you can understand how ihave done it i dont know how to draw the sides so you can understand better
let me know if you need any thing
regards spiro

No Longer Active
03-11-2010, 04:35 PM
Hi, Thanks for that, I can fully understand your dimensions.

As for the light panel, I think that for now I would reproduce a dummy panel just for now, unless you make the MIP out of quite thick wood and sand down the cutouts so that they are rounded and smooth, that way you it will allow you depth to accommodate the components required to interface the electronics.....

Again, thanks for the measurements.....

Your FCU is VERY good, top quality!

Kind Regards,


03-11-2010, 04:42 PM
Nice work spiro:)

keep up the good work.



03-12-2010, 01:29 AM
hello spiro.........
now this is looking good :o
what aircraft model / instrumentation are you using as the basis of the sim ?
regards and best wishes .... ian

03-12-2010, 07:51 AM
thanks steve and ian
know that i found out how to upload photos i will post more photos
ian i am a airbus fan i love all airbus seires but because there are more a320 parts softwere and things than
say 330 and 340 i will stick with a twin engine
because my hard were is from cockpit sonic i was told that i need PM for it to fully work
but because i can not afored PM and the net work of pc at the moment
my only alternative is at this moment
wilco airbus addon witch i drag and drop my instruments were i whant them
and the famouse matrox tripel head for know
i wish wilco and cockpit sonics could work together making an interface as they have with cp flight
but as i asked there are no attentions
and as i spoke with PM and they do not brack up the packege so i guess i have to save up
do you have any other ideas??
kind regards spiro

03-26-2010, 03:37 PM
Just some photos before painting!!!!!!
and the start of my gear lever with Buddym help

03-27-2010, 12:43 PM
:)just finished:)
it has some last thing to be fixed but mainlly done:D

03-29-2010, 01:41 PM
Hey Spiro,

Looking great! I just got back home and wanted see if you had posted more pics, they are awesome


03-29-2010, 03:59 PM
Thanks Buddym
there was no flying for me this week end!!!!!
i would love to see some photos of your mip bace if you can as that is the nect thing on the list
adding colour to the sim makes you feel better so got to get the mip ready know!!!!!
regards spiro

04-14-2010, 12:49 PM
hello to all
i just got my mip plywood from the wood strore i was waitting for 3 weeks because of ester but
i am a bit upset as i asked for 6mm plywood panels and he cut me 4mm :(
i am not shore if i should use them or sould i get him to re cut with 6mm???????
need some advive