View Full Version : Conversion of Real equipment

04-22-2010, 10:31 AM
I came across a Boeing Weather Radar control panel out of a real aircraft with the box, hardware and all the wiring complete. Is there a way that I can convert it for my 747 sim use? Should I buy it?

04-23-2010, 01:18 PM
I have a Boeing control panel here as well as a display unit, The panel is easy enough to open up and wire in on your normal sim interfacing scheme as long as its just switches and pots, providing your software supports the wx radar controls.

The display unit controls are deep enough behind the panel to prevent easily underlying another size screen behind it unless its the correct size, I cant use it easily with out sourcing a correct size lcd to replace the existing crt. (4*5 inch)

Either way is possible to wire the switches and pots on these devices to most sim i/o schemes. The rest of the set is not much use to you.
