View Full Version : poldragonet shipping

Air Canada
03-12-2010, 02:45 PM
does anyone know what their shipping rates are at Poldragonet..

I'm about to order some stuff but the shipping always says 100 euro.. If I order a 10 euro item and do the check out the shipping says 100 euro. If I oreer 2000 euro, it still says 100 euro shipping.. Trying to get the items shipped to Canada.

So, if anyone have done business with them, what shippig rate was applied..

I tried emailing them so many times, but they never respond..


03-12-2010, 05:48 PM
I paid 60euro for aft Oh shipping to UK. Item was packaged really well and stood up to loads of battering - took me ages to get into it.

03-12-2010, 07:03 PM
I would be very very careful about buying anything from Poldragonet.

I ordered a throttle quadrant from them about two years ago.

It took more than a month to clear customs in Poland after they shipped it.

When it arrived the performance of the unit was very disappointing.

Tech support has been abysmal.

You might be tempted by the low prices, but in my experience with them, you get what you pay for.


03-12-2010, 09:28 PM
Interesting comment from Peter. I find that you either have a good, or bad service experience with them. No in-between. I have had excellent service from them All were shippped ahead of the projected ship date, all came VERY WELL packed, it took me awhile to unwrap the items, and all shipped at 100 euro. I ordered the M.I.P. and the complete overhead seperately.. I'll be ordering the aft overhead next month. The one thing they cpuld improve on is replying to emails., and inserting some instructions. Dave

Air Canada
03-12-2010, 10:32 PM
Interesting comment from Peter. I find that you either have a good, or bad service experience with them. No in-between. I have had excellent service from them All were shippped ahead of the projected ship date, all came VERY WELL packed, it took me awhile to unwrap the items, and all shipped at 100 euro. I ordered the M.I.P. and the complete overhead seperately.. I'll be ordering the aft overhead next month. The one thing they cpuld improve on is replying to emails., and inserting some instructions. Dave

Interesting... Uust wondering what items did you buy from them... i'm plaing to order the MIP, overhead and the EFIS for the 737 ...

it looks like they have a flat rate of 100 euro for shippings, cause any item I add, the shipping is always the same... So, it makes sence for me to order all 3 items at one time rather than separately.. This way, I'd have to spend everytime 100 euro on shipping...

Just one qucik qiestion for all you guys thatbought from them... Are all their panels backlight compatible... And was it easy to set everything up..

thanks for al the coments... I've been doing some search on this forum to see if people have bought stuff from them and so far the reviews don't seem to be too bad...

thanks guys.

03-13-2010, 11:08 AM
Yes, all their panels are backlightable, and I have some photos posted in the phptp gallery section. For the price you can't go wrong. Dave

Air Canada
03-13-2010, 01:12 PM
Yes, all their panels are backlightable, and I have some photos posted in the phptp gallery section. For the price you can't go wrong. Dave

thanks dave... yes, i did check out your pics and your you tube.. BTW... you did a nice tutorial on youtube... I guess fs2phidget card seems to be the ones I'll get since you mentioned you can control the led's brightness...

Did you get the MIP from them too or just the overhead... I'm planing to get both... Will 1 fs2phidget card do, or will I need to get 2 ..

03-13-2010, 06:29 PM
Fair point about the "good and bad"...

From a personal point of view I have never had a problem but I know some members have - I can only speak from experience and they have always responded to order enquiries and the goods have arrived well packaged and quickly...

Also fair point about the lack of instructions... you don't get any...


03-14-2010, 04:18 AM
Dave tried to reach that pictures u said, but didnt find them, could u link me them, also to youtube please??

Thanks man

03-14-2010, 12:19 PM
http://www.mycockpit.org/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=4934&title=img-1175&cat=620 just one of many and on youtube just search davemckee1. Dave

03-15-2010, 05:49 PM
Thank u so much Dave I'll give a try with poldragonet but I'm going with io cards instead of phidgets, your project is getting great