View Full Version : Nick1150 Home Cockpit 737NG project in Athens

06-25-2010, 02:55 AM
So officially this thread is the beginning of my project :D

The order was made from 15 of April 2010 to CockpitSonic GMBH, and the discussions before that took almost one month. Given this long time of waiting, you can understand that I am a pretty happy guy today !!!

The Dual Seat Trainer arrived at my place yesterday noon time, but I had meetings in my office till late last night, so my wife accepted the package from Germany for me. I wanted to take few pictures before disassembly of the packaging, but I could not make it.

The DST came in 5 pieces. The trainer with the CP Flight MCP EL and dual EFIS EL already installed, the CDU bay, one box with two 19” screens, one box with 15” screen and one box with one 10” screen for the lower EICAS and few cables, A/C adaptor, etc…




The packaging was good, not perfect, but fair. Few hits on the back most probably from the transport were noticed

The disassembly was easy, and quick, and took me almost 30 minutes to arrange without any help. After taking away all the nylon packaging, I could see the trainer. It weights almost 30 kgs without the screens, and therefore it is easy to move it inside the room.



The details of the MIP as far as the first impression after unpackaging were fair and accepted quality wise, eventhough I do not have any previous experience in home cockpit building and of course I haven’t tested anything yet.






On the background…





Monitors, monitor cables, AC adaptor, etc…








As with all constructions… the same exists here, few parts were found inside the packaging. I haven’t yet found where are they coming from…


So now here comes cleaning of the screens, and the bezel windows


After that I made a coffee. This is a Greek coffee called “Frape”. I avoid drinking this kind of coffee because it is too strong (I prefer espresso), but given the circumstances I wanted to celebrate the beginning of my project. Champagne will be served after the first online landing in LGAV !!! :lol:


The screens were installed in no time !!!




For all above I needed two hours… It’s almost midnight now I have to go to sleep.

Coming back with more pictures asap…


06-25-2010, 05:42 AM

Very impressive. Thought you could at least have stayed up to get the thing flying.

Quality looks good.

Keep us all posted on your progress of construction through to the first landing at LGAV.


Geremy Britton
06-25-2010, 07:56 AM
Thanks for the pictures... another 737 builder in our sights.

A picture diary speaks a million words :) :) :)

06-25-2010, 12:07 PM
Looks good Nick! You are going to have a lot of fun in that :)


06-25-2010, 05:53 PM
Congratulations, Nick!

I notice some improvements of your DST compared with previous versions, esp. the glarewing section is better designed than it was before. Also, the FMC bay is prepared for easy installation of the lower DU and FMCs.

I remember the intense good feelings when I received my DST. Let me know, when you are doing your first landings at Venizelos online, so we can maybe meet there!


06-25-2010, 07:37 PM
Bravo Nick... when we talked on the phone, you said your MIP had arrived... I was envisioning just the MIP... WOW! That looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.


06-26-2010, 02:03 AM
Hi guys, thanks for your kind words 8)

Indeed the feeiling is like receiving a new car :mrgreen:

The DST unfortunately arrived at a very busy time for me. Yesterday I came late at night from the office, and I am now leaving our place to take my daughter to her summer camp. I will be back on Sunday afternoon, when I hope I will find some to do some work :neutral: I am trying to make it fly, as soon as possible. You see Warren is in Athens and I would like if that is possible to make a flight together :D

@ Chris, I will be glad to fly to together... I will keep you posted my friend. And BTW thank you for all info and knowledge till today.

@ Warren , I am getting back home Sunday afternoon. I will be more than glad to see you around :-D

06-26-2010, 02:35 AM
hi Nick
i am very happy for you looks fantastic i am with cockpit sonic all the way they hsve fantastic products
i understand your waiting also the greek post is very bad on time i waited 22days for my mip covers to get here from the netherlands but you will have lots of fun with that
is every thing just power up plug in run there softwere and go fly??
or is there any programing to be done?
also nick pm me with what VA you are as i fly all the time online vatsim only maybe we can do a flight together
regards spiro

06-26-2010, 04:20 PM
Hi guys,

I visit regularly this site and i read a lot of useful things. This is a second time that i write something. I am from the Cyprus and I build the same project as Nick but all staffs are from engravity and they are excellent. Anyway sycharitiria ston Nick. Happy landings. I underestand how do you feel, like a little boy and this is nice.


06-27-2010, 07:47 AM
Great cockipt!!

06-27-2010, 03:54 PM
Hi to all,

Thanks again. Few hours ago I returned from a long weekend outside Athens. After entering our home, first thing I did was to install the screens, install the cockpitsonic drivers, and played around with the PC, windows, FS gauges, PMDG, I installed the Flight sim labs trial CPflight driver, etc... To make the long story short, I did my first test flight around venizelos !!!

The trainer is not ready of course. I am trying to find a way to move the standby instruments of PMDG in the right position, the lower EICAS screen fits only in portrait and I am still trying to find a way to rotate the screen, the CH yoke is on a spare desk near by, and not in the right place, the PC, two TH2GO and many many cables are all around, BUT it FLIES :D

Costas and Spiros euxaristw poly (Thanks alot)

I will post pictures soon.


06-27-2010, 09:38 PM
You ain't going to get any sleep... you'll be building all night in your brain. Been there and done that. Looks great!

06-30-2010, 01:41 AM
Pylet.... you are so, so right :p

Yesterday I had the pleasure to make my first test flight with Warren (fsaviator) who is in Athens these days.

Thanks Warren for the company, and as I promised my cockpit base is already on the way, so next week we have a second meeting for an online flight too :D

I know I have alot of things to take care and i need alot of time to feel that my sim is as I dreamed, but as long as IT FLIES everything is easier !!!

A few pics and a video from the test flight. Fsaviator ILS landing at RW 03L, LGAV ;)





06-30-2010, 03:30 AM
Nick, thank you for fun night flying your cockpit. I'm looking forward to the next flight!


06-30-2010, 04:10 AM
My Pleasure Warren :D

Cockpit base accessories and yoke stands are already in my car as ordered... assembly during the night :cool:

06-30-2010, 05:00 PM
Very cool!!!

07-01-2010, 12:54 AM
Yesterday was a difficult day. I started assembling at 17:00 and finished 02:00 in the night without stopping... It was worth it, but it is not finished... I have few things left. Carpet will be also added in the next days... The base is made 40cms tall, with rubber wheels 15cms in height, and the sim can be moved easily by one person inside the room. This was made for cleaning purposes, and also this way I can install everything easily without struggling in between cms in the future.


I also added a small step, so everyone can easily enter the cockpit.


Two columns (ordinary table columns) where transformed into yoke bases, till I invest to real 737 yokes.


Finally I did a quick construction in Π shape which can accommodate the 3 x 20" TFT LG screens, which can be easily go away in minutes when I decide about my external visuals.


At 02:00 in the morning I did not have the courage to test flight the sim, but hopefully I will do it today. I was so busy building the base that I forgot to take a few shots in between.


To be continued...

07-07-2010, 07:59 AM
Hi again,

Its been a busy week, and I had many things to catch up.... The carpet was installed yesterday and after a few around LGAV flights, I decided that the 10" screen for the lower EICAS area is good but I cannot rotate it whithout having one extra vga port free. That would mean a second PC only for that screen. I have spare PCs in my place but at the time being (waiting for PMDG 737 NGX) a second PC is not in my plans. So I abandoned the 10" screen, and I put in that place a 14" old flat TFT I had in my warehouse. This screen has taken the place of the lower EICAS and the right CDU in the CDU bay. I am planning to create a bezel for the lower EICAS screen and buy a dummy CDU and put it right from the bezel together with the left CDU which I haven't decided yet from where to buy. This is the only way I can keep up with one PC and I want to keep up with one PC untill 737NGX comes, when maybe I will invest in a better PC configuration for FSX.

The problem of course was that the 14" screen is deeper than a normal CDU which means that the screen has 2 cms difference in depth in the CDU bay. So I constructed a new CDU shelf for the CDU bay where now the screen seats nicely and in the same level with a CDU...

Here is the old and the new CDU shelf




and 2 more...



During this afternoon Warren (FSaviator) and my self are going to do our first online flight, and I am hoping to make few more photos after I install the shelf, and possibly a video...


07-08-2010, 12:27 AM
And the result...





The 0.5cms space is going to be filled with MDF plus bezel ;)

07-08-2010, 12:37 AM
Yesterday as I said above, I had the joy of flying together with Warren (FSaviator). This was actualy the first online flight of my DST. It took some time to get use to it... new places for the radios for the time being, CDU, FSnav, (lower eicas screen). We did LGAV to LTBA and back to LGAV.

Thanks Warren for the company... Today I cannot breath from yesterday dinner !!!!!! :???:

Photos and two videos in action ...







LTBA approach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mk_S5J-jg5s

LTBA RW36R landing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_eogv81BY8


07-08-2010, 02:04 PM
Looks great!!! Congrats.

09-06-2010, 02:16 AM

I just took a quick tour in this thread and I realised that my sim has made a few small steps that I haven't posted. This afteroon I will post few pics.


09-07-2010, 01:05 AM

As promised I am posting some pictures from my project. I realised that if we all post pics, all of us are motivated to go on, so here I am :D I do not have huge changes, just minor details, which makes me more happy to fly. Hopefuly soon my pedestal will arive and I start building again. I am also in the process of researching for 2 x 737 seats and the external visuals, but I am nowhere near my final choise. TQ is also under research...


One of the most important things I have done, and I didn't know before I constructed it, is the cockpit base with heavy duty wheels. I can easily pull the project, to wire, solder, or even clean at no time. It's is worth the money, and comparing with the cost of the sim it is nothing.



Carpet was installed and it feels better, warmer and cleaning is easier to do. You can see the IKEA PEDESTAL (LOL). Soon it will be removed for a full 737NG pedestal.


I have constructed an MDF cover for the CDU bay, painted in the Boeing colors, just till I order my CDU and one dummy one. I didn't like to see the monitor till I decide. My aim is to have the left CDU and a dummy for the right. Since there is a 15" monitor installed, I will try to drag the CDU from FS on the right and the dummy hopefully can be backlighted and also with an operative screen from the monitor below. That's for the future of course

The biggest advantage of the CH Eclipse yoke is that rudders are on the yoke and it is really very easy and economical. I am really not sure if I ever invest to a real yoke, like lets say ACE yoke or something similar, because of this.

Visuals are not permanent installed, and I will have more news soon. I do have enough space, for the projectors, BUT my roof is sloped, so this makes things difficult to install 3 projectors from different roof height. So I am searching for possibilities. More to come in this aspect.

Only one PC and a UPS... the rest are installed with velcro behind the MIP base... too easy... My aim is to keep ONLY ONE PC. Most say it's difficult, but I will try.


All is PMDG 737-800 oriented, MCP737EL + dual EFIS737EL and 2 x TH2GO with 6 screens. Easy setup.

Behind my project I have a seating space, where friends come. We fly and have fun behind the cockpit. Sometimes I fly with my wife too, she brings food from the kitchen and I do both... husband and pilot too at the same time :p Behind this a home-office is situated where I work when I am getting back from my office. Below you will see my FO, my dog, Ermis, a Rodhesian Rigdeback. Here he is just wondering why I am taking pictures.

And few pictures with the MIP backlighted.



Hope you like it :D

09-07-2010, 01:38 AM
I love it! You know of course that flying your setup with you while I was home on vacation got me energized again.

I have a ton of pictures to post on my progress, but I just haven't had the time... I keep saying "once I finish... (whatever I happen to be working on):)

Oh, what the heck... I'll throw a couple up here at MC.org... look for my post.

Gia hara!


09-07-2010, 01:57 AM
Hi Warren,

Thanks my friend !!!!!

Looking forward for your post... let's get those projects in the AIR ;)

09-07-2010, 06:53 AM
I like!! Congrats!!

Tony Hill
09-07-2010, 08:46 AM
Very nice progress, loog forward to more Nick

09-07-2010, 11:44 AM
Thanks to all :D

09-09-2010, 04:20 PM

Just made the payment for the pedestal !!! :D

I was between Opencockpits, CP flight and Cockpitsonic products.

The third choise was out after many unanswered e-mails. I had no choise, but leaving CS out after so many attempts. CP flight was a more expensive choise, and a safer one. BUT my friend Eddie Armaos who has already Opencockpits pedestal installed in his cockpit gave me many info about OC products, quality wise, and I felt that OC is a more money for value option that CP flight. So Opencockpits was my final decision !!!

All radios (2xCOMM + 2xNAV + 1xATC + 1xADF), all pedestal panels, DZUS screws, a pedestal box, a dummy 737 CDU, one Rudder Trim indicator with panel, 3 closing pieces for pedestal and some buttons and knobs (not all of them) are my 2100 euro order including shipping to Athens and VAT !!!!

I will post more pics after receipt of the products.

Best regards to all


09-11-2010, 04:20 PM
Just a minor update...

Since the OC radios need 6 USB plugs to operate, I needed a USB hub, so I ordered one DUB-H7 7-Port USB 2.0 Hub (http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=149) for the radios plus one more to put aside an old usb I already use since years. So in a couple of days all will be ready to expect all pedestal products....

10-07-2010, 05:43 AM

A new update... Pedestal is already working… It took some time to make this happen due to several reasons, most of them NOT my responsibility, but nevertheless I can fly now with less clicks than ever!!! Now next is, a Leo Bodnar card to create a lights panel on the pedestal, a TQ, two 737 seats, and a CDU.

As a general comment:
If you are looking for a pedestal bay, just pay for an aluminum one, or do it yourself. Any other way will hurt. No more comments. Trust me on this.

The PnP OpenCockpits radio modules are in an acceptable quality level, according to my personal opinion, and are really PnP. Just run the setup file downloaded from OC. Restart and then plug in all modules to the USB ports. That’s it…. It is very easy. No programming, no settings, nothing. It was so easy for me too, but it seems that (see the pictures that follow) I plugged an USB light too for back lighting purposes, which seems that caused my USB PC port to crash and loose any communication. After few days of struggling around I found out that this was it. So be careful not to connect any other devices to the hub, and always connect the hub directly to the PC. If you follow this, you are flying in 3 minutes!!! About the ATC, which many stated about the lack of dual concentric rotary switch, my personal opinion is that, I can live without it. It took me few seconds to realize how to change the ATC code, and since then I have no problems. As a final comment, I would say that OC PnP modules are worth the money, and I would buy again one of these.

All other panels, I call them dummy, are ok. Nothing extraordinary, not bad either. I have already installed all buttons, knobs, and switches to them and I like the way they appear on the pedestal. I would buy again OC panels too. Worth the money.

The blanks you see on the bottom are a OC fault. I have already cut fiber glass panels and sorted that problem, but I do not have updated photos to show them. Will update soon.










You can see the USB light which caused my port to crash here:

A dummy CDU is placed left, till I decide about my working CDU

Hope you like it,


10-07-2010, 01:36 PM
Hi Nick,

Very impressed.

I also have O/C panels and some like yours are dummies. Just to add a bit more realism to the dummies, I have printed out some digital 7 segment displays. I did this by purely photographing existing displays from the working units and adjusted and resized in photoshop. After printing I went around the edge with a black permenant marker to allow for any discrepencies and then cut them slightly over size so the paper is gripped by the upper and lower panels in a sandwich.
I haven't got round to backlighting yet but I hope, when when back lit, the lights will create even more realism through the dummy displays.

I went down the route of making my own pedestal from MDF. Still needs finishing and painting but I am reasonably happy with it.



10-12-2010, 01:52 PM
A few night shots...















10-12-2010, 04:05 PM
Μπράβο μεγάλε!

Very nice. I'm already planning on Greece again next July when I return from my upcoming trip. I'll be looking forward to some more flying!

Unfortunately, I've had to push my build to the back-burner while I focus on getting ready to go. Oh well... next year, I guess.


10-13-2010, 06:14 AM
Γεια σου Warren !!!

I'll be more than glad to fly together again man :cool:

10-20-2010, 03:12 AM
Nothing important, but had a few tasks to take care... The sight of a keyboard and mouse on my cockpit was something that I didn't like at all. I was searching for a solution with a tiny keyboard and a mouse, and finally I decided the way to go. I also wanted to fix the problem of ATC communication, since I didn't like the voice coming from the main speakers... This kept waking up the kids ( !!! ) and also sometimes when the ATC was not clear enough, I was struggling to hear what he was saying. Also when flying with friends, it is not practical only for the C/O to hear the ATC, but also to be able for the F/O to do the same... So here it goes:

Keyboard and mouse...

I purchased this for a keyboard Speedlink SL-4439 (http://www.wikio.co.uk/guide/speed-link-sl-4439-sbk-playstation-3-211249.html) for 25 euro. It is wireless and I am happy with it, given the cost and it does match with my CH yoke, at least until I decide what to do with 737 yokes. It switches off after few minutes of not usage to save battery life. By pressing any button it gets activated again. No drivers needed for windows, just PnP.




I also purchased the XL Ergonomic Touchpad (http://www.ergonomictouchpad.com/) from UK. Costed around 50 euro. It's expensive, but it's worth the money in my opinion. True PnP, and because of its style you have to watch very close to understand that this is a pad instead of a Boeing pedestal accessory !!!







Dual Headset installation...

I already had a Saitek Pro flight headset (http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/headset.html), so I purchased another one for the F/O... Also purchased a Creative Soundblaster X-FI GO (http://www.creative.com/soundblaster/), together with two 3.5mm audio adapters and cables from my local shop. All true PnP, no drivers needed. After installation I changed the input and output from the drop down menus of the voice tabs of squackbox and the result was for the C/O and the F/O to both hear and speak from both headsets. I have to say that the Saitek Pro Flight are very very very beatiful and have excelent audio quality.... Too expensive though...









Hope you like it


10-20-2010, 08:07 AM
This thread has passed by me... sorry about that.
Nice work you have done in a very very short time. I want to ask if you can take some closeup pics of how the backlighting is done. I only just started to backlight my mip, but not sure how to do it best.
I won an auction on Ebay last friday for LED strips. The winning bid for 5meter LED strip (WarmWhite) was 99 cent :D :D The 1$ dimmers is already installed.
Would also like to see a closeup for the flood and autopilot lights. Is there a kind of shield in front of the autopilot lights?
As you maybe did see in my buildpost, I started to work to get a set of yokes into the sim, and is so glad I built the base in modules. That way I can now build a new module with yokes in it and just change it with the existing module. The measurements for the module I now change was not quite right anyway... We learn as we go.
Hope we can hook up and have a chat in Lelystad.

10-20-2010, 11:30 AM
Hi Nax,

I will take some photos tonight, and post them tommorow morning for you.

Hope this helps

10-20-2010, 05:21 PM
Great looking build - makes me want to get back on with mine!

Sean Nixon
10-21-2010, 05:03 PM
Your sim's looking great Nick. You've done loads in such a quick time period. A question if I may...?

When two of you are wearing headsets, can you hear each other through them when speaking to one another, like an open intercom?

And when one speaks on squawkbox, can the other hear the conversation?


10-22-2010, 01:25 AM
Your sim's looking great Nick. You've done loads in such a quick time period. A question if I may...?

When two of you are wearing headsets, can you hear each other through them when speaking to one another, like an open intercom?

And when one speaks on squawkbox, can the other hear the conversation?

Sean Hi Sean,

I really do not know the answer... In fact on Sunday we have a Barbeque meeting in my place (wives included this time) !!! so we will try and let you know ;)

This thread has passed by me... sorry about that.
Nice work you have done in a very very short time. I want to ask if you can take some closeup pics of how the backlighting is done. I only just started to backlight my mip, but not sure how to do it best.
I won an auction on Ebay last friday for LED strips. The winning bid for 5meter LED strip (WarmWhite) was 99 cent :D :D The 1$ dimmers is already installed.
Would also like to see a closeup for the flood and autopilot lights. Is there a kind of shield in front of the autopilot lights?
As you maybe did see in my buildpost, I started to work to get a set of yokes into the sim, and is so glad I built the base in modules. That way I can now build a new module with yokes in it and just change it with the existing module. The measurements for the module I now change was not quite right anyway... We learn as we go.
Hope we can hook up and have a chat in Lelystad.Nax,

I haven't forget you my friend. I took few pics yesterday with my iphone, but when uploaded in my PC, even me that I took the pictures could not understand what I was showing.... so I will have to take better ones. I didn't know that taking pictures, cables and led lights in close is so difficult !!! Will be back for this Nax, I promise ;)

10-22-2010, 02:24 AM
grat topic about the head sets ,Nick love the sim mate very good work i really love the platform too:)

i have 2 head sets usb and just whanted to ask can i connect both of them so they both work????

at the moment i have a set up with
1 headset usb(sq box atc only)
external speakers usb(for aircraft sounds)
this makes it easyer to hear ATC gives it a more real life
but i would like for the second head set to work like the first:roll:
i have not tryed to plug them in but could this work??????

10-22-2010, 02:33 AM
grat topic about the head sets ,Nick love the sim mate very good work i really love the platform too:)

i have 2 head sets usb and just whanted to ask can i connect both of them so they both work????

at the moment i have a set up with
1 headset usb(sq box atc only)
external speakers usb(for aircraft sounds)
this makes it easyer to hear ATC gives it a more real life
but i would like for the second head set to work like the first:roll:
i have not tryed to plug them in but could this work??????

Take a look at this http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/16564-Dual-Headset?highlight=dual+headset


10-30-2010, 12:53 AM
Just a video I recorded last night. Sorry for the low quality and lighting. I promise next time to improve lighting conditions.

Hope you like it,


11-07-2010, 05:10 AM
Revolution Sim Products Pro version motorised TQ was just ordered....

ETA around the end of January 2011... That is going to be a long time waiting.

11-07-2010, 07:43 AM
Revolution Sim Products Pro version motorised TQ was just ordered....

ETA around the end of January 2011... That is going to be a long time waiting.

Nick, it is worth the wait. Frustrating, yes... but the worth the wait. Trust me.

11-07-2010, 09:05 PM

11-08-2010, 10:43 AM
If you dont know between those two vendors, you should do some more study... or check the prices.
Another thing is that your question has nothing to do in Nicks post... Start a new one.

Break Break

Sorry I didn't get to see you in Lelystad... Congrats with your purchase. Two months is NOT a long wait for this product.

11-08-2010, 01:18 PM
Sorry Nick, I am new here.

11-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Sorry Nick, I am new here. Dear edseaver,

No problem... we are all new in here :)

Hope you have found answers to your questions in the meantime

If you dont know between those two vendors, you should do some more study... or check the prices.
Another thing is that your question has nothing to do in Nicks post... Start a new one.

Break Break

Sorry I didn't get to see you in Lelystad... Congrats with your purchase. Two months is NOT a long wait for this product.

Nick, it is worth the wait. Frustrating, yes... but the worth the wait. Trust me.

Thanks guys for your words,

Yes I beleive I made the right decision as far as the TQ is concerned. I have also something else to deal with, but I will post when I am certain about it. Till then keep tuned :)

11-08-2010, 03:38 PM
Well I'm sorry to. shouldnt be to harsh on you.
Sismo is a world away from opencockpits both in quality and price.

11-12-2010, 03:49 AM
Just another update.....

I just ordered the CPflight pedestal radio set. I will have those home in 3-4 days. The opencockpits solution required many USB connections giving me many conflicts in the one PC setup I already have.

The opencockpits radio set was sold two days ago in a friend from Athens, who also builds a 737NG project.

Finally these days I am ordering a new i7 @ 3.05Ghz / 8GBs RAM PC and start from the beginning my setup...

Stay tuned ;)

11-15-2010, 03:12 AM
That is what I call EXCELENT SERVICE !!!

On thursday 11/11/10 in the morning I ordered online the new CP_flight pedestal modules. One day after that, that is Friday around noon, my wife called at my office with the good news. The radios have arrived ( ? ) ( !!!!!! ) unbelievable. Less than 24 hours to receive ? That's a great service CP_flight... :)

My PC now runs WIN 7 and I can already see the difference ;)

I have few problems, but I will solve them today or tommorow...

No pics were taken during this weekend, but I will soon post new ones with the CP_flight modules AND a special pedestal panel created by my buddy Spiros Katarelos from Kefalonia (Thanks Spiro :) ), which plays the role of the overhead lights panel together with my Leo Bodnard card... more on this and detailed photos soon

To be continued


11-19-2010, 02:41 AM
So here I am :)

My SINGLE PC dual seat trainer is now running Windows 7.... much much more smoother than expected, all programs were installed from the beggining, and everything is operating as it should, except one minor detail with one driver, but I am certain in the next following days that this will be settled ;)

As promised I am posting pics of the new CP_flight radio modules. If you scroll several posts above you will notice that there is almost no difference on the outside, but beleive me there is a great difference in the inside !!! All CP_flight modules run better and quicker than the Opencockpits ones, and also my SINGLE PC setup (and I) feel less worried with one USB, instead of 7 USBs with the Opencockpits solution. Not to mention that the TA/RA switch is working as the real thing... just PnP.

I have to give SPECIAL THANKS to three guys here in MC.org who really proved to me that the cockpit building society is a small family, whose members help each other, and thus the experience grows...

I would like to thank my friend and well known Greek member and builder of A320 home cockpit, Spiros Katarelos for his excelent work and indescribable dedication in creating a panel I have visioned for my cockpit, which actually is the Boeing 737 overhead lights panel in a smaller pedestal kind of version (see pictures below). Spiros not only he did listen to me, not only he imagined this panel for me, he also designed the electric part, ordered the panels TWICE (the first was not as he wanted to be), made all connections, send it to Athens for me, paid everything, and now I am hunting him to pay but he refuses to get money from me !!! Hope you will Spiro, or I will send you by courrier ten cases of beer on your door step :D

The second person I would like to thank is Ian Sisson, who gave me unbeleivable help programming this panel and giving offsets to the switches from the 737 OHD macro file of FSUIPC. Hey Ian, thanks for the help and waiting for you during your next visit to kalithea :)

The last person I would like to thank is Nax228. He is making a great job giving a solution to the sixpacks and warning lights of cockpitsonoc dual seat trainer through the PMDG way. As all know Mathias is producing excelent products, but not of the same quality communication service. So Nax is very close to solve few matters that have been problems for ages as far as our Cockpitsonic DSTs. Hey Nax, a great thanks man :)

So pics.... ;)

My "new" pedestal

I am looking for a fire handles solution just to finish the pedestal project

This is the panel that Spiros made for me... A LeoBodnard card is below this panel giving the inputs but Spiros arranged the switches in a way that when a switch is on the led lights up... It works great, beleive me ;) In the middle you can see the Engine Start switches, to which I have assigned the autostart Engine1 & autostart Engine2 offset from FSUIPC, works great too !!!

Just switched on the Landing Lights...

And now the Wing Lights are switched on too...

I will make a video this weekend so stay tuned...

Next to follow is one Hitachi Ultimate Short Throw Projector, one Engravity CDU, the TQ and of course 2 737 seats...

Hope you liked this minor but VERY important to me upgrade

I am a happy man


11-19-2010, 03:27 AM
Gia Sou Nick..........
excellent progress captain. i just watched your video and it brought back many happy memories :o
thanks for the kind words, helping each other out is what it's all about. i have many greek friends
and now i just added another one........
the only thing i don't understand is how come you didn't threaten me with 10 crates of beer :o
good luck and keep up the good work.....


11-19-2010, 03:53 AM
Thanks Ian for your kind words :)

the only thing i don't understand is how come you didn't threaten me with 10 crates of beer :o

I've threaten you but you didn't notice... In our last communication, I told you we will BQ in my place when you come to Greece. Just a secret ;) Greeks NEVER BQ without alcohol !!!


Simon FSC
11-19-2010, 04:11 AM
Lovely cockpit ;)
And must admit that the keyboard is brilliant :) It's always hard to mimetize keyboard and mouse and you've found the perfect solution ;)

Must be hard having to wait so long for the TQ.. i would go crazy myself :D

11-19-2010, 01:35 PM
Looking very very nice Nick. Good chatting to you the other evening too.

Cheers from Almere

11-20-2010, 09:16 AM
Hi Niko
Thanks for the nice words the panel looks great on the pedestal!!!!! but i can not take all the credit for it
as you painted it and connected it!!!!!!!!looks beautiful i love the new panels too!!!!!

and as for the beer i have a better solution maybe you and Ian can come to Kefalonia and we can drink them together over the BBQ!!!!!! i know you guys are Boeing fans but you will the airbus too ;)

we will be waiting for the video Nick keep it up!!!!!

12-03-2010, 03:14 AM
Oooo yes SERIOUS stuff...

I haven't posted for a while....

The reason is that I realised that my cockpit has come to a dead-end situation... meaning that a Single PC configuration + FS9 together with PMDG can go up to a point. I was in that point for a while now.... BUT If that makes you happy, you are a happy simmer. If you want more, you start to realise that the setup needs be upgraded to be able to follow the dream...

Unfortunately, in a personal discussion I had with my self ( :mrgreen: ), we concluded that WE belong to the second category :D

So I spent a lot of time researching, and came to the point that it is a waste of time trying to do everything with one PC... a network setup is a MUST if you want to get to the next level. Concequently, with a 4 PCs network as given, I wanted to spend as little as possible my time in programming (which is not my strong point after all) and spend more in flying instead. I needed a worry free solution... ehhhh as worry free as possible I mean. In order to achieve that I also realised that a 737 cockpit software suite is needed....

So to make the long story short, My setup few days now is a 1 server + 3 clients setup (3 x Old Sony Vaios laptops) + a full Glass cockpit + MCP + CDU, Project Magenta software for CPT and FO and as a bonus a used Engravity CDU was purchased and is expected to arrive today in my place !!!!!

The reason I choosed laptops instead of desktops, is that on the one hand I had already two of them in my drawer for 3-4 years now, and on the other hand, the small size of them, together with the fact that the screen, the keyboard and the mouse makes changes a snap, compairing with a desktop solution with which 3 mouses and 3 keyboards are too much in my mind, and also seting up windows and stuff is difficult with the screens behind the MIP. Finally eventhough my setup has 2 x 1500 UPS for safety, laptops do not lag my power setup, because of their batteries.

As you can understand it was a busy week for me, but hopefully this weekend it will be flyable and post few pics with my new setup,

So stay tuned :wink:

12-05-2010, 04:12 AM
This thread is somehow like my cockpit's calendar, so as I promised here are few pictures of my changes involved. Cables, clients and the rest tiny details must be rearranged in the following days, as I cannot stand this mess behind my cockpit. If only I had a little more time...

So here it goes...




The right CDU is opencockpits dummy, and the left Fly Engravity





More to come with the projector instead of 3 sceens... next week ;)

12-20-2010, 05:20 AM
Let’s get more serious…
This post is somehow the most important one, since the beginning of my project.

Why is that ?

Just because my project is starting to mature from the inside more than the outside, meaning that there are more changes involved in the programming, details that make the difference, glass cockpit software, new clients, fully operational and independent F/O side screens and EFIS, standby instruments and upper and lower EICAS that switches displays with ENG/SYS buttons and generally many small but important features that really changed the way I fly.

Just a side note for those who now begin to research and/or build. Many told me during my 2 years research before I begin building, that the best thing to do is to buy first the software and then purchase hardware modules one by one. This is something I didn’t follow. I now know that this was a mistake. I could have save several hundreds of euro this way. I understand that investing in an invisible software is not easily digested, when on the other hand purchasing a TQ for instance is something that can be immediately used, but believe me the experience which one can feel with a cockpit software has nothing to do with the simplicity of just an FS oriented cockpit, so if you are willing to invest into expensive hardware, just do your self a favor and invest primarily in a glass cockpit software. There are free glass cockpit software suites out there, there are irrationally expensive too. Whichever the way it does not matter at the end of the day, since the most important is to follow the route of software instead of just FS.

Final note… I really cannot understand why so many years and in fact so fanatically I was flying the PMDG 737 aircraft. To be more precise, my total cockpit was based on PMDG and I cannot understand why !!! Too many conflicts, lack of offsets, and many more issues, when at the same time there is an excellent and free 737 series aircraft out there called POSKY, which in my eyes it is better than PMDG. Just my 2c.



What’s the difference except that the 3 screens are missing ?

So let’s go one by one:

The CDU is now on the CPT side together with the cockpitsonic bezel, the space on the right is waiting for a second CDU in the future.

Let’s light it up ;)


Independent CPT and F/O sides, upper and lower EICAS plus standby instruments. Everything is so easy to install after all.



There is a projector now, instead of 3 screens. I still haven’t find the right place for it, but one thing is sure… I am never getting back to screens for external visuals!!!



This is what you see when seated

A new black flex keyboard is on the glare shield now


A look behind the scenes…
My setup now consists of a desktop server and 3 laptop clients (HP Pentium Celeron 329 euro each). The logic behind the choice of laptops, is that they are small, compact, have an Ethernet and VGA port and if ever want to upgrade, they can be sold.

Two 1500W UPS are on the F/O side securing the project from current drops.

The server is on the CPT side.

This made me a great base to put a piece of wood as a platform for the clients.

The CPT and EICAS clients

And the F/O client

The ultimate short throw projector from Hitachi (Hitachi CP-AW250NM), great quality BTW

Hope you liked it, next stop Revolution SimProducts ProLine TQ and still looking for 2 seats…

Have a great day :)

12-20-2010, 05:31 AM
Nice work Nick.


12-20-2010, 05:47 AM
I'm truly amazed at the progress you've made, Nick! I can't wait until the summer to spend some time flying with you.


12-20-2010, 06:30 AM
Thanks guys for your kind words :)

I'm truly amazed at the progress you've made, Nick! I can't wait until the summer to spend some time flying with you.

Hey Warren,

Where have you been ? Hope you get back soon my friend :)

I can't wait too Warren. I am thinking of building a dual yoke system like yours, maybe we can build it together during the summer ? Your experience will be a great help my friend ;)

12-20-2010, 06:53 AM
Very cool!! Congrats.

12-21-2010, 06:24 AM
Thanks guys :)

Look what was waiting in my post today ??????

A pair of Woon Bass Shakers (http://www.world-of-bass-shakers.com/)



To be honest with all the work here plus the cockpit upgrade, I have forgoten about those :D It took almost a month to arrive from US.


Diameter: 5.827 x 1.575 inches (148 x 40mm) (h)
Impedance: 2 Ohms
Power RMS: 60 (120 Watts RMS Total)
Power MAX: 100 (200 Watts Total)
Resonance Frequency Range: 20 ~ 80 hz
Weight: 5.5 lbs pair
Cost: around $40 each with shipping to Athens

I will update soon I hope

12-23-2010, 03:20 PM


Just wanted to say WWWWOOOOOOWWWWWW !!!!!!

I purchased a low range amplifier and you cannot believe these shakers what they are capable to do.......

This is definately one of the best value for money things I have ever did for my project !!!!

Absolutely AMAZING !!!

01-05-2011, 01:57 AM
Look what is getting ready to be shipped from Paris !!!





I can't wait :D

01-05-2011, 02:55 AM
looking good looking good.

01-05-2011, 05:05 AM
Look what is getting ready to be shipped from Paris !!!

I can't wait :D

hi nick......
i'm in paris tuesday/wednesday next week, i'll polish it for you :o
regards and happy new year


01-05-2011, 05:11 AM
hi nick......
i'm in paris tuesday/wednesday next week, i'll polish it for you :o
regards and happy new year

ian :D

Thanks Ian :D

01-05-2011, 04:10 PM
Yummy!Tasty looking throttle...


01-24-2011, 08:13 AM
I know it has being long since I updated this thread, but just before Xmas, a serious health problem for my father came up. Life is difficult sometimes, and one loses the strength and appetite for his or hers hobby. This is what happened to me really….

I am getting used to the new situation day by day and to be honest yesterday I did my first online flight after almost a month of not flying at all. Anyway I am getting back to flying hopefully soon.

In the meantime my TQ had arrived during the first days of January. The box was left near my cockpit for few days, and two weeks after Revolution Simproducts team connected my setup to install it.

My TQ is the newest Proline version with 2 cards instead of 3, so there were few issues to solve. After a week or so of experimenting Rev Sim has fixed those issues, and finally since yesterday my cockpit is fully operative with a full motion TQ !!!!

I don’t have any pictures yet, but just 3 quick ones from my iPhone….

I will post new ones and I will try to record a small youtube video for all,

Till then

Take care and post as many pics as you can





01-24-2011, 09:56 AM
hello nick........
i'm sorry to hear about your father. hopefully things will get better for you soon.
nice TQ :o
good luck and best regards.....


01-24-2011, 03:45 PM
Hang in there pal...

When these things accure i guess we stop and think whats most important...and of course what is more
important than family.

Hope everything turnes out good./lenne

01-24-2011, 04:15 PM

sorry to hear this. Good luck and hoping for better times.


01-31-2011, 04:20 PM
Hi to all,

Thank you for your kind words. Things seem to get better, but we have a long way. With that said, I did some progress during this weekend. Installed the TQ, played around with REX, and did some work on the column the CH yoke is installed, made it more steady.

Made two short videos during an online flight tonight, so here we go:



and a few pics...




Last Friday, that is 3 days ago, I had the luck and honour to fly online together with Spiros who has been in Athens for a few days. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to fly more and discuss, but I know we will have the time in the near future. Thanks Spiros , see you sson and good luck with your career man :)

02-01-2011, 03:11 PM
nice going and good to have you back. A tip from me is to hook your TQ LEDs to a dimmer. It's supposed to be dimmed together with the pedestal panels + CDU.
It's very bright when on full power.

02-06-2011, 04:18 AM
Hi Nikos

I love the videos!!!!!!!!!!
I would just like to add that i had the chance to fly with Nikos online with his beautiful 737NG sim:D:D
even though i am an Airbus fan (and builder) Nikos sim is a fantastic and a realistic trainer , the photos we see are very very good
but it is better in real life!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on the sim Niko lost of work mate !!! Also thanks for the flight i really enjoyed it we will be doing more flights in the near future also
also real life ones;)

keep the photos coming Niko i can not wait until i come to Athens again

kind regards

02-06-2011, 05:17 AM
Thanks Spiro and Nax for your kind words :)

Spiro next time we fly together I have a small but very important change for you .... The columns are already made and do not move at all, landings are now easier and more succesful than before, and in the next following days I am waiting a second CH Eclipse yoke for the F/O side, which will actually make the F/O side 90% independent and operational !!! When I receive the 2nd yoke I will make few flights only from the F/O side to double check that this is a fact. I am saying 90% and not 100% because the only thing that is missing right now for the F/O is a 2nd CDU which I will purchase (used) sometime in the near future....

Best regards and have a great day,

02-07-2011, 05:00 AM
Few pics and a video from yesterday flight... the more I fly, the more I get excited !!!!!





02-20-2011, 07:57 AM
Upgraded to PM 486 version, a 2nd CDU is now installed, a 2nd CH Eclipse yoke is also installed, so the F/O side is 100% operative !!!

A short video from a yesterday online test flight:


02-20-2011, 10:08 AM
Hey Nick,

nice video. Love the cabin layout (which can be seen when the camera points to the back). A typical BBJ as far as I can tell. 8)


06-13-2011, 01:43 AM
Hi to all,

Long time to post here. Unfortunately family issues kept me away from this hobby...

Recently my server crashed and the only way to go on was to upgrade. So a new i7 with 12 GBs of RAM is now purchased. My aim was to upgrade to FSX instead of FS9.

Good news first...

The difference in visuals is like the difference between day and night.... It really is surprising to see the external visuals at 50 fps with almost all graphics settings in 80%... No addon sceneries, no addon textures, no weather or cloud addons, nothing, just raw FSX, and the outcome is unbeleivable !!!!!

On the other hand I have many unsolved issues. You see the problem is that FS9 has many modules, scripts, and in general many solutions for our too expensive hardware modules, so there is always a way to fix things in FS9. On the contrary FSX is not the prefered platform for the hardware and software home cockpits developers so there is a gap of knowledge out there.

Did you know that the stock B737-800 in FSX does not have taxi lights ? At least mine does not... I lost 3 hours to realize that, playing around with a switch, a leo bodnard card and FSUIPC....

Did you know that the Xponder of the CPflight module cannot set the mode to Charlie or Standby, like it used to do in FS9 ? Actually it seems that this is not a CPflight issue, just an issue of SB4.....

2 or 3 more issues like the above still are unsolved, but then again wasn't it like this after my first installation of FS9 years back ?

I will try to record a short video again and show you the difference.



06-13-2011, 01:03 PM
good to see you back and congrats with the new PC.

06-13-2011, 07:00 PM
Nick! welcome back! Hope all is well. Your sim looks great! I can't wait to see it up close.

I'll be in town in two weeks... I'll give you a call.

Do you need me to bring anything over from the US? Let me know.


06-13-2011, 11:48 PM
Nick! welcome back! Hope all is well. Your sim looks great! I can't wait to see it up close.

I'll be in town in two weeks... I'll give you a call.

Do you need me to bring anything over from the US? Let me know.

Warren Hi Warren,

Looking forward to seeing you here my friend. That's excelent news !!!!!!

Yes please, can you please bring me an FDS 737 shell with you please ? hahaha just kidding of course.

I will pm you warren,

Take care.


06-14-2011, 12:16 AM
Hi Warren,

Yes please, can you please bring me an FDS 737 shell with you please ? hahaha just kidding of course.


I'm not sure I can fit that in my luggage...:(

See you soon.

06-14-2011, 12:24 AM
Hi Warren,

Looking forward to seeing you here my friend. That's excelent news !!!!!!

Yes please, can you please bring me an FDS 737 shell with you please ? hahaha just kidding of course.

I will pm you warren,

Take care.

Hey Warren,

I will arrange a 40ft container for you :mrgreen:

07-09-2011, 03:23 PM
a short video with fsx...


07-09-2011, 04:57 PM
Very cool!!!

07-10-2011, 12:15 PM
Thanks :)

This week wife and kids are on the mountains for holidays, They all just left... This year, due to special business factors, it will be very difficult to follow them around... so I am home alone for 6 days !!!!!

So tonight, I found the time to install REX environment for FSX... I must admit, I cannot see a huge difference, as I did when I was in FS9, but still there is a long way to go, as far as tweaking is concerned ;)

This week hopefully, the weber seats will arrive, so I will post few pics with those guys too...


07-10-2011, 02:33 PM
Nick, What time should I come over tomorrow?

07-10-2011, 04:21 PM
Nick, What time should I come over tomorrow?will call you Warren ;)

and a night landing with REX for you...



08-25-2011, 12:18 AM
Fly Tampa has done it again !!!!!

A new scenery for Athens.... WOW is all I can say.... That's an excelent work.

I recorded a video :


08-25-2011, 12:25 AM
Unfortunately my F/O CDU never worked since the beggining, that I bought it used. I suspected that from day one, but I didn't pay too much attention. Few weeks ago it started blinking !!!! :p I recorded a video and send it to both engravity and project magenta, for advise. I even switched the cables between CPT & F/O just to see it was a software issue... It wasn't. Definately a hardware issue. My RCDU now is waiting is on its way to engravity to be fixed. Soon hopefully, it will arrive as new :D


OOOpppss missing RCDU

08-25-2011, 12:39 AM
So now my project looks like a cockpit ;-)

Look what arrived in my garage door yesterday :


I have to admit, even though that in the beggining I was afraid of the opposite, that Aircraftseats24.com gave me an EXCELENT service and I would definately purchase from those guys again. Both Weber seats move in the push of a button as they should, the fabrics are in an acceptable condition, and I am happy with my purchase.

08-25-2011, 12:47 AM
So here it goes...

The packaging was excelent for summer days of course...







08-25-2011, 12:48 AM
After the nylon was recovered, there were protective clothes....




08-25-2011, 12:50 AM
And finally the seats...






08-25-2011, 12:51 AM






08-25-2011, 12:52 AM
After un screwing the bolts from the pallets I had to move the seats to the elevator and 4 floors up. It was a difficult day for me in the office, and I was very tired, so whenever the body cannot follow the mind invents.....

I just moved each seat on a skateboard... easy :-P



08-25-2011, 12:53 AM
Finally after a long voyage from Canada to Austria, and Austria to Greece, the seats where they belong...







08-25-2011, 12:55 AM
The carpet was cut, so that the bolts and the seats base is hidden below the carpet...




08-25-2011, 12:57 AM
and few more pics....








08-25-2011, 12:58 AM
It was too late to screw them on my base... I have to do that tommorow, too tired to fly anyway....

Hope you liked them. My sim now looks like a sim. The kitchen chairs were spoiling the image of my project. Now I feel better.

My aim from now on is :
1) A new cockpit base in order to fit the following,
2) Two seat rails for the weber seats,
3) A dual linked yoke system,
4) A dual linked rudder petal system,
5) A 737 shell with interior liners,
6) And finally 3 projector with the appropriate software and screen....

Of course that will happen slowly, and given the circumstances one thing at a time, so stay tuned....


Nick from Athens

08-25-2011, 06:20 AM
Nick what is your sound package for the simulator?

08-25-2011, 06:48 AM
Nick what is your sound package for the simulator?Hi,

Meaning software or hardware ?



08-25-2011, 07:51 AM
Hi Nick,

Software, the sound of aircraft.


08-26-2011, 04:57 AM
I just moved each seat on a skateboard... easy :-P


Hey Nick, no need for J-rails then;). Nice seats.


08-26-2011, 07:23 AM
Nice find Nick.

08-26-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Nick,

Software, the sound of aircraft.

Tks,Hi Anderson,

The sound folder is the FS9 PMDG 737-800 folder as it was in the FS9 I used to fly. I find this sound package friendly and good enough for me. I have tweaked the spoiler and flaps sounds though.

Hey Nick, no need for J-rails then;). Nice seats.

JWS I haven't thought of that :p

Nice find Nick. Hey Nax, Thanks

I am really losing my patience over cockpitsonic... do you have any news about the driver yet ?

09-13-2011, 03:16 AM
A short video showing my new WEBER SEATS


They look better from short distance

Looking forward to receivong my new ACE dual linked yokes next month :p


Nick from Athens

09-13-2011, 04:27 AM
yassou nick.......
just saw the video, now those do look sweet seats :o
regards from wales .......


09-13-2011, 04:28 AM
And a usual approach in the Greek islands... LGSR (Santorini island) RW34R 99% of the times till 1000ft there are cross winds of 35 to 55 knots. Below 1000ft the mountain on the left is used as a shield and things get better ;)



09-13-2011, 04:43 AM
yassou nick.......
just saw the video, now those do look sweet seats :o
regards from wales .......

ianThanks Ian,

Looking forward to seeing you in Athens ;)

09-13-2011, 08:29 AM
Looking good, Nick!

10-07-2011, 01:21 PM
Thanks Warren

10-29-2011, 08:54 AM
Just a small update... PMsystems was purchased and installed. No overhead yet, but I use the mouse for the time being...

12-20-2011, 07:05 AM
Updating again my project...

I am in the process of upgrading all my dummy pedestal panels to CPflight ones, so I purchased as a start the CPflight BRT-STT737DC (http://www.cpflight.com/sito/dettagli/BRT737.asp). The truth is that the above module has no actual use on the pedestal except the fact that it plays the role of a kind of daisy chain for all the CPflight modules and alos has the ability to regulate the backlight brightness of all CPflight modules, which means that if one has all the Pedestal modules he can dim the light from this switch. Other than that it has no actual use.



12-20-2011, 07:31 AM
It seems that during a cockpit building project there are times that one has to choose which way to go... To my understanding, usualy these ways are the the cheap vs the expensive way....

So in my way of proggressing I choosed the expensive one, at least for now.

To make the long story short, last Monday I received my dual linked yokes from ACE, which seem to be an excelent product. I say seem to be, because I really did not had the time yet to setup the yokes and make them running since I was abroad for business during the week and I just returned this morning. Hopefully by the end of the week I will know if the yokes run ok.


Great packing by the way

Two wooden boxes

Great quality, heavy duty touch and feeling



The same exists for the base too


12-20-2011, 10:59 AM
Updating again my project...

I am in the process of upgrading all my dummy pedestal panels to CPflight ones, so I purchased as a start the CPflight BRT-STT737DC (http://www.cpflight.com/sito/dettagli/BRT737.asp). The truth is that the above module has no actual use on the pedestal except the fact that it plays the role of a kind of daisy chain for all the CPflight modules and alos has the ability to regulate the backlight brightness of all CPflight modules, which means that if one has all the Pedestal modules he can dim the light from this switch. Other than that it has no actual use.



Maybe its nice to add, that theres also a usb version of this panel set that allows to use the CPflight radios without the need of the cpflight mcp, like the cpflight BLKbox does (pricedifference 70 euro's).

A nice addition to those that want to use the cpflight pedestal modules, but use a different mcp.


12-25-2011, 02:52 PM
Looks great Nick!

Could you tell the exact dimensions of the yokes base? I would like to design a module box in my simulator base for them in advance.


Hi Nick,

Yes no problem, I just counted the base.

Its 141 x 50 x 20 cms

Please not the 20 cms is the height and it is my calculation. It is definately 15 cms and I beleive that in order to be on the safe side one has to leave 20 cms to be sure.

Hope that helps

Merry Christmas,


12-25-2011, 03:37 PM
PM me an email, and I'll send you the sketchup file if you want.



12-31-2011, 05:23 PM
Kali xronia Niko,

Do you have the drivers of you ACE yoke 737 I lost the CD and I changed my computer and I cannot find them since innovative beta site has closed.

Congragulation for your updates. I am using the Yoke for a long time and it is excellent unit.

Constantinos - Kypros

01-02-2012, 06:05 AM
Kali xronia Niko,

Do you have the drivers of you ACE yoke 737 I lost the CD and I changed my computer and I cannot find them since innovative beta site has closed.

Congragulation for your updates. I am using the Yoke for a long time and it is excellent unit.

Constantinos - Kypros

Hello Konstantine,

Happy new year dear friend :)

Actualy my yokes do not have any CD or driver. I plugged the usb in and it was automaticaly recognised as "ACE YOKES"...

Perhaps if you could ask Ali for the drivers or possibly someone will PM you soon ?

01-05-2012, 10:53 AM
Hello Nick,

You have a great build going! I really enjoyed reading your thread and picked up a few things that might help me along my build.

I especially like the following ideas you used:
- Mini keyboard (that should take care of the large keyboard spoiling the cockpit idea)
- Trackpad on the pedestal (dito)
- I never saw a picture of a short throw beamer in use before, thanks :)
- Last but not least, I REALLY like your idea to place frequently used overhead panels in the pedestal

Good luck proceeding your build,


01-16-2012, 10:11 AM
Thanks Bas and Flying Fox :)

Just a small update in my dairy-cockpit build thread.

Well I am still waiting for my FDS shell, which will be the base to start moving my sim parts from the current state to a new one. Till the shell arrives, I have wired the yokes and tested. Everything is ok. To be honest the quality of the ACE dual linked yokes is absolutely perfect, heavy stuff!!! BUT I really cannot understand why the yokes were not already wired in their ends. I really cannot understand why it is stated PnP when I purchased. Anyway, I purchased these connectors from my local hobby shop, wired all cables in the right position after the help of my great Greek friend and member of MYC.org, Warren (Thanks Warren ;) ) and now the yokes are ready to go.

Next update after the shell arrives...







01-20-2012, 05:19 AM
Hi to all,

FDS shell arrived yesterday. I unpacked but didn't have the time to take a closer look.

I took few pics for the record.

I am flying online tonight and after that I will take some pictures of my cockpit in its current state just to remind me how my cockpit was before the shell. From tommorow I am braking down my old base, unplug my seats, pedestal, MIP, TQ and all PCs, in order to go to the next level... It is a very busy winter for me at work so it may take more than a month away from online flying, till I manage to build the new cockpit base, and setup everything from the start...

Pics of the FDS packaging:







01-21-2012, 01:01 AM
Great news Nick.

Can't wait to see the progress.

I look forward to seeing/flying the full setup with you in the summer when I come to Greece!


01-21-2012, 05:12 PM
Looks good so far... You must be feeling like a little boy at christmas ;)

02-01-2012, 04:48 AM
Just updating my project...

After more than a week only yesterday due to heavy snow in Athens I was stuck at home so I found some time to start braking my project to pieces to make space for the FDS nose section to fit in my SIM room...

These are the last photos before I start, just in memory of my "old" cockpit:








To be continued...

02-01-2012, 04:55 AM
So I started with Weber seats, yoke columns and CH yokes



After that the RevolutionProducts TQ


Then the CDU bay and all PCs from the back




After that the MIP and the base including the pedestal and the cockpit base bass shakers


So after a few hours my sim room was empty and ready for the shell...

I hope I find some time during the next days to start the shell. More photos to follow.

02-09-2012, 02:03 AM

That's the my space ready before the nose section built starts, and in a way this is where the curved screen will be located in the future:




In the backgroup all gear is stored one upside the other, waiting for the shell and the base to be built again...




It is very difficult to have a non working cockpit, it hurts when it is flyable....

02-09-2012, 02:13 AM
In a slow pace, day by day, one hour per day in the nights, because of lack of time, I managed to build the shell and finally took my measurements of the new cockpit base, including the space needed for the ACE dual linked yokes. My main two obstacles are the fact that I cannot build it inside the room because of the the small space left with all the gear around and the nose section in place, and also because I will build it in my garage I have to split it into small pieces so that it fits the elevator... My cockpit is on the 4th floor, so I can avoid lifting it through the stairs... Finally I am designing my cockpit base in such a way for possible (If needed) motion in the future...

So here is the shell.... next stop my cockpit base...




The two front pieces are missing. This was the only way to fit the Cockpitsonic MIP in the shell without cutting the shell or the MIP. Sacrifices must be made...



03-05-2012, 02:32 AM
After one month of constructing and designing from the start my sim, yesterday Sunday 4th of March 2012, I started building my "new" home cockpit with brand new modules, like FDS 737 shell, ACE dual linked yokes, J-rails and dual linked rudders from Revolution Simproducts, upgrage from EL version to PRO version of CP flight MCP and dual EFIS, and a new cockpit base with rubber wheels. The sim is not flyable yet, and needs few hours for connecting and testing, but hopefully soon I will post new photos in action...

Things left to do...

Plexiglass on cockpit windows
Interior liners from FDS
Triple ceiling projectors plus curved screen
FWD and AFT overheads
and hundrends of minor things...

A short video and few photos:


The cockpit base in 5 parts, so it can fit in the elevator:
Note: The ACE rudders need exactly 20cms from bottom of the yokes base to top of cockpit floor for those who want to pre-build a base.










03-05-2012, 02:33 AM
Few hours after and the shell is on the base. The hard things were made succesfully. The harder to come...









03-05-2012, 02:34 AM
More pics...

Fitting the yokes...



Making last adjustments including the rudders...






03-05-2012, 02:36 AM
More pics...







03-05-2012, 02:37 AM
The glare shield...




You can see that the cockpitsonic MIP is few cms bigger than the shell :)

This where the PCs will be hosted:



03-05-2012, 02:39 AM
Late last night the seats were mounted too.

Too tired to go on... need a sleep to get strenght. Hopefully after work tommorow I can go on with the rudders, CDU bay, TQ and pedestal...





The J-rails:



Coming again soon...

03-05-2012, 12:32 PM
Very nice, Nick! The front looks like a stealth fighter... Is that new FDS technology? :p

I take it that was the modification you needed to make for the MIP stand to fit?

I also see your rudder pedals arrived. I hope to be in Greece first or second week of July. We'll do some flying!


03-06-2012, 02:00 AM
Thanks Warren,

I choosed not to cut the MIP stand for the time being. This gives me the stealth look as you say LOL !!! If I see that this creates issues to the projectors screen I will have to cut the small triagles of the CS MIP.

pm sent ;)

03-26-2012, 01:40 AM
Updating my project...

All gear is mounted where it is supposed to. All settings have been made. Rudders, yokes, new MCP and EFIS, J rails, etc have been tuned. A custom made small drawer furniture has been made and mounted inside the nose of my shell for my 4 laptops-clients. 3 wagon rows have been created and mounted on the ceiling for my future triple projector setup. Online (SB4) has been installed in my lower EICAS client, software upgrades have been made, several changes have been made and tested, and now I CAN FLY!!!

As side note I have configured WOL (Wake On LAN) utility for all my cockpit PCs, that is one server and four clients, and the magic thing is that when I switch on my server and then press FLY NOW on the FSX screen my clients wake on lan and startup on their own. Wideserver then opens all software needed for my cockpit on its own. In other words my cockpit is ready on the gate of my choice with the push of a button and one click!!!

As a concequence I wanted to do the same when shutting down. With the help of my good friend Warren (FSaviator) I can now shutdown all PCs (including the server) with a combination of keyboard keys. Then FSUIPC arranges to close GRACEFULLY (as Warren says :) )all programs and shuts down it self. WOW that's a great relief.... I start my cockpit (5 PCs & a projector) with one button and one click and I shut it down with one keyboard press !!!! Unbelievable!!!

Moreover again with the help of FSaviator, I discovered the existance of "input director". A very usefull freeware for managing network PCs with one keyboard and one mouse. Now I can have control of all my PCs without the need of opening the lid of my laptops-clients, which are closed and hidden in the nose section anyway. Great find Warren !!!

Next steps are:

FWD and AFT overheads
3 projectors and a curved screen
Interior liners for my shell

Thanks MyCockpit.org for hosting this thread, which is like my cockpit site for me.

A short video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w-D7vjATaM#ws

And pics...

My cockpit is now powered by 3 cables only. One mains power, one ethernet cable and one telephone cable. Simple, all hubs and switches are "hidden" in the nose section on a custom made furniture I built:








03-26-2012, 01:41 AM
On the ceiling I now have my old projector, but as you can see I built 3 wagon rows where 3 usual projector mounts can travel and thus be able to fine tune all axis when my 3 projectors will be purchased:








03-26-2012, 01:42 AM
My cockpit in details:







03-26-2012, 01:44 AM





Thanks MyCockpit.org

03-26-2012, 08:50 PM
:shock: WOW!

Looks great Nick.

Sean Nixon
04-03-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi Nick

Your cockpit is looking great, you're streets ahead of me now!

I notice you are running laptops as your client PC's. What are the spec on them, particularly the graphics solutions, and how do they run the PM displays? It's something I'd thought about. I tried an Atom based netbook, but it was terrible. I'm wondering how a 2nd generation Intel i3 with HD3000 graphics would do?


04-03-2012, 03:35 PM
Hi Nick

Your cockpit is looking great, you're streets ahead of me now!

I notice you are running laptops as your client PC's. What are the spec on them, particularly the graphics solutions, and how do they run the PM displays? It's something I'd thought about. I tried an Atom based netbook, but it was terrible. I'm wondering how a 2nd generation Intel i3 with HD3000 graphics would do?

SeanThanks Sean, but I am not streets ahead... You've got the two most important modules a home cockpit MUST have a) Complete overhead and b) interior liners... In my opinion those two are the most important MUST HAVE for our hobby, which I do not yet have, and I am afraid it will take time for me to be able to build.

As for the laptops, you don't have to go that far. My laptops are simple pentium are overqualified, just google "HP 620 laptop" and you will find the specs. I tried the netbook route also with the same results as you. What I did was to visit local Media Markt and found the cheapest laptop deal of the day. After a short negotiation with the stuff I plugged in a usb stick with PM demo. It run perfect so I bought 4 laptops in the best possible price, 299 euro a piece ;)

Sean Nixon
04-03-2012, 03:53 PM
That's interesting. There are various specs for the HP620, including Celeron, Pentium and Core 2 Duo. Do you know which you have? It's the graphics solutions I'm more interested in, I don't want a repeat of the Atom fiasco!

I'm absolutely certain your laptops will have an integrated graphics solution, and it's good to know PM runs ok on them.

Thanks again Nick.

PS - if you could see my sim now! it's in pieces while I build a new base to accommodate dual linked yokes. How do you find the Ace ones?

Sean Nixon
04-03-2012, 04:04 PM
Also, what are the tasks of each laptop? Do you have a desktop as your main FS PC? Any other computers in your setup?


04-22-2012, 03:46 AM
Hello Sean,

Sorry for the delay. I really had no notification about a reply in this thread, or I missed it somewhere in the tons of e-mails I receive everyday.

So I have 4 HP-620 laptops as my 4 clients. All of them are Pentium and PM runs great on them, more specifically:

Client1 = Labeled as Captain side, runs WideFS, PFD.exe, CDU.exe, PM get weather
Client2 = Labeled as Upper EICAS, runs WideFS, PFD.exe
Client3 = Labeled as First Officer side, runs WideFS, PFD.exe, RCDU.exe
Client4 = Labeled as Lower EICAS, runs WideFS, PMsystems, Squawkbox

As for my server is an i7 with 12GBs RAM, 1MB graphics card and 2 SSD disks desktop PC which runs the following:
FSX on startup which then starts automatically (and closes automatically on exit) the following programs
MCP.exe for PM MCP
B737 driver for Cockpitsonic MIP driver
REX weather

Unfortunately Revolution Sim Products driver does not start automatically. I have made tons of skype requests and many e-mails for that but all they know is to sell new products.... I have given up on them....
So all startup on their own except RSP driver for Project Magenta which I have to click to start.

As for the laptops, as stated previously, don't worry about fiascos...

Download PM demo and put it in a memory stick. Go to your local store and find a cheap laptop that suits your needs. Plug in the stick and run PM demo. You will most probably see the results in a few seconds. If it runs then it's perfect (I am sure it will), if not go to the next laptop model. Make your negotiations and get your clients as low as 299 euro a piece as I did, and beleive me laptops are great for clients. I wish I could do the same with the server...

What is the key point here is the way my sim starts up and shutsdown, and also the use of one mouse and keyboard for the total 5 PCs with the help of Warren in the following thread:


Hope I helped a little

Sean Nixon
04-22-2012, 04:05 AM
Hi Nick

Thanks for that. Since my last post, I have purchased a couple of laptops for use as the left and right PFD's. I've also bought the components and built a new PC for FSX (I was previously on FS9, but really like the enhanced visuals that FSX offers, hence the need for a decent PC)!

I'm busy putting the network together as we speak. Hoping to do my first online flight with this setup tonight!

Totally agree with the single keyboard and mouse setup. I was doing that on the old setup, but used a program called Synergy, which is similar to what you are using. Also have a little batch file that runs on startup and wakes all the PC's up over WOL. I've decided to bring the trusty Mac into the equation and want to have this as the overall 'manager'. So I'll control all the network PC's from here, as well as using it for all the usual flight planning stuff.

I'm also using the iPad for pulling up charts when in flight.

Thanks again, we'll have to meet up online sometime.



04-22-2012, 04:18 AM
Hi Sean,

That's great news !

As always in this hobby the amount of work needed is huge and it is endless!

I'm also using the iPad for pulling up charts when in flight.
I would use a word of advise how to do that too ;)

Sean Nixon
04-22-2012, 05:11 AM
Using the iPad for pulling up charts is a real no-brainer. This is what I do, in order of preference:

1. Download the App, Circle to Land. What it does is brings all the charts of those countries with free access to their AIP's into one neat interface so it's really quick and easy to pull up the latest chart. It contains the UK and a lot of Europe (as well as the US and Australia), but no Greece yet. As it downloads the chart from the official AIP, it's always bang up to date (it does store downloaded charts for offline use, just be sure to hit the refresh button every now and then to make sure you're up to date).

2. Before I discovered Circle to Land, I had the aerodrome webpage of all the countries that I flew to saved as a link in bookmark folder I called AIP. So I'd fire up Safari, bookmarks, AIP, UK (for example), and I'd have all the UK airports listed for me. I still use this method for countries that aren't part of Circle to Land yet, for example, Belgium and Austria.

3. If all else fails, open Safari and just google, for example type "lgts charts" and 99% of the time the first hit will be a load of charts for that airport. These charts are however well out of date, and nearly always Jeppeson charts, which I personally dislike. But given that I always fly in Europe, and I can pull up the latest charts via the 1st two methods, I never have to do this.

Hope that helps.


04-23-2012, 12:00 AM
Great advice Sean,

I am still printing the charts !!!

I will try with my iPad,



04-23-2012, 01:19 PM
Hi Nick,

I see your project is coming along great. Love the remark about the stealthy looks of the shell, that's exactly what I thought :)

About that Revolution Sim Products driver, you probably already tried putting it in the startup folder...? There are also registry settings that allow for automatic program execution upon startup. If both of these fail you could try a little auto-it script.

Does the startup of the driver depend on other software being loaded first (I am not in to FSX and PM)?

04-23-2012, 04:08 PM
thanks Bas_v for your comments,

Unfortunately RSP knows the issue and does not do anything. I have spent thousands in many suppliers and I have received the service I deserved. Most of them changed their products according to their customers needs. A few did not. One of them was RSP. Its not a windows or FSX issue. It is a RSP issue only.

Its strange but if you double click on the icon "revolution sim products for project magenta" the correct program opens. If you choose to put this icon, the shortcut or it's file destination in the startup menu it opens the 'revolution sim products' driver (not for project magenta), thus the correct driver (revolution sim products for project magenta) can only open with the help of the mouse and there is no way to open it whatever you try, even if this is a script, startup menu, FSUIPC, etc... RSP knows the issue and does not do anything about it.

10-17-2012, 02:37 AM
Next steps are:

FWD and AFT overheads
3 projectors and a curved screen
Interior liners for my shell

After a long time of flying, thinking and designing my next cockpit building moves, it's now time to act...

So it was time for my FWD OH. I needed it to be PnP. I did took a lot of price quotations, and I found the best to be the SimWorld one, price and support wise.

BUT many I was having issues with my software in the mean time... Project Magenta is a nice soft, but it's an aged program, and because of that it's designers have become arrogant and thus usres issues have been unsolved for ages... I decided to do the shift. The decision was easy. SimWorld had an offer of a free license of ProSim737 together with it's PnP FWD overhead. So I took the time and courage to change from Project Magenta to ProSim.

I booked one Saturday few weeks ago, and arranged no business or family obligations, and started at 08:00 in the morning with a BIG cofee in hand... I said to everyone "just consider me dead this Saturday, I will be too busy tiil the night" I was determined to make my cockpit flyable during the weekend, whatever the cost.

You know what ? To my surprise the ProSim737 setup including the four clients ended at around 10:00, that is 2 hours after I started !!! I had a lot of cofee left in my cup :) So I did several test flights to see what was my new setup. I had several issues, but with the help of the ProSim guys through their excelent forum, I could solve my issues one by one.

To make the long story short, I am amazed with this software. It's simple, it does the job without conflicts, there are people behind it who support the users without many words and diva style, and it is very much expandable in every respect. What was I doing with PM so much time ? I lost my time.... Let's hope that the ProSim crue stays focus and not make the same mistakes PM did....

As in every setup there are few issues that remain unsolved. Unsurprisingly those issues have to do with one and only one supplier I had issues from the beginning. My cockpit has parts from all around the world. I have purchased parts from almost every part of the world, but this guy was the worst choice I have ever made. So stay away from him. If you want his name, I can PM it to you, but at least for the time being I will not put the name in my thread.

So it's ProSim era...

(to be continued)...

10-17-2012, 02:38 AM
After several weeks of flying with my new ProSim soft, yesterday I received my new SimWorld PnP FWD overhead panel. Below you can see unboxing pictures. The quality is more than one would expect. Congratulations SimWorld, that is a piece of art !!!! I will try to mount the overhead today on my FDS shell. I connected the OH on my server yesterday and one thing I can tell you. You can't get more PLUG & PLAY than this!

Just plug and play, as the words say... No windows drivers, its a HID device and it is recognised on its own. The only thing to do is open ProSim configuration window (one click) and check the SimWorld OH compatibility box (second click)... That's it... the damn thing works great, no .ini files to change, no SIOC language to deal with, not even one driver installation needed!!!! This is the best buy I have ever had. Excelent quality, fair price, and user friendliness.

Pics follow, hopefully a video and few more pics after mounting on my shell:

Great packaging

Excelent interior protection


This is how we first met





This is a compact design and construction



Close ups...





More to come...

10-17-2012, 12:49 PM
sou to eipa re megale! Bravo.
Good news. Are you going to FSWeekend?

10-18-2012, 02:34 AM
sou to eipa re megale! Bravo.
Good news. Are you going to FSWeekend?Geia soy file !!!!

Not this year, I am afraid... too busy...

11-01-2012, 05:02 PM
Nick, very impressive overhead. Did you get the one with backlight and pro switches?
How long did it take from order to delivery?


11-02-2012, 03:20 AM
Nick, very impressive overhead. Did you get the one with backlight and pro switches?
How long did it take from order to delivery?

TedYep, That's it, locking switches, landing lights switches and backlighting included. It took me 2 months from order to delivery to receive it.

11-02-2012, 05:40 AM
Hi Nick, I would be very interested to know how the backlighting is implemented. Is there a chance of a picture of the insides you could post ?


11-02-2012, 05:45 AM
Sorry no pictures yet.

You can have an idea here, just a short video... Online flight LTBA LGAV - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVh74COyEXQ)

11-02-2012, 05:57 AM
Thanks, I have the Simworld overhead but backlighting is a pain. I'm curious how they've tackled it.

11-16-2012, 10:13 PM
This thread is an inspiration. Bookmarking.

11-19-2012, 10:48 AM
Hi to all,

This weekend all of my family, that is my wife, my two daughters and me, were all ill (flue), except the dog... There were of course good news out of it. I managed to find the time to finish my FDS interior liners and my map lights installation.

A short youtube video:

Home cockpit 737 FDS interior liners just installed - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbX5KsEQZwg)

and few shots... hope you like it. It now makes a difference when you fly...

The parcel arrived palletized, great packaging FDS!





The installation takes long even with the FDS instructions. One must take his or hers time. All items are mirrored, which means that the same item is ment to be installed in the F/O side and in the CPT side. Sometimes you get confused and you start again. This item was sent as a mistake two times, that is both for the F/O side. I am expecting a replacement from FDS soon.



11-19-2012, 10:56 AM
Almost 3 days after, the shell is now ready from the inside too. What a great view and feel!









Next to follow is my triple projectors setup with a curved screen and few details, like metal floor, pedestal fire panel, and few bits and bobs that I have in my mind, somewhere between these I will install an aft overhead too....

Thanks for watching,

11-19-2012, 01:34 PM
Zilia.... tin eho!

Looks good Nick! I hope to post updates this weekend on mine... you will be very surprised.

On another note, Marina "pire to diploma"!

11-20-2012, 06:52 AM
Hi Warren,

Great news then! :)

Thanks for the kind words, looking forward your next visit in Athens.


11-21-2012, 07:40 AM
Hi Nick,
great to see all these pictures. Just took delivery of the FDS shell. I also have the FDS MIP.
Just a question on the access to the back of the MIP. What do you do when you have to go behind to do some works? I see the shell rests on the entire structure side to side and front to back. I would assume you can 'wheel' out some parts but then the shell would not have enough base to stand on?
I ask this as my construction is far from even the middle so I spend a lot of time behind the MIP. I like your design and would like to adapt it but need some insight on this aspect.



11-21-2012, 08:51 AM
Hello Anthony,

Yes you are right. There are issues for accesing the back of the MIP, but only in the F/O side. Everything else is easily accesible and it is occassionaly too. Unfortunately in order to fit the 4 clients-lap tops I had to choose between accesibility in that part of the MIP, and space saving. I choosed the second, but I like the compact feeling I have on my cockpit.

Hope that helps.


11-21-2012, 11:20 AM
Ah, thanks Nick.
Space is not too much trouble for me so I might make 'drawers' of the middle section while the shell sits on two opposite outer sections shaped like so: '[ ]'.



02-27-2013, 02:24 AM
Hi to all,

Just an update...

CP flight audio panels and fire panel installed on my pedestal... Just as a side note I was expecting a better quality from CPflight for the audio panels, since the volume switces are not steady and move like crazy around, like they are dismantled.

Next the cargo and wx panels plus the rudder panel from CP flight to finish my pedestal setup, and of course I am already on the way for 3 BenQ MW814ST projectors when my wallet permits...







Sean Nixon
02-27-2013, 11:30 AM
Looking great as usual Nick.

03-12-2013, 01:14 AM
In Greece we say "the enemy of good is the better", so after ordering my 3 projectors from BenQ due the end of March 2013, and also after ordering 2 solenoid starter switches and two magnetic anti-ice and yaw switches from SimWorld for my overhead which again are due to the end of March 2013, I was thinking to make some changes, minor some would say, but important to me....

So I unmounted my overhead, the overhead interior FDS liners and start rewiring from scratch.... OMG this was a nightmare !!! Kilometers of wires have been used since 2007 in this cockpit.... At start it seemed to be a straight forward procedure, but I have forgot how many cables I have use, but then again as said the enemy of good is the better, so I started with few things I had on the list...




I mounted 4 speakers on the roof, 2 on each side. 2 of them will be used only for the call outs, given that I have already installed a copy of ProSim sound in one client from which only call outs will be played, giving the a touch of cockpit reality. The other 2 speakers will again be connected to another client, playing some other sounds that I have in my mind, but I will experiment first.


In the meantime I ordered the CPflight wx, cargo and rudder panels which do complete my pedestal, and together with a fly engravity pedestal bay which is also coming home this week, I have a full pedestal... These photos are from my old setup, soon my new one.



Finally, I am wiring 3 VGA and 3 power cables for the projectors to come...


Finally, during the next days, my chairs and TQ will be unmounted too, in order to mount metallic flooring, almost as the "real one"


More to come soon...

03-12-2013, 06:03 AM
Wow Nick, always great to see how your project is doing. And you've made so much progress in such little amount of time. Great stuff.

03-25-2013, 02:38 PM
20 days after, and still working on EVERYTHING but the wires...

My new Fly Engravity pedestal box has arrived, and all modules have been installed.

Cockpit seats, TQ and my new CPflight pedestal box have been removed in order to design my new cockpit floor, new power cables have been installed on the cockpit ceiling and on the pedestal box, J rails have already been serviced, cause all screws have been unscrewed probably from the vibrations from the bass shakers, and many other tiny bits have been fixed...

Coming soon with more pictures...











03-25-2013, 02:39 PM
Cockpit floor








03-25-2013, 02:41 PM
Everything is on hold again...




to be continued...

04-06-2013, 12:28 PM
Too busy at work, and I haven't found the time to finish my cockpit. My 3 projectors arrive next week, so I had to hurry up. This weekend was a deadline for me... I 'm missing flight hours from my sim more than a month now, and this (as all of you know) is very depressing.

So I have stolen few hours from work yesterday to catch up, and I woke up early today, Saturday, in order to finish the most I could, so that my sim is ready and flyable next week... Have to make it. I have to finish what I wanted and check my check list boxes.

Few pics...

Both seats have been services through out, all bolts on the Jrails have been unscrewed and swrewed again with thread locker glue. RSP for God shake, even the Jrails!!!



The new aluminum cockpit floor has been installed and glued, TQ, pedestal box and seats are mounted on top...




Finally, almost every cable has been re-orginised from the start, new power adaptors for switching off the sim from one switch, two UPS channels, one for all the equipment and one for the server and sound adaptor. The clients are laptops so the have their own battery for safety!





To be continued...

04-06-2013, 02:52 PM
It's late Saturday afternoon, I am tired, but I have to go out for dinner, my wife is already dressed and I am still with my nikes full of dirt hehehe... she is shouting!!!! :-P

More to come tommorow guys...

This is how I am leaving my cockpit today...

Cables, all in the right order, labeled and colored...




TQ and pedestal are already mounted, seats and final tests tommorow...




BTW the Fly Engravity pedestal is super quality!




04-07-2013, 01:36 PM
After few hours today...

Still to come, my overhead with the new solenoid switches, and 3 projectors during the week...




04-13-2013, 02:34 PM
After many days of working on my project, I finally finished all my details, including solenoids, new floor, new overhead speakers for the callouts, full new pedestal, 3 new projectors, and many other minor fixes, except the actual warping and blending of the 3 projectors that hopefully I will do during the next days, after testing Nthusim, Fly Elise and Warpilizer...

In detail...
My cockpit is officially flying. I feel pride looking at it.

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1212_zpsb17ad24e.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1212_zpsb17ad24e.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1215_zps764d2461.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1215_zps764d2461.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:37 PM
My 3 Benq MW817ST projectors

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1213_zpse277c54d.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1213_zpse277c54d.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1214_zps1178a653.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1214_zps1178a653.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1226_zps5bd444e0.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1226_zps5bd444e0.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:39 PM
No warping or blending yet, no screen yet...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1223_zps4ced04fb.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1223_zps4ced04fb.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1224_zpscc7a2257.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1224_zpscc7a2257.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1225_zps96cea80f.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1225_zps96cea80f.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1227_zps399b3703.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1227_zps399b3703.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1228_zpsb83f8cb4.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1228_zpsb83f8cb4.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:42 PM
A dramatic drop in FPS, from 50+ FPS in one view in the past, to 7 FPS with the windowmaker tool!!! Have to work on that during the next days. My PC is i7 in the top range with 12GB RAM, SSDs, etc, etc, costing almost 2000 euros. I did not expect such a drain in FPS!

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1222_zps035d355b.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1222_zps035d355b.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:43 PM
My pedestal is now solid as a rock, CPflight quality all over...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1220_zps84bbb07f.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1220_zps84bbb07f.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1221_zps05d2bb72.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1221_zps05d2bb72.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:44 PM
My FWD overhead now has 2 solenoid starter switches from SimWorld, and two magnetic ones for the yaw and antice...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1216_zps6d32e73a.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1216_zps6d32e73a.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1217_zpse09df45f.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1217_zpse09df45f.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1219_zps56adc525.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1219_zps56adc525.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1218_zps5791ac4c.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1218_zps5791ac4c.jpg.html)


04-13-2013, 02:45 PM
I now have to concentrate to improve my image quality, warping and blending and after that I have to spend some time flying because one month or so without flying at all is very depressing....

After that an aft overhead and a screen is on the list for the months to come...

Hope you like it, I feel that this thread is somekind of a calender for my cockpit project, instead of building a site for it, it is much more convinient to post the changes here.

Friendly regards to all,

Happy simmer again.


04-14-2013, 02:11 PM
Late this night, I am already tired but I have accomplished to do my first test flights with sucess. Warping, even without a screen, has been made, and I beleive that this is the best one can get without a screen.

My FPS with FlyTampa Athens scenery after tweeking has increased to ~11FPS but that's just it, after takeoff everything is smoother, but during taxi ~11FPS, that's it...

Fly Elise Pro has been purchased and I am waiting for the key to activate the product.

Thanks all for reading my thread.

Few pics...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1231_zps8b83aca0.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1231_zps8b83aca0.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1232_zpsfab3c620.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1232_zpsfab3c620.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1233_zpsaa0ebdd4.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1233_zpsaa0ebdd4.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1234_zps4bed3f55.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1234_zps4bed3f55.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1235_zpsabcb81de.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1235_zpsabcb81de.jpg.html)

04-14-2013, 03:22 PM
Hi Nick, Have you tried setting the processor affinity in task manager- If you set FSX to exclusively use some of the cores and other software to use different cores this may help. Made a really big difference and got pretty good performance in fs9 even with a dual core machine when it was set to use one core and prosim etc to use another core.
Hope that helps

04-15-2013, 01:39 AM
Hi Nick, Have you tried setting the processor affinity in task manager- If you set FSX to exclusively use some of the cores and other software to use different cores this may help. Made a really big difference and got pretty good performance in fs9 even with a dual core machine when it was set to use one core and prosim etc to use another core.
Hope that helps
SteveThe thruth is that I didn't know anything about processor affinity. After I googled it, I can see from the results that it makes a difference in FS9, but not a big one in FSX. I will give it a try though, and revert.



04-15-2013, 02:28 AM
I'm also using ProLasso with good effect.

04-15-2013, 03:41 PM
I'm also using ProLasso with good effect.
Can you please give me more info about this soft?

after a succesful short online flight I feel very happy with my setup. Ok I have 10 FPS in Athens airport but I get about 50 FPS on the air and around 30 FPS in any default airport, so given that its only addon scenery issue, I fee l happy enough.

Just a short video before activating fly elise

Home cockpit 737 & Fly Elise Pro tests - YouTube (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DBsswcWwm2I)


04-21-2013, 02:10 PM
And a short video with the SimWorld solenoid starter switches...

Home cockpit 737 solenoid starter switches - YouTube (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k-pktsVe0dc)

05-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Hello to all,

One of the most expensive parts I have ever installed in my cockpit are the pilot handles from simquip. I know it seems strange but the handles cost +100 euro and I am not saying they are not worth it, but it was something I wanted to be as the real ones, and not similar to the real ones. So here it goes, the handles and their mounting on the shell...

The handle...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1332_zpsb059c4f4.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1332_zpsb059c4f4.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1334_zps5a6c2bc4.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1334_zps5a6c2bc4.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1335_zps3ed0852a.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1335_zps3ed0852a.jpg.html)

I created a carton formula in order to make the holes exactly on the shell...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1336_zpse3376423.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1336_zpse3376423.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1338_zpseecebedd.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1338_zpseecebedd.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1339_zps2a172ae3.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1339_zps2a172ae3.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1340_zps5b30d81f.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1340_zps5b30d81f.jpg.html)

After few minutes this is the result...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1342_zps2890e7dc.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1342_zps2890e7dc.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1341_zpsa4055494.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1341_zpsa4055494.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1343_zps1bb89cb1.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/IMG_1343_zps1bb89cb1.jpg.html)

Thanks for watching...

05-28-2013, 05:35 AM
Nick, have you been in touch with the author of fly-elise recently? He tells me he is building in autoconfiguration warping for FSX/P3D, much like what he has done for x-plane

05-31-2013, 04:40 AM
Nick, have you been in touch with the author of fly-elise recently? He tells me he is building in autoconfiguration warping for FSX/P3D, much like what he has done for x-planeHi there,

Yes I have been in touch with Nikola. I am expecting news soon. This will be a great help, but wondering about possible FPS hit in FSX... We'll see...

06-25-2013, 11:39 AM
It looks like the latest fly-elise release has built in FSX/P3D support -- News (http://www.fly.elise-ng.net/news)

06-27-2013, 09:19 AM
Nick, one thing I can tell you right off the bat, is that those handles are not the original ones.. You can clearly see it by the design near the swivels. My guess is that you bought these off Simquip.. "Oh.. Browsing back to your text I see I'm right"

Here's what you received: Mentor Handgreep voor meetapparatuur 3286.1003 (Ø x l) 10 mm x 100 mm Verchroomd hoogglansstaal en met kunststof beklede in de Conrad online shop | 183409 (http://www.conrad.be/ce/nl/product/183409/Meterhandgreep)

Check out it's real prize..

Somebody ripped you off big-time..

07-29-2013, 03:35 PM

Thanks for the info.

I feel better now :)

In this hobby you win and you loose... I wish these were the only $$$ for which I was ripped off...

07-29-2013, 03:41 PM
Hi to all,

After a 2 months seat back, today the last and less important module has arrived from SimWorld.

This was the PnP aft Overhead panel. With this one my cockpit is literaly a full home cockpit. There is nothing to add, hardware wise, except a curved screen which is scheduled for September-October 2013...

The SimWorld aft overhead seems like a high quality module, like the FWD one, but I haven't find the time to connect it yet, so I must wait for the first flights to give you a review. I only unpacked and took few photos, which are below. More to come soon...

07-29-2013, 03:47 PM
This is how it arrived this evening...

Great packaging...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps8f3cab2d.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps8f3cab2d.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps7a0c236c.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps7a0c236c.jpg.html)

After opening the box, still great protection from inside...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsbca2e941.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsbca2e941.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps5e8ac25c.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps5e8ac25c.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsaf21617a.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsaf21617a.jpg.html)


07-29-2013, 03:50 PM
And voila...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps8df0d5d1.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps8df0d5d1.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsf9af8533.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsf9af8533.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsba5e769c.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsba5e769c.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps02ec9c32.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps02ec9c32.jpg.html)

Up and back...

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps854700c0.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps854700c0.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps2b5c5a6f.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps2b5c5a6f.jpg.html)

07-29-2013, 04:27 PM
Sorry I missed it. I'll let you know the next time I'm town and we'll take it for a spin.

07-30-2013, 12:53 AM
Hey Warren,

Just missed it :)

Back in Stuttgart, right ? Take care and looking forward to flying together again during your next visit here ;)

Most probably, I will not find the time to mount the OHD today, I must ride my boat to Sifnos today, cause it seems that there is a small one day brake of the fu@@@@en north winds of 6 to 7 BF that we have during the last month or so here, so I have to take advantage of this small brake and get the boat down there today... Too windy summer for Greece this year, it gets really annoying...

08-24-2013, 06:04 PM
It must have been an adventure for my aft overhead flying with UPS...

after mounting the overhead on my shell, I figured out that there was no USB connection with the PC. I tried several cables and USB ports, also tried with other PCs too, no luck...

after a closer look, I realised that the main card inside the overhead was unplugged while on transit from Poland to Greece. After contacting Filip, we arranged a skype apointment, and gave me instructions how to connect the card online, just to be on the safe side. After that we tested the damn thing and it worked!!! It actually works a treat!!! Congrats to SimWorld! Again, real plug and play, worth the money.

is it that perfect ?

no it is not.

as you can see in the following video there are some issues in the backlighting, where some panels are not glued very well, and light comes out from the side of the panels. Thats an easy fix of course, and I knw that next items will have this issue solved according to SimWorld, but it was an issue for me.

great product SimWorld...


http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsa28f01df.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsa28f01df.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps82403131.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps82403131.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps58c82eba.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps58c82eba.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps5445b845.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps5445b845.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps99c619f7.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps99c619f7.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps889a25e5.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps889a25e5.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsb88c3e2c.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsb88c3e2c.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsfa71aad6.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpsfa71aad6.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zps97403aa9.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zps97403aa9.jpg.html)

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu109/Nick1150/My%20Cockpit/null_zpscc2523fa.jpg (http://s638.photobucket.com/user/Nick1150/media/My%20Cockpit/null_zpscc2523fa.jpg.html)

and a short video...

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CUhVpJ8xSCE (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CUhVpJ8xSCE)

SimWorld aft overhead panel first flight - YouTube (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CUhVpJ8xSCE)

06-16-2014, 05:57 AM
:D Look awsome!
Nice to know you're still working on it

06-22-2014, 10:48 AM
amazing! how was your experience with cockcpit sonic, I have heard very bad things about them?

06-22-2014, 12:39 PM
amazing! how was your experience with cockcpit sonic, I have heard very bad things about them?
Stay away...

i have already posted my experience in the appropriate thread.