View Full Version : 737 MCP/MIP overhang and FMC

03-30-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi All

I have 2 questions :) first - i have CAD drawings for my 737. I have now received my panels for MCP and EFIS. I was knuckling down on modifying the CAD drawings to my requirements but what i have noticed is though there is an MCP etc it is shown from the front. So i guess what i now need to know is how far the glare-shield hangs over the MIP or how far forward it is from the MIP? I have side views in the CAD but strangely it shows the glare shield from the front but not in a side view.

Another question - i received a PSOne screen today in the mail so is there a company that sells a basic kit that has the panel, buttons but no screen or electronics and i can build those myself cos i can;t afford the expensive stuff :)

Thanks in advance.

Geremy Britton
03-30-2010, 10:27 AM
Hi Sean,

Distance from MIP to glare end is 30-31cm. (1 Foot)

Regarding the second issue i have sent you a PM!

03-30-2010, 10:36 AM
AH thanks Geremy :)

Will check out the PM.

And if i may be so bold as to sing your praises! To all those that read this - the PSOne screen i refer to above i got from Geremy :) and i am MORE than chuffed - even though it now means more work LMAO