View Full Version : Appropriate switches for the following?

Boeing 747 Flyer
04-13-2010, 11:57 AM
Heya everyone,

I am soon building a portion of my Boeing 757 overhead panel. To do this, I will need a mixture of switches/encoders/etc. Please could you tell me if the following are comaptible with Leo Bodnar's BU0386X Card:

- Push Buttons (NOT momentary, latching for things like hydraulic switches) - http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Switches/Push-Button-Switches/Square-push-switches-1A/30275/kw/78-0117
- Three position switches (for the IRS selector) - I don't have a link for these, could you advise on some?
- Four position rotaries - Again no product found. Could you have a peek for me?

They must all be compatible with Leo Bodnar's BU0386X card. Please tell me if the above are compatible wit what I want to achieve.

Thanks alot,


04-13-2010, 04:06 PM
Hi Jack,

In general almost any switch will compatible with this card. For the different switches you need you should study the paramters for the individual cockpit function closely, then decide how you are going to implements that function. For instance, the IRS selector you mention, will you implement this function on pre-built panel ot make your own, and if making your own will it be a replica in both form and function or just function. This detail is important because there are specific markings on the panel that the switch's knob pointer must align with. That's why you'll see rotary switches with different amounts of distance (degrees of rotation) between the contact detents. However, once you research these parameters and get the dope on what you need, we can find what you need on Digikey, Mouser, Allied, and eBay. Also pay attention to the way switches connect to your electronics. If you plan to use a printed circuit board then you can't easily use a switch that has solder lugs for wires. I ordered 1 each of the switches I needed for my glare section from Mouser and Digikey, then found what I thought to be the exact same switches on eBay and ordered them... the result was that the switches on Ebay were the same switches (maybe not the exact same quality) and work just fine at half the price.


Boeing 747 Flyer
04-14-2010, 11:50 AM
Hiya Buddy,

Basically the IRS selector just needs to be a rotary switch with three positions. I would suppose a switch rotation between 25 and 45 degrees would be okay, not particularly fussed though.

As for the rotary encoder, I'd like three encoders with four positions.

I am visiting an electronics shop tomorrow. What type of things do I need to look out for? Is there anything NOT compatible with Leo's card?

Also, for the IRS selector, I know it needs to be a three position switch rotary... But what type? Make-before-break, what?

Just please tell me what I should be looking out for, and what to avoid.

Please look at the image below for what I'm trying to achieve:
Please tell me exactly what type of switch I'll need for each. Thanks very much for your assistance!


04-14-2010, 01:36 PM
If you are not too concerned about getting the switches knob pointer in line with the markings on the panel then any rotary switch should work, single-pole, and how ever many positions you need, NOT make before break, you might get some odd results with that type.

Encoders are continous devices and do not have positions, they sense direction of rotation and sometimes speed of rotation. Normally we use them to increment/decrement a setting such ALT or HDG. I think about any kind or encoder will work on Leo's cards. If you ever plan to use the OpenCockpits mastercard to connect encoders they have to be the type that use a "grey" 2-bit code. The CTS288 is a very popular and well-made encoder that fits the bill. It will also work on Leo's cards and is available with an integrated pushbutton switch.


Boeing 747 Flyer
04-14-2010, 02:20 PM
Okay, so let me get this straight:

- Hydraluic Push Switches - 2 Terminal Leg Latching Push Buttons
- IRS Mode Selectors - 4 Position Rotary Switches 1 Pole
- IRS Selector - 3 Position Rotary Switch 1 Pole

Correct? Also, I belive Nigel said that for something with more than 3 positions a rotary encoder is better?

Thanks for your kind assistance,


P.S: Sorry for all the questions it's my first time ever building something into my home setup.

04-14-2010, 02:53 PM
so far so good!

Regarding encoders being better than switches if more than 3 positions, that can be true, but depends.... On my EFIS panels I wouldn't use a rotary encoder on my panel for the range function because I want the switch position to match the markings on the panel. There are six positions on that switch so I will need six inputs on my I/O card to accomodate a rotarty switch. If I used an encoder I would only need to use 2 inputs instead of six, since I could write SIOC code to increment/decrement the range setting based on the direction of rotation on the encoder. If you have a function where a physical indication does not need to match then encoders will work fine and save you inputs.

You can take this a step further using an anlog axis input. Just as you can define a flaps or speedbrake "stop" by moving the lever to a position and selecting that value in FSUIPC as the "stop", you can use a pot value to make selections for things we wouldn't normally use a pot for. I could code my EFIS range function to select a range position in the same manner if I want, and make use of unused analog axis inputs, saving precious digital I/O pins if I were running out.... a single unneeded axis input could buy me 6 inputs! Of course we sacrifice some authenticity, and it's easy to "overshoot" the desired selection, but it does work.

You can even implement this type of function with a real rotary switch, just connect the properly valued resistors to each contact on the switch and behold.... a perfectly functioning control using 1 input instead of 6! Talk about making the best use of I/O...! Very sneaky, and elegant at the same time.

Hope this helps,

Boeing 747 Flyer
04-14-2010, 03:05 PM
I'm understanding this!:cool:

So I can use Rotary SWITCHES for the IRS Selector and Mode Selector. The negative side is that they'll "use up" alot of button slots on my Leo Bodnar Card.

Also, Say I'm using a 1 Pole 4 Position Rotary Swich. Where would the Pole connect to? Would it connect to a ground slot, and the other 4 position legs would each connect to a button slot of their own?


04-14-2010, 03:28 PM
yes, that's just how it works.


Boeing 747 Flyer
04-14-2010, 03:29 PM
right then that's pretty much it. Anything else I should know?