View Full Version : Boeing 737-800 Next Generation Simulator

03-21-2010, 01:58 AM
Ladies and Gents,

I would like to officially open this thread for my Boeing 737-800 Next Generation Simulator. Not much there right now but that is changing daily.

Visit my website to watch my progress:

B737NG-SIM (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/newsandupdates.php)

I welcome comments on the build and the site. Incidentally can someone tell me how to cut the time back on my intro page. I'm using Network Solutions website builder, but there is no setting for time.


03-21-2010, 04:04 AM
Congrats with the sim and the website.

Our website is at www.737ng.eu but I am behind schedule on the launch.... today is planned as a day of work for the website. I hope you don;t mind me adding your to my links page. Cheers and post loads of loads of pictures during your build ;-)

03-21-2010, 10:50 AM
Congrats with the sim and the website.

Our website is at www.737ng.eu but I am behind schedule on the launch.... today is planned as a day of work for the website. I hope you don;t mind me adding your to my links page. Cheers and post loads of loads of pictures during your build ;-)


Thanks! I like what you've done. I've been looking at Joomla for my site. Maybe in the future. I've learned that I'll spend way to much time working on the site and not on my sim if I'm not careful.

Matt Olieman
03-21-2010, 10:52 AM

Thanks! I like what you've done. I've been looking at Joomla for my site. Maybe in the future. I've learned that I'll spend way to much time working on the site and not on my sim if I'm not careful.

That's why you've MyCockpit.org You can even build your own blog here.... go to blog. Post your pics and history of your project :) :) :) We've got all sorts of features for you.... USE THEM!!!!! LOL :) :) :)

03-21-2010, 10:54 AM

Thanks! I like what you've done. I've been looking at Joomla for my site. Maybe in the future. I've learned that I'll spend way to much time working on the site and not on my sim if I'm not careful.

That is my prtoblem too, .. and I'd like to hide behind that excuse ... it honestly is the reason that the site has not been launched yet.

03-21-2010, 11:03 AM
You are absolutely right, Matt.

I do need to look more into the features available here.


03-26-2010, 02:08 AM
An Update on my progress. I've been juggling so many balls since I got home that I would make any circus clown proud.

I put my daughter to work as you can see.


Then, after a few hours with a jigsaw, results:


As I'd broken out one of the projectors, I couldn't resist and started playing with different types of materials for screens. So far I'm sold on some paneling I bought I at Lowe's that look like dry erase board. It very flexible so should be able to bend to 150 degrees without a problem. That's the material in the center of both of these shots taken against the wall in what will be my cockpit.

The image is from a Benq MP772ST projector from 1 meter which will be about my distance. the projection is 48 inches high, which is what I'm shooting for.



04-22-2010, 02:00 AM
I've been making some progress... check out the link below for news and updates.


I've actually made more progress than I've posted.

The MIP stand is at a 90% solution, and painted baby poop primer green. Hope to paint it gray tomorrow. At that point I will move it into the basement, and assembly of the MIP will begin, followed by fine-tuning of the projectors and then finally get the software up and running.

I'll post pics once I get it in the basement. Believe me... you do not want to see my garage right now... the wife has been very understanding of the lack of garage space for her car these last few weeks.

04-22-2010, 02:32 AM
Great job Warren

Keep us posted...

Now that I am beggining building my self I struggled with the creation of site too, but I am afraid that I may lose time on this. Matt has gave me a great idea about the blog !!!

05-06-2010, 03:03 AM
Hello all. While it's been a while I haven't been idle. I've finally got an update.

B737NG-SIM officially flew today. Kind of. I tested out the exterior visuals and the MIP screens. Updates are on my website (link under my sig) and here is the direct link to the youtube video:


I'm using two BenQ MP772ST projectors to project onto about 130 degrees FOV screen. I had to do away with the third projector and curved screens. My space was just too limited to make it work. For the externals I'm using FS9.1 through a TH2GO and the Nthusim Pro demo. I'm getting anywhere from 60 to 110 FPS (flying over megascenery left over from my GA install). You can see the painters tape I used to grid the screens.

For the MIP I'm using two 24" WS monitors for each side, a 19" for the Upper DU and a 10.5" for the lower DU. I'm pushing FsXpand 5.8 demo for all of it. I have four FsClients running concurrently on one system, each handling a screen. I've either used the packaged panels or created my own (upper and lower DU) for the full gamut of screens. I just have to figure out how to make chronos for the panel.

My next step is to start building up on the shell to make sure the projectors have uninhibited line of site to the screens before I lock in the visuals.

More to follow,


08-05-2010, 01:23 AM
It has been a while, but I am back to building again. Work has been hectic but I'm trying to make time each weekend for the sim.

Some may know that I spent a few weeks in Greece on vacation and got a chance to re-energize myself by flying Nick1150's sim. I was able to take some good measurements and are now relooking my build.

I've also started learning how to use my CNC with Gwyn and Wendy's help, as well as some of the other great posts in the CNC forum.

Here's some pics:



More to follow this weekend. I also plan to get to work on my site again too.

08-05-2010, 01:28 AM
On another note...

I acquired my MIP on eBay from someone who was selling it for a family member, if I remember correctly. He really didn't have a lot of information about it.

I'm trying to figure out how to put together the annunciators. I have a general idea of what they are supposed to look like, but can't figure out what goes to what.

I've attached a pic. I'm hoping someone can either help me out, or maybe at least tell me who made the MIP, so I can search out a manual.

Any help is appreciated. Here's a pic of the Master Caution parts and the parts from some of the annunciators:



08-05-2010, 05:40 PM
Wow, congrats!!!

08-06-2010, 12:43 AM
On another note...

I acquired my MIP on eBay from someone who was selling it for a family member, if I remember correctly. He really didn't have a lot of information about it.

I'm trying to figure out how to put together the annunciators. I have a general idea of what they are supposed to look like, but can't figure out what goes to what.

I've attached a pic. I'm hoping someone can either help me out, or maybe at least tell me who made the MIP, so I can search out a manual.

Any help is appreciated. Here's a pic of the Master Caution parts and the parts from some of the annunciators:


Thanks!Hi Warren,

I can see the sixpacks and warning and fire lights, but still I cannot figure out the rest. Can't you contact the seller to help you out ? On the other hand, I suppose each button has only one place to fit. Or maybe not ?

08-06-2010, 01:11 AM
Hi Nick, I think I have what I need. I am missing the housing to the Master Annunciators, but I think I have something that will work.

08-06-2010, 03:17 AM
Thats great !!!

Next week I am getting back from holidays, so get ready to fly online together my friend :)

08-06-2010, 11:04 PM
Lots of progress today. Added some additional stability to the MIP, at least as much as I can without my TQ. Supposedly it ships next Friday... I digress.

Anyway, put things together to test for fit, took it apart and made some adjustments... then into the makeshift paint booth. As you can see, I prime with baby poop green before putting a couple coats of grey on. That way, as it gets dinged up it actually shows green, like the real thing.




So, one more coat tomorrow morning, then I haul it all into the basement to assemble it, and install the monitors. I'm hoping to get it put together tomorrow, as well as get a frame up for the overhead once the MIP is in place. My goal is to be ready to fly (with joystick for now) by Sunday. I've also learned that I'll be using three monitors until I get everything set up. It's to hard to do fine tuning with the projectors. Luckily I still have three monitors available, and I'll throw them up on the glareshield when it's done.

I've also ordered some more supplies for the CNC... more to come with that.


08-07-2010, 02:41 AM
Sunday is not far away Warren !!!

Great work my friend :)

08-08-2010, 11:09 PM

Sunday night and I'm done... for the night. Didn't quite make it to flyable status. The weather has been typical Colorado Springs... Rain. Every time it rains, tools stop and come out of the rain.

Anyway, here's some pics of how far I got. I threw in my window template on a whim to see how it all fit together... not bad.

Also threw up the forward overhead to make sure measurements were good. Truthfully, I'm about an inch off. I think I can live that.

So, paints drying on the glareshield cover, and I'm out of steam. Tomorrow is a new day, albeit, it involves work.

I'm going to try and wire up the landing gear tonight so that I can secure the lever. That's the last item that is hard to get to. Everything else is wherever I decide to put it for ease of access.

Here's some pics:






Enjoy!... I really need to update my website...

08-09-2010, 01:41 PM
On another note...

I acquired my MIP on eBay from someone who was selling it for a family member, if I remember correctly. He really didn't have a lot of information about it.

I'm trying to figure out how to put together the annunciators. I have a general idea of what they are supposed to look like, but can't figure out what goes to what.

I've attached a pic. I'm hoping someone can either help me out, or maybe at least tell me who made the MIP, so I can search out a manual.

Any help is appreciated. Here's a pic of the Master Caution parts and the parts from some of the annunciators:



Have the glareshield stuff and an FDS mip sitting on the shelf in various states of disassembly. I can sent over some pics if those would help. suggest PM rather than cluttering up the forum thread.


08-09-2010, 03:27 PM
great work Warren

it look very good i could not tell the diffrence from a ready build mip very good wood work
i really like the over head send more pictures keep it up

regards spiro

08-16-2010, 12:40 PM
Another update. A very productive weekend. I am now learning SIOC. I have successfully created a working Landing Gear Module. It was not fun... It was frustrating... and I hope the rest of the cockpit goes a little easier.

Seriously, still no idea why it was acting up until I removed the encoder module, but hopefully it fixes itself before I need to install encoders.

Here's some pics. I've put in monitors for the time being as it is much easier to get everything setup up in the software with monitors. The projectors are nice... but it is a pain cranking your neck 90 degrees to and trying to navigate windows.



Here you can see the map lights I bought. They are removable and come with two mounts. It's up there temporarily as I needed more light. I have to admit they aren't as bright as I would like. I'm going to need to experiment with bulbs I think.


My nemesis, The Landing Gear Module.


The glareshield didn't turn out too bad. Not happy with the edge on top, but after messing with it for a couple of hours I determined that it wasn't worth the trouble right now. Maybe later. I'm very happy with the texture... I used the spray can stone texture on it first, then sanded it with 220 to remove the sharpness, and put on three coats of flat black paint.

Received a tracking number from Eren in France.... guess what's on the way!!!!!! You guessed it, my very upgraded Proline TQ and the light switches.

that's it for now. Got to go to work

08-16-2010, 01:36 PM
!!!!!!! Great work my friend

Hey Warren keep on building and posting my friend :D

08-17-2010, 02:38 AM
One word...


OK, two...


Tracking Number:
In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery Date:
Shipped To:
Shipped/Billed On:
9.00 Kgs

And I told the wife I was going to help out in the yard this weekend... but I'm out the door on a business trip next Monday...

This is what's known as a quandary

20th... oh ****. My oldest daughter is getting married that day... Now this has escalated to a dilemma...

*****Update: Now this is what I like about UPS (read heavy sarcasm). They must have read my post and being the service oriented organization they are, have RESCHEDULED my delivery for the 23rd! (the package hasn't even left France yet) See, no more dilemma. And they will probably only charge me an additional $60 when they deliver.

I am actively boycotting UPS since the LCD display delivery from Canada, where the brokerage fee that came in the mail, after the fact, was more than the item and delivery combined. I haven't used them since, unfortunately, this was already in the works.

08-17-2010, 10:14 AM
$58.xx for mine. Hand was out before he would give me the package......

Worth it though!

08-20-2010, 09:23 PM
At last... and early!

Today was a great day! My oldest daughter got married, and when I came home, there was huge box from Revolution-Simproducts waiting, as well a some smaller box from Opencockpits, and some other boxes from MSCDirect! My TQ arrived, as did my OC FMS's, and what should be the remainder of the parts for me to build my dual-linked yokes! WHoowhoo! It is going to be a busy weekend as I go on a trip on Tuesday!

Eren remembered to throw my landing light switched in too!

The only downer.... my chart holders were absent, but hey.... not critical right now. I"m sure they will be coming any day...

Here's some pics:

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/2450d4e3.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/0abc96d8.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/021bb814.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/3bcbe94b.jpg

The packaging was fantastic... No external damage that I could see.

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/08b2ed51.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/2b7711d2.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/2f3156a3.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/59226cee.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/7d506677.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/bc95d28c.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/ca1143b9.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/cabd13a2.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/cde70ece.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/fabd008d.jpg

This thing is solid!

Here it is plopped in place, kind of. Time to finish the CDU bay now that I have the actual front profile.

http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/5db88163.jpg http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/wsoeldner/B737NG-SIM/ed20dd8a.jpg

And the switches:


OK... time to get to work. I didn't receive a CD either, so, hopefully I pull the SIOC script out of the manual


09-07-2010, 02:07 AM
OK, as I can't seem to find the time to update my site, and I've promised some pics, here's where we stand today:

I've gotten the CPFlight RS232 MCP and EFIS to work via the FlightSimLabs Demo, the 2.08 firmware and PMDG (as per Ian's site), and kind of working with Prosim (I think it's me being stupid though, not Prosim).


My Rev-Sim TQ rocks! There is no doubt that it can't be matched. I find myself sitting in my chair playing with the throttle levers...


My Dual Yokes are as of tonight... done (minus painting). Some issues with the Elevator axis, but I think it's just my pot is old. I opted for direct drive via miter gears. Not as smooth as I would have thought, but solid as a tank. I have a tendency to over-engineer things. Don't mind the baby poop green floor section... waiting to paint all the new additions at once.






I spent the last two days of my four day building my proof of concept for rudders... it's based on designs I saw here, and it works. Please don't laugh at my inadequate welding job. It would appear I forgot to swap my DCEP to DCEN, and I'm pretty new to it, but it will hold for testing. I got the gear train working on it finally. I should have that finished by this weekend. I'll only have pedals on the CAPT side for now, but I'll probably throw something together for the FO.





Next on my list is the CDU bay. I have everything to build two CDU's and I just need to remove the monitor from it's housing.

Anyway, in between all this, I've been messing with FS2004 trying to transition it from full-time Piper Cherokee 235 to full-time 737-800. If I can get that done, I can switch back to projectors...

That's it for now.


09-07-2010, 02:29 AM

I have NO WORDS Warren :cool:

Keep on posting... and we will land parallel at LGAV soon ;)

PS. I need your advise on how to transform 2 CH Eclipse yokes to dual yokes

09-07-2010, 06:58 AM
Oh my God!!! Fantastic!!!

09-24-2010, 12:53 PM
Well... I think it is starting to look like something now:




The last picture kind of gives you an idea what I have to work with space-wise.

I've actually fitted the overhead, but pulled it out to work on it.

I also recut some of the overhead supports to wrap it around the front for better stability.

I have been ordered to clean the garage and my office (which the cockpit opens on to) so while I was hoping to finish up the MIP and software this weekend, I may not get to it. I can't imagine why the wife want's to park in my workshop/garage.

My initial rudder build failed miserably. I've now decided to put that on hold for a while as it was a crushing defeat and really hurt the old motivation (I'm not used to losing so I don't take defeat well).

More to follow and as always, I really do need to update my site. I should have time while I'm deployed.

Joe Cygan
09-24-2010, 01:02 PM
Outstanding project!

09-24-2010, 01:31 PM
OOOOOOOOO yes that's Warren guys :cool:

Keep on building man ;)

Geremy Britton
09-24-2010, 04:20 PM
Thanks for that, just the motivation we all need. Great sim for a small space. great pics, keep up the great work warren. and keep up posted with the progress. Loving it :) :) :)

10-12-2010, 10:54 PM
Well... it's with a heavy heart that I just unplugged my sim. Time to hang it up for the next 8 months or so while I go off and save the world again.

It's not all bad though... I couldn't resist the price and broke down and bought FSX Gold with the Acceleration pack. I figure, it will soon be a collectors item (along with all the other versions I have since the commodore days). It's currently installing on my laptop and will travel with me to get me through the withdrawals.

I'll still be active in the forums, but won't get a chance to build until I return.


10-13-2010, 06:16 AM
Hey Warren,

I wish the best for you, after all as you know hobbies come second in our hierarchy of life...

Let's keep in touch my friend

06-22-2011, 02:00 PM

I went and did it... couldn't resist and after days of self-debate I was able to win myself over and convince myself I had to jump on the opportunity.

So... I bit the bullet and ordered the dual-linked PRO 737NG yoke assembly from ACE (Ali). Now the wait.

I had to finally admit to myself that when said and done, regardless of all the other things that go into a cockpit, at the end of the day, if the flight controls aren't perfect (or as close as possible), everything else is just eye candy (unless you fly autopilot/autoland everywhere).

I could have struggled for months, trying to get it right, or I could have just sucked it up, spent my tax return, and bought a tried and true PRO system from the guy that builds them so well (and get flying faster).

I can't wait! Of course, pics will follow once I receive the system.


06-22-2011, 04:00 PM
In other words:


06-23-2011, 12:14 AM
In other words:


You could say that. They will look good flanking my rev-sim TQ

06-25-2011, 01:08 AM

I went and did it... couldn't resist and after days of self-debate I was able to win myself over and convince myself I had to jump on the opportunity.

So... I bit the bullet and ordered the dual-linked PRO 737NG yoke assembly from ACE (Ali). Now the wait.

I had to finally admit to myself that when said and done, regardless of all the other things that go into a cockpit, at the end of the day, if the flight controls aren't perfect (or as close as possible), everything else is just eye candy (unless you fly autopilot/autoland everywhere).

I could have struggled for months, trying to get it right, or I could have just sucked it up, spent my tax return, and bought a tried and true PRO system from the guy that builds them so well (and get flying faster).

I can't wait! Of course, pics will follow once I receive the system.

WarrenCongrats Warren,

I have spoken with Ali too, and I have a quotation and more or less the dimensions of the dual PRO yoke. I must say it is a beatiful product and it is ACE !!!! The problem is that one has to buy this first and then create the platform based on the dual linked yokes, but it's worth it ;)

Nice to see you building my friend.

See you in Athens next week,


08-28-2011, 11:32 PM
I'm baaaackkk!

Seriously though, I know I've been out of sight for a couple of weeks. I have been checking the boards but since getting home from my annual vacation in Greece, I've been knee deep in a new position at work, as well as around the house. I am Mr. Dad for the next year while my wife takes care of some things back home in Germany so I have been very busy with getting kids off to school, work, and renovations. My father is retiring for the second time and moving in with us in October, so I have lost my Sim room and am busy making room elsewhere.

With all that said... look what just arrived the other day from Nick at APHS:



They are from a DC-9, but they are IPECO's. I should be able to fashion an extension for the front and some rails. The seat/rail mounts angle out, which tells me that the seats slide back at an angle... I didn't know that.

Sadly they are just sitting in my garage right now as I need to start my sim move and rebuild. A couple more weeks to a month and I should have my yokes too.


08-29-2011, 04:07 PM
How many CM you heave from the end of the glareshield to the MIP? 31cm?

08-29-2011, 10:01 PM
How many CM you heave from the end of the glareshield to the MIP? 31cm?

Which measurement do you mean? Keep in mind that my MIP and glareshield are homebuilt, from scratch using the measurements found online (the usual stuff).

Here's what I have:


30.48cm from MIP to lower edge of glareshield


8.41cm from MCP face to top edge of glareshield.




I can give you more, to an extent... I'm in the process of disassembly right now, so it's a mess.

Hope this helps.

Oh... 15 degree slope in the glareshield is what I used


08-30-2011, 12:06 AM
;)Hi Warren,

Keep up the good work my friend.... waiting for your updates

08-30-2011, 04:01 AM
Which measurement do you mean? Keep in mind that my MIP and glareshield are homebuilt, from scratch using the measurements found online (the usual stuff).

Here's what I have:


30.48cm from MIP to lower edge of glareshield


8.41cm from MCP face to top edge of glareshield.




I can give you more, to an extent... I'm in the process of disassembly right now, so it's a mess.

Hope this helps.

Oh... 15 degree slope in the glareshield is what I used


thx it help me much :)

09-09-2011, 11:07 PM
Check out what the mailman brought me today!

First I got this box from some company named FDS... it had this inside:


I started shopping for knobs and ended up with all this. Peter sucked me in:p Still got my knobs though.

The other package was from Poland... a company called... SimWorld! It contained this:


I started shopping for Annunciators and bought the MCP on a whim as at that time I still hadn't found a second CPFlight EFIS. I decided I would CNC two EFIS to match this MCP. I may still do that just to use this MCP... the quality is OUTSTANDING. This is easily one of the best quality panels I have seen, and the sub-80 Euro price was unbeatable. Kudos to SimWorld. Here's a couple of closeups.



05-04-2012, 10:42 AM
I know it's been a while... here's another update. Surf my site to see some other updates that I didn't post here:


05-04-2012, 12:10 PM
Fantastic Build.! Great pictures. What degree of slope did you use for the CDU bay? Front and back. Thanks and keep up the great work. Looks awesome.

05-04-2012, 02:28 PM
CDU bay should have appr. 30 degree slope (from horizontal). Go to www.markuspilot.com and download the PDF there. LOADS of measurements!

05-04-2012, 02:46 PM

I am using 30 degrees from the horizontal, then 90 degrees from that to the floor.

I used the same references that Vidarf is referring to.

Thanks for the kind comments! It has been an odyssey to get to this point.

05-04-2012, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the detailed pics of the Simworld MCP panel. I have been looking at that panel.

Are you meant to dismount the front panel and install the rotary encoders on the main panel, after which you would mount the front panel again?

05-04-2012, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the detailed pics of the Simworld MCP panel. I have been looking at that panel.

Are you meant to dismount the front panel and install the rotary encoders on the main panel, after which you would mount the front panel again?

That was the panel they were selling on special. That is how it comes. Nothing else. It's just the panel (and the button covers). I bought it spur of the moment as I wanted an example of a nice panel to see what goes into making them. I don't plan to use it for the near future as I have a CP Flight setup that works very well as is.

05-09-2012, 09:29 PM
MIP as complete as it will get before move
Well, finished up what I can and until my CNC is back up, I’m done. Plugged everything in to see if it still worked. For the most part, good to go. Windows did strike back though. Although I plugged EVERYTHING back into the same ports, on the same network, it appears that the Win7/WinXP networking bug bit me… one of my systems refuses to play nice with the others. I’ll have to work that. Here’s a pic.


Anyone know how to change the color of the XP taskbar to black?

Efe Cem Elci
05-10-2012, 01:57 AM

This should do it...

05-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Well, the packers crated and packed up my sim on Friday. Won’t be seeing it again until probably the beginning of August by the time I find a place to live in Stuttgart, get settled, and have the household good delivered.

Oh well… A lot of progress made over the last month or so, at the expense of family time, and other projects. Now I have a couple of months to focus on the kids and our next adventure.

I’ll post updates as they happen. I expect my two Prosimparts radio sets to arrive any day now. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do anything with them until I have the sim back up.


01-14-2013, 03:47 PM
All right everybody... tired of worrying about posting updates... I'm so far behind I'll never catch up so...

here is a rather long video that should capture the status.

On approach to Shannon, Ireland. I threw in some thunderstorms and winds to make it a little more fun and hand flew the actual approach. I think I overdid the quality and length of the video though. I need to do a better job editing. Sorry for the music... it's stock Youtube.


Neil Hewitt
01-15-2013, 09:33 AM
Hi Warren.

Nice to see it's coming together. You promised you'd have it done in six weeks and I guess you're not far off :-)

I'll be interested in seeing more pics when you're ready. In particular I'm interested in your visual system - from a pic on your site it looks like you're rear-projecting? That's a method I was considering given my tight space, but I'll have to use mirrors to make it work if I do.

Geremy Britton
01-15-2013, 04:50 PM
Very Good Warren - Keep up the good work!


01-18-2013, 05:28 AM
Hi Warren.

Nice to see it's coming together. You promised you'd have it done in six weeks and I guess you're not far off :-)

I'll be interested in seeing more pics when you're ready. In particular I'm interested in your visual system - from a pic on your site it looks like you're rear-projecting? That's a method I was considering given my tight space, but I'll have to use mirrors to make it work if I do.

Thanks Neil!

Not rear projecting, unfortunately. Using short throw projectors instead. It's a tight fit, but well worth it

As for more pics: See the next post!:D

01-18-2013, 05:35 AM
So, finally my updates. All caught up. Click along (oldest at the top, moving down), or go straight to the website. You can also follow on facebook (see sig):

Printed out the FCOM, FCTM, and QRH (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/16/printed-out-the-fcom-fctm-and-qrh/)

Setting up the curved screen (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/16/setting-up-the-curved-screen/)

The shell goes in… (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/16/the-shell-goes-in/)

Base and floor almost complete (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/18/base-and-floor-almost-complete/)

The overhead arrived (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/18/the-overhead-arrived/)

Installed an EFB (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/18/installed-an-efb/)

Finally... a Progress Report (http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2013/01/18/282/)

12-30-2013, 06:06 PM
Finally, an update!

Panel Backlighting coming together
Posted on December 30, 2013

It has been a while since my last post. I haven’t been idle, just busy working out a plan of attack.

Today I finally completed the initial prototype of my backlighting. Initial fielding will be in my pedestal, then I will redo the MIP. The first attempt seems promising, and as you can see, I’ve learned how to create PCB’s and solder SMD LEDs to them.

I tried two different type of SMD LEDs. The larger ones are 3528?s in warm white (ACTIVE and STANDBY), while the smaller ones are 0603?s in white. I think I prefer the 0603?s and while they are much smaller, they are easier to solder then the 3528s as they have protruding contacts that you can get to much easier with a soldering iron.

I hope to knock out the VHF and NAV panels this week, and I’ll post video as I get through them.

Here’s a video of the prototype


12-30-2013, 07:29 PM
Finally, an update!

Panel Backlighting coming together
Posted on December 30, 2013

It has been a while since my last post. I haven’t been idle, just busy working out a plan of attack.

Today I finally completed the initial prototype of my backlighting. Initial fielding will be in my pedestal, then I will redo the MIP. The first attempt seems promising, and as you can see, I’ve learned how to create PCB’s and solder SMD LEDs to them.

I tried two different type of SMD LEDs. The larger ones are 3528?s in warm white (ACTIVE and STANDBY), while the smaller ones are 0603?s in white. I think I prefer the 0603?s and while they are much smaller, they are easier to solder then the 3528s as they have protruding contacts that you can get to much easier with a soldering iron.

I hope to knock out the VHF and NAV panels this week, and I’ll post video as I get through them.

Here’s a video of the prototype


Nice work Warren. Are you fabing the PCB's yourself or sending a file off to a circuit board fabber?

12-30-2013, 07:56 PM
Fabbing them myself! Finally got around to figuring it out. They are simple single sided boards, but much easier than the mess of wiring I am trying to avoid.

04-07-2015, 07:02 PM
Catching up with the updates.

Build 2.0 is born


04-07-2015, 07:03 PM
Another update. FDS MIP!


04-09-2015, 03:42 AM
Update on Liners. Still not completely done with them but very close now.


04-09-2015, 02:39 PM
click on the link to read my trials and tribulations of build 2.0 :'(


06-10-2015, 12:25 PM
Got caught up on some updates to keep from losing my mind... I've been firing the sim up in stages since the upgrades and last night I fired up the MIP screens (these are the 18" screens that I bought and tested for fit and function before installing them in MIP, after buying two other screens that didn't fit).

Once my systems PC booted up it was apparent that my Captains side monitor was not working. Ended up the Display card is dead (somehow). I had to pull both screens to swap parts to figure it out. Couldn't find the card online so ended up buying another monitor on ebay for $50. Now I have five 19 inch screen, four 17 inch screen, and a partially broken 18" screensitting around not being used. Should get the new in the mail tomorrow.

Anyway here are the updates:


http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2015/06/09/handhold-brackets-and-mounting/ (http://Got caught up on some updates to keep from losing my mind... I've been firing the sim up in stages since the upgrades and last night I fired up the MIP screens (these are the 18" screens that I bought and tested for fit and function before installing them in MIP, after buying two other screens that didn't fit). Once my systems PC booted up it was apparent that my Captains side monitor was not working. Ended up the Display card is dead (somehow). I had to pull both screens to swap parts to figure it out. Couldn't find the card online so ended up buying another monitor on ebay for $50. Now I have five 19 inch screen, four 17 inch screen, and a partially broken 18" screensitting around not being used. Should get the new in the mail tomorrow. Anyway here are the updates: MAP AND CHART LIGHTS INSTALLED http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2015/06/09/map-and-chart-lights/ HANDHOLD BRACKETS INSTALLED http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2015/06/09/handhold-brackets-and-mounting/ FORWARD AND AFT OVERHEADS INSTALLED http://www.b737ng-sim.com/wordpress/2015/06/09/installing-the-forward-and-aft-overhead/ Enjoy!)

