View Full Version : FSX Audio Panel DME indent control???

05-26-2010, 12:16 AM
Hey All,

I've been researching how to create an audio panel selector like the one found in a cessna 172 and I think I've got everything close to figured out except that I can't find where in the controls section to map a new key to the DME indent function. It is listed as ctrl + 4 and that shortcut works, but this will still not allow me to change the control which I will need to do when I build the audio selector. If anyone has any ideas where I could change this function please share with me. Thanks in advance!

Tanner J.

01-10-2011, 10:57 PM
That's great. What are the codes? I have built the hardware, but can't find more than 2 or 3 offsets.

01-11-2011, 01:28 AM

Unfortunately/Fortunately (depending on how you look at it) I've been consumed by my actual flying lessons and have abandoned trying to create hardware for my simulator. In my opinion I'll never be able to match the feeling of really piloting the airplane and in a way have ruined myself for the simulator. If I remember correctly, I think I came to the conclusion that this was one of those things that Microsoft simply did not give you access to. I'm not positive on that but it is the conclusion I came to. That's awesome that you've built the hardware, I was really into it and had all the plans drawn up when I started taking lessons and I made the decision to invest the money I would spend on hardware into my flight training. Please let me know if you find a solution as I won't always be paying for flight lessons and someday might actually try to build this thing. Thanks and good luck!

Tanner J.

01-11-2011, 06:07 AM
Yes, I can understand.
I'm a commercial helicopter pilot with 15 years and over 4,000 hours.
My sim is to get instrument time and shoot approaches.
As my husband is an instrument rated CFII, I can actually log time so
it turned out to be a better value, even though we've got about $4k invested.

Good luck on your flying. It is my one addiction.