View Full Version : Panel Builders Question on switches...

03-17-2010, 10:52 PM
Of those who have built panels from scratch.... I have cut my glare panels for my A320, (they are finally of good quality and I am more proud than ashamed to display them) and I want to test-fit components while I work out the backlighting and mounting details. When you mounted your switches and displays did you do it in seperate sections or all one assembly? I ordered switches from mouser, digikey, and Ebay to compare what you get at what price. They should be here soon and I think I can get the whole assembly for each sub-section (EFIS/FCU/EFIS) on it's own board rather than a board for the pushbutton switches, a board for rotary switches, and a board for displays all mounted to a main board. I found that the CTS encoders are too tall to mount on the front of the circuit board, but if I drill a hole and mount it from behind it seems to be ok, I can just solder wires to the terminals and take them directly to the interface or to the board first and then to the interface. I bought what look to be the same rotary switches that Cockpitsonic and FDS sell...do you think that they will need to be mounted from the bottom of the circuit baord as well. Mind you I am using perfboard, not a PCB, al teast not yet. Interestingly enuff I have found a place to have PCBs made at $10 each for boards up to 20 sq inches and $15 for up to 40 sq inches. If I do PCBs it would be awesome, but I have to buy 10 at a time. Not enuff bus builders out there for that I don't think! Anyway, I know I saw Brian W. had a radio panel he built that was very much custom.... has anyone built a A320 glare section from scratch that could give me some input on what they did for component mounting and assembly? Thanks!


03-18-2010, 11:37 AM

My MIP was initially in three sections and it came from Poldragonet. Because I wanted one single 'mounting' panel across the width of the screen I ended up tracing it out onto 8mm MDF and mounting all my sub panels onto it. The sub panels I mounted and removed about 10 times I think, once I had a sub panel wired up, back on it went.

As for toggles, pushbuttons and LEDS, I got 90% of those off of E-bay. 45 degree rotaries I purchased from FDS. Not sure how many of each kind of switch you need for a Scarebus though.



Hope that helps.

No Longer Active
03-18-2010, 11:55 AM
'Scarebus'....I'd keep your personal opinions of aircraft preferences to yourself, many will take it to offence on here!

Just a friendly word of warning!

03-18-2010, 12:07 PM
'Scarebus'....I'd keep your personal opinions of aircraft preferences to yourself, many will take it to offence on here!

Just a friendly word of warning!

I Jest... but I thought most would realise that :)

Next time I'll add a " :) "

03-18-2010, 12:22 PM
Did a quick search... at least I am not the only one guilty of using the 'S' word :) ... now, back to building.

03-18-2010, 09:27 PM
LOL, Scarebus is a common term from me! I am a big fan of Boeing obviously and I really like the traditional yoke and column with the ability to point my airliner anywhere I want it to go. Rolls and loops are common in my sim, I muck around way too much! Probably 80% of Aerosim's customers are building the French effort that calls it's pilot a retard on landing lol.
The truth of the matter is I am an aviation fan and I think anything that flies is a work of art regardless of which badge it carries. Let's keep these comments in perspective, it is friendly rivalry and I find it very amusing just like the GM v Ford rivalry. If anyone is offended by my comments, hahahaha!!! BTW, I've started building my own A320 sim to join the NG...


03-18-2010, 10:37 PM
Scarebus was a new term for me, but I don't offend easily, and certainly not over something like that! I actually didn't know anything about the Airbus planes when I selected the A320 for a sim. To be quite honest I picked the model so I didn't have to have to build or use a yoke. I have enjoyed it so far and hope one day to have a really nice sim. Someone asked me the other day what I would do when it was finished. I answered that I didn't think it ever would be, but that if that day ever came I would sell it and build a new sim based on the F4-J Phantom.


King Aaron
03-19-2010, 03:04 AM
I know what I need instrument wise when it comes to steam guages, this BMA in the middle there is suposed to do all that and more.

No Longer Active
03-19-2010, 08:13 AM
The Scarebus to my knowledge is 'so 2010', I have seen a sudden increase in the amount of a320 builders which is great! Maybe the 737 really is loosing its appeal, and love to fly by wire (the computer does it all).....