View Full Version : Question on Korries

03-23-2010, 03:06 PM
This may be a silly question..... but does the word Korry always refer to a switch/indicator unit?

And if so does it always have 2 sections for the display legend?

I am looking at making the controls for the glare wings on the 320 and am trying to determine
if they are all have puttons in them or are some just indicators..


03-23-2010, 04:01 PM
Not a silly question at all.

Beleve it or beleve it not there is not a single Korry switch on an A320, the switches are all Eaton switches, but they are identical in size to the switches found on the Boeing MCP, those are korrys!

Just a confusion in terminology, i use "korry" for the large 22.2 X 22.2 cap size that you would find on the 747-400 overhead and the "eaton" is the smaller 15.9 X15.9 cap size switch found on all the Airbus aircraft, but same size as the boeing MCP switches.

As far as the bus is concerned i found this pic of the MCP and there appears to only be 2 switches that are not split legend (the outer two, sorry i have no idea yet what they do) http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6786549&nseq=1 but i would say yes on the glare there all pushbuttons however i could be wrong,

There are annunciators on the MIP (5 of) these are actually the same size as the switch and again not 100% sure but they do operate as a switch but only used to test the bulbs are working

All the others are split legend however the switches with the 2 dots indicates a non operational legend

03-23-2010, 04:37 PM
hello guys
well mabe i may be of help this time:D
i am always asking qestions so time to help ou if i can:wink:
as i stated i have cockpit sonics fcu efis and wings they are with all switches korry type
i will take some photos so you can see how they are and there mesurments are
of the SWITCH are
16MM thick
also i have hispapanes glearwing and the mesurments are
but that is NOT!!! for the switch it is were the switch sits in (the glearpanel)
so imagen 1 mm less for the switch
i will send you photos of both it seems to me that hipapanes are biger then cs
i will post photos ASAP
regards spiro