View Full Version : Disabling Rudder Axis (Joystick)

Boeing 747 Flyer
06-15-2010, 04:12 PM
Hello everyone,

When I Fly a Glider/Helicopter in SIm I usually place my Saitek ST220Pro Joystick in front of me, using the Rudder Pedals for Rudder input the the Joysticks inputs for Pitch/Bank.

However, the Joystick also has a Rudder Axis. This Axis constantly conflicts with my Rudder Pedals, meaning if that I twist the Joystick ever-so-slightly be accident, I loose all Rudder PEdal input and all inputs are transferred to (the unwanted) Joystick Rudder Axis.

So yes, how can I disable this particular axis in FSX? I can't seem to do this using the default menus.

I have registered FSUIPC at my disposal.

Thanks alot,


06-15-2010, 04:31 PM
You have your rotational axis set to your rudder control. You will need to disable that in your joystick settings? You might be able to turn that off via your control configuration.

From the cockpit in FSX - top menu bar. Options => Settings => Controls

I don't know if FSX looks at both joysticks independently or not? if not you may be able to turn that off via the joysticks configuration setting in your OS configuration? The last resort would be to physically disable it?

Boeing 747 Flyer
06-15-2010, 04:34 PM
Hi there,

It's not the Autorudder I want to enable/disable, I just want to disable a particular axis and assign the control to a different one.

06-15-2010, 06:08 PM
If you have FSUIPC then go to the "controls" menu in FSX and UNcheck the box "enable joysticks", then none will work. then go to FSUIPC and reassign ALL of your controls there. Works much better than the FSX settings.

And then you can assign your rudder pedals to the "rudder" and the twist grip to "steering tiller". Then you can use both at the same time kinda. The tiller will control the nosewheel below about 40knots or so and give WAY more travel for turning on the ground. The rudder pedals will take over when you are going fast.

Andy Smith