View Full Version : making 777 frames for displays

04-26-2010, 12:44 PM

we are well on the way to our first stage of making the 777 mip and centre pedestal structure :) and were down to creating the frames for around the displays to give them that flushed look. we used 12mm mdf for the mip and looking back i wish i could have gone slightly thinner but there you go. I just wondered does anyone have any good ideas/trusted methods of creating the outer frames , maybe balsar wood on top and then sanding at an angle - am unsure - hence the post....

the first pic is how it looks at the moment (very rough as am holding the monitor in place lol with no sanding etc but you can see the issue) second is what we have created so far and 3rd is a display from the real 777 we are trying to create....

thanks guys in advance